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dc.contributor.advisorCheng, Chih-Yueen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Mei-Chenen_US
dc.creatorHuang, Mei-Chenen_US
dc.description.abstractIn today’s globalized and labor flexible era, unemployment is an urgent problem that every country in the world needs to solve. However, under the influence of globalization, employment patterns are changing rapidly and unemployment risks are becoming more complex. These risks include involuntary unemployment, transitive unemployment, and partial unemployment. Unemployment creates different negative impacts on the individual, society, and the economy and is disadvantageous for future national development. To reduce the harm posed by unemployment, to ensure the working rights of the people, to promote public employment, and to eliminate the fears and dangers of unemployment, modern countries have established employment security systems. This system is composed of the employment service, employment training, and unemployment insurance. In recent years, governments have used a proactive labor market policy to solve problems. Taiwan has gradually established the Vocational Training Act,Employment Service Act, and the Employment Insurance Act and completed the building of an employment security system based on the constitutional spirit of guaranteeing people’s right to work and to promote employment among the people.\n\nIf we look carefully at these laws, they are mainly centered on involuntary resignees and include items such as unemployment pay, early employment reward subsidy, career training and living expense subsidies, and employment consultations. Unfortunately, although many people in Taiwan’s labor market look like they voluntarily resigned, the reality is that they became unemployed because of poor labor conditions, as a result of decreased work hours and payment from poor employer management, or transfer to the next job. In circumstances like these, workers are not protected by the employment security system, which produces more complicated problems such as long-term unemployment, atypical employment, or workers working under fear. This group of voluntary resigneesparticipated in employment insurance while they were employed, but cannot use the employment security system when they face unemployment risk or use the system to maintain their living or employability because they are not technically “involuntary resignees.”\n\nIn addition, one of the payment conditions for Taiwan’s Employment Insurance Act is that the insured must have one year or more of insured period. Obviously, first-time job seekers who have never been in the labor market cannot obtain unemployment payment qualification. According to a survey of the unemployed under 29 years of age, about 45% gave “first-time job-seeking” as the reason for unemployment. First-time job seekers are mostly young people that have graduated and are just entering the labor market to search for employment. However, some are unable to successfully enter the labor market but are also not covered by the employment security net. As a result, this group of first-time job-seeking youths faces tremendous social adjustment and economic difficulties, which then derive into social problems. Based on statistics from the last decade, Taiwan’s long-term unemployment structure shows an increasing number of highly educated workers, youths, and first-time job seekers who are unemployed for longperiods. The C168 - Employment Promotion and Protection against Unemployment Conventionfrom the International Labor Organization (ILO)provides a special provision (Special Provisions For New Applicants For Employment), which asserts that first-time job seekers may face even more unemployment risk than general unemployed people and should be included for protection.\nIn contrast to Germany’s unemployment insurance, where laborers can apply for unemployment relief or job training from the labor department no matter whether they areinvoluntary or voluntarily unemployed, or Japan’s policy where voluntary resignees can apply for subsidies (although the amount may be different), Taiwan mainly focuses on involuntary resignees in regards to employment security insurance. If the scope of suitable subjects is not expanded to keep up with the times, an employment security loophole may be created. Furthermore, the current deficiencies in Taiwan’s income security assistance for first-time job seekers as they transition into the labor market and the threat towards labor survival and career development caused by the current system and its limitations must be explored so that Taiwan’s employment security system can be made more complete.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents目 錄\n第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與目的 1\n第二節 研究方法 2\n第三節 研究範圍與限制 3\n第四節 研究流程與章節安排 4\n第二章 我國失業概況及問題分析 7\n第一節 我國失業概況 7\n第二節 失業者中之自願離職者與初次尋職者就業困境 13\n第三節 我國失業者的協助措施 27\n第四節 自願離職者與初次尋職者協助措施 34\n第五節 小結 40\n第三章 各國對自願離職者與初次尋職者的協助 43\n第一節 國際組織對就業與所得保障政策與建議 43\n第二節 德國失業者及初次尋職者之就業安全制度 50\n第三節 日本失業者及初次尋職者之就業安全制度 59\n第四節 小結 67\n第四章 訪談發現與分析 70\n第一節 訪談設計與對象 70\n第二節 訪談發現 74\n第三節 訪談分析 79\n第四節 小結 82\n第五章 結論與建議 84\n第一節 結論 84\n第二節 建議 89\n參考文獻 92\n附錄:訪談紀錄 97\n\n表目次\n表1 台灣1967-1980年失業率 10\n表2 失業者按年齡及教育程度分 11\n表3 失業者按失業原因分 12\n表4 106年度失業者之失業週數—按失業原因 15\n表5 工作場所業務緊縮或歇業與對原有工作不滿失業期間比較 16\n表6  15至64歲非勞動力按未參與經濟活動原因 21\n表7 15至64歲非勞動力在105年曾找尋工作者停找工作原因 22\n表8  106年失業者失業期間按年齡與教育程度分 24\n表9  就業保險法失業給付各項津貼及補助 29\n表10 就業服務法之促進津貼各項給付 31\n表11 一般身分離職者(自願離職者)給付日數基礎 61\n表12 特定原因離職者(非自願離職者)給付日數基礎 61\n表13 日薪計算基礎 61\n表14 訪談大綱(一) 71\n表15 訪談大綱(二) 72\n表16 個案談訪資料彙整(一) 73\n表17 個案談訪資料彙整(二) 73\n圖目次\n圖1 研究流程 6\n圖2 失業者失業期間生活費主要來源 18\n圖3 德國勞動市場政策體系 51zh_TW
dc.format.extent1565888 bytes-
dc.subjectVoluntarily resigneden_US
dc.subjectFirst-time job-seekingen_US
dc.subjectEmployment securityen_US
dc.subjectUnemployment payen_US
dc.subjectEmployment Insurance Acten_US
dc.subjectEmployment Service Act.en_US
dc.titleA Study on the Employment Security Rights of Voluntary Resignees and First-time Job-Seekers in Taiwanen_US
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