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題名: 我國大學生企業實習方案成效之探討
A Study on Effectiveness of Internship Program in Enterprise for College Students
作者: 黃巧茵
Huang, Chiao-Ying
貢獻者: 成之約
Huang, Chiao-Ying
關鍵詞: 實習
Internship effectiveness
Internship satisfaction
日期: 2019
上傳時間: 5-Sep-2019
摘要: 中文摘要\n近年來職場體驗方案興盛,實習被認為是最具有價值的職場體驗方案,政府、企業與學校推出許多實習計畫,勞動市場上實習計畫百花齊放,但各實習利害關係人是否有掌握影響實習成效之重要因素,以規劃與執行實習計畫?為本研究之研究動機。\n為研究影響實習成效之重要因素,首先須了解學生對於實習成效之定義,進而探討影響實習成效之因素與因素的重要性,最後提供實習利害關係人規劃與執行實習計畫之參考。此為本研究之研究目的。\n經訪談分析發現,學生對於實習成效定義為「是否有學習成果」,呼應學生實習動機。而對實習成效有正影響之因素,依照重要性排序,依次為個人成長幅度、工作內容與特徵、人際交往互動、工作環境、薪資福利因素,排序依據與學生實習動機、影響因素是否會長期影響學生職業生涯有關。對於實習成效短期有負面影響的因素有期望落差與資訊不對稱,企業需盡力避免誇大不實工作內容,即使工作內容單調、缺乏挑戰性,研究發現只要企業對工作內容與工作特徵坦承不韙,也不影響實習滿意度!而在學校與政府對實習計畫參與度低的情況下,學校與政府的角色與功能對實習成效沒有影響。\n研究建議,為提升實習成效,企業實習工作說明應真實,工作內容應有挑戰性與意義,建立實習輔導機制,並適度提供實習生薪資福利。學校應篩選實習單位,與企業合作規劃實習計劃,確保實習能提升學生就業力,並要求企業/學生提供評鑑反饋,適時適度調整實習。政府則不應便宜行事,為達成率拿現有實習作為施政成果,應促進未開放實習之企業開辦實習,並確實媒合企業與實習生;確實篩選企業,剔除假實習真打工;要求企業落實導師制度;不僅評比實習生實習分享報告,更應建立實習機構和實習計畫評鑑制度,把關實習。
Summary\nThe objective of the research is to probe the the most critical factor and the way to achieve the greatest effectiveness of internship.\nFor students, the most critical factor is the outcome they acquired from the process, which responds to the motivation of learning and growth. The positive factors, which increase the effectiveness of the internship, include Personal Growth, Work Content and Work Characteristics, Interpersonal Interaction, Working Environment and Salary and Benefits.Oppositely, the negative factors, which decrease the effectiveness of the internship, include Expectation Gap and Information Asymmetry. In other words, if the enterprises provide the truthful job description, the unchallenging work would not be the main factor for decreasing the satisfaction of internship.Since the government and education institutes take little part in internship program, they have nearly no influence to the internship outcome.\nSo here is our opinion about how to build a meritorious internship program. For enterprises, the job should be challenging and the meaningful. Meanwhile, mentoring system and appropriate compensation package would improve the effectiveness as well. For the education institutes side, filtering the company for students is significant. They could also cooperate with the business to provide more efficient internship program, and adjust the program through feedback from enterprises and students to ensure the programs improve employment of students.\nLast but not the least, the government should urge the company that have not yet been opening to release more vacancy, match business and students, prevent go-for tasks jobs, demand the enterprises put mentor system into practice, and compare the feedback of students and build Evaluation system to keep a close eye on business internship program.
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