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dc.contributor.advisorLiu, Hui-Wenen_US
dc.contributor.authorChiang, Chung-Ien_US
dc.creatorChiang, Chung-Ien_US
dc.description.abstract摘要\n  隨著科技日新月異的進步,除了人口與產業結構快速變化外,人與人之間的溝通的距離是越來越近,高齡退休的人口卻急遽攀升,資訊科技的影響亦是日趨普及。而社會結構的改變使得人口老化的問題日益嚴重,如何應用社群媒體拓展退休族的人際關係,而政府對於退休族相關生理需求及心理需求與長照配套政策現況分析。\n  對於退休族處於社會中現況的挑戰與因應,而退休族在虛擬與實體中的人際互動所遇上的挑戰與問題,社群媒體所帶的影響與改變。分析退休族對於親人與朋友間的社會網絡展現與輪廓、新舊朋友在網路社群媒體中互動的需求與限制,作為本研究所要探討分析的主要方向。\n  本研究透過兩個階段執行研究,第一階段針對退休族初步篩選的問卷調查顯示,確實有使用的社群媒體為臉書(Facebook)與Line,分析退休族在使用社群媒體的狀況;第二階段針對篩選出的退休族受訪者做深度訪談,試圖從訪談中了解退休族群在使用社群媒體上真正的目的與體現,另也試圖從退休族使用社群媒體獲得相關資訊、使用、獲取信任、防止詐騙、照護協助的現況分析與建議並優化訊息及使用方式,最後進而從問卷及深入訪談資料中分析退休族在線上與線下拓展人際關係的實際需求、期待與限制,並將本研究相關資料整理歸納與分析。\n  最後以本研究結論與實際需求含義做結合,並說明本研究的研究限制與後續研究提出相關建議。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractWith the rapid advancement of science and technology, in addition to the rapid changes in population and industrial structure, the distance between people is getting closer and closer, and the population of old retirement is rushing to rise, and the influence of information technology is becoming more and more popular. The change of social structure has made the problem of population aging more and more serious. How to use social media to expand the interpersonal relationship of the retired people, and the government analyzes the current physiological needs and psychological needs of the retired people and the supporting policies of the long-term support.\n  The challenges and problems faced by the retired people in the society, and the challenges and problems encountered by the retired people in the interaction between the virtual and the entities, the influence and change brought by the social media. This paper analyzes the needs and limitations of the retirement community`s social network display and contours between relatives and friends, and the interaction between old and new friends in the online social media, as the main direction of this research.\n  This study conducts research through two phases. The first phase of the preliminary screening survey of the retired people shows that the social media used is Facebook and Line, which analyzes the status of the use of social media by the retired people. In the second stage, in-depth interviews were conducted with selected retired respondents, trying to understand the real purpose and embodiment of the retired community in the use of social media, and also trying to use the social media to obtain relevant information, use, and Get the analysis and recommendations of the status of trust, fraud prevention, care assistance, and optimize the message and usage. Finally, analyze the actual needs, expectations and limitations of the retirement and online expansion of interpersonal relationships from the questionnaire and in-depth interview data. The relevant data of this study were summarized and analyzed.\n  Finally, the conclusions of this study are combined with the actual needs, and the research limitations of this study and the follow-up research are proposed.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents目次 V\n表目次 VII\n圖目次 VIII\n第壹章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 4\n第二節 退休族的人際需求 5\n第三節 社群媒體中的人際關係 10\n第四節 研究架構 14\n第貳章 文獻探討 15\n第一節 退休族社會現況的挑戰與因應 15\n第二節 退休族使用社群媒體的現狀與探討 19\n第三節 網路科技對虛擬人際關係與影響 25\n第參章 研究方法 29\n第一節 研究場域 29\n第二節 資料蒐集方式 36\n第三節 研究流程 38\n第肆章 資料分析 39 \n第一節 問卷調查整理分析 39\n第二節 深度訪談分析 52\n第五章 研究結論 76 \n 第一節 研究發現與結論 76\n 第二節 研究限制與未來建議 79  \n參考文獻 82 \n\n表目次\n表3-1 訪談人員資料表 35\n表3-2 訪談問題集大綱 36\n表4-1 問卷調查統計表 39\n表4-2 退休族使用社群媒體狀況問卷調查統計表 41\n表4-3 退休族使用社群媒體互動狀況問卷調查統計表 43\n表4-4 退休族社群媒體各項功能狀況問卷調查統計表 44\n表4-5 退休族生活的實際狀況問卷調查統計表 47\n表4-6 退休族個人人格特質問卷調查統計表 49\n表4-7 退休族使用Facebook 各項功能狀況問卷調查統計表 50\n表4-8 深度訪談受訪者統計表 52\n\n圖目次\n圖1-1 調節關係圖(Regulation of relationships) 7\n圖1-2 中年人和老年人的五種關係類型中感知到情感與關懷的程度 8\n圖 2-1 社交網站的虛擬社群發展模式 28\n圖3-1 研究流程圖 38\n圖4-1 中介者對退休族使用社群媒體的影響 54\n圖4-2 退休族求助對象循環圖 55zh_TW
dc.format.extent3180399 bytes-
dc.subjectSocial mediaen_US
dc.subjectNeeds and satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectInterpersonal interactionen_US
dc.subjectVirtual rolesen_US
dc.subjectOnline trusten_US
dc.titleHow Retirees Use Social Media to Maintain Social Relationsen_US
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