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dc.contributor.authorCheng, Shau-Chunen_US
dc.creatorCheng, Shau-Chunen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究探討英國金融科技創新下銀行業勞資關係的變動發展,本文觀察英國傳統銀行勞資關係需要面臨以下三種巨大的挑戰:(一)金融科技發展下英國銀行業裁員導致中階職位勞工的流失,以及薪資差距,造成不平等的擴大(二)在這個與高科技相結合的金融業發展浪潮中,英國銀行業裁員,會更加強工會組織的衰弱(三)銀行業裁員後的留守者,由於員工的減少可能產生更多的工作負擔,導致其退步的勞動條件。\n本文研究結果顯示,英國面對科技進步以及缺工的戰略重點是加強學徒制度,除了直接為該系統提供資金外,英國政府還為雇主提供了更多的自主權, 然而根據英國官方的數據顯示近年英國沒有為其他方面實施實質性改革; 就業保護,工資制定協調,工會集體談判覆蓋面和失業救濟金的慷慨程度都很低,然而,值得注意的是,在此期間英國的學徒制度的公共投資資顯著增加,這表明該國致力於推動此類培訓。\n以上所述,本研究認為英國需要更完整社會對話架構的建立、以及提高社會安全保障的保護程度、積極及消極型勞動市場政策的投入、建構彈性的勞動法制,緩和金融創新帶來的衝擊,促進勞資溝通。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of thesis is to study the development of industrial relations in the UK banking sector during the financial technology innovation in UK. This article observes that the industrial relations of traditional British banks will face the following three challenges.: (1) The development of financial technology may lead to layoffs in the UK banking industry, the loss of middle-level jobs, and the widening of the wage gap, resulting in an inequality (2) On this wave of development in financial industry that combined with high technology,the UK banking industry layoffs will strengthen the weakening of trade union organizations (3) The left-behind workers after the layoffs in the banking industry may have more work burdens due to the reduction of employees, resulting in poor working conditions.\nThe results of this study show that the UK`s strategic focus on technological advancement and lack of work is to strengthen the apprenticeship system. In addition to directly funding the system, the UK government also provides more autonomy for employers, but according to official British data. In recent years, the UK has not implemented substantive reforms for other aspects; employment protection, wage coordination, union collective bargaining coverage and unemployment benefits are very low, however, it is worth noting that during this period British public investment in the UK Significant increases in investment indicate that the country is committed to promoting such training.\nAs mentioned above, this study believes that the UK needs a more complete social dialogue structure, as well as improving the protection of social security, the investment of active and passive labor market policies, and the construction of a flexible labor legal system, so as to make good labor relations at the FinTech trends.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents目錄\n第壹章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景 1\n第二節 研究動機和目的 2\n第三節 研究方法 3\n第四節 研究架構 4\n第貳章 金融科技概述與英國金融科技 7\n第一節 金融科技 7\n第二節 英國金融科技創新應用 16\n第參章 英國勞資關係與英國金融業勞動市場 23\n第一節 英國勞資關係歷史 23\n第二節 英國金融業勞動市場現況 35\n第肆章 英國金融科技創新發展下 銀行業勞資關係之問題 45\n第一節 不平等的擴大?英國銀行業裁員與金融科技創新 46\n第二節 工會組織資源的衰弱與破壞 52\n第三節 更少的員工與更多的工作負擔---- 以勞埃德工會為例 54\n第伍章 英國金融創新發展與銀行業勞資關係之因應 59\n第一節 因應技能需求變化:人力資本投資 59\n第二節 不穩定的勞動力市場:社會政策 65\n第三節 小結 69\n第陸章 結論與建議 71\n第一節 結論 71\n第二節 建議 81\n參考資料 85zh_TW
dc.subjectBritish industrial relationsen_US
dc.title金融科技創新與英國勞資關係之研究 -以銀行業為例zh_TW
dc.titleA Study on the FinTech Innovation and British Industrial Relations: A Case of Bankingen_US
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