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題名: 人們眼中的創新事物:以Uber台灣為例
Innovation as in the eyes of its beholders: A case study on Uber adoption in Taiwan
作者: 宛家禾
Wan, Joy Chia-Ho
貢獻者: 郭貞
Kuo, Cheng
Joy Chia-Ho Wan
關鍵詞: 創新事物
Perceived attributes of innovation
Five-Factor Model
日期: 2019
上傳時間: 7-Aug-2019
摘要: 截至2019年4月為止,超過17萬家的新創公司分散在全球各地,販售他們的創新產品與服務。其中許多還未能讓人所熟知,就關門大吉。數據顯示,新創公司活不下去,百分之70的原因在於忽略人的因素。該研究以Uber為個案,企圖找出人與創新採納之間的關聯。研究從五大人格特質(Five Factor Model of personality)出發,檢視不同個性的人對一件創新事物是否有不同的觀感(perception),以及人格特質是否影響他們對於新事物的採用。研究以質、量化方式並行。分析後發現,創新事物的屬性如相容性、可試用性、複雜性能影響新事物的採用與否。不同的人格則有可能使人們對創新事物的觀感不同。研究也發現人們的需求對於創新事物的採納似乎也具影響力。
There were over 170K startup companies introducing innovative products and services worldwide as of April 2019. Not all of them can survive long enough to carve their names, and many failed. Statistics showed that over 70 percent of new companies failed because they ignored people in their product designs or marketing strategies. Therefore, the study aims to find out the relationship between people and innovation adoption. Five Factor Model of personality and perceived attributes of innovation, one of the major concepts of Diffusion of Innovation, were employed to examine if there are links between the different personality traits and how people perceive the attributes of an innovation. Using Uber as a case study, the research used mixed methods combining quantitative and qualitative tools for data collection. The results concluded that an innovation’s attributes, including compatibility, trialability, and complexity, would influence innovation adoption. Also, different personality traits would perceive innovation attributes differently. Finally, people’s need should be addressed if an innovative product or service seeks to survive in the market.
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