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dc.contributor.advisorSun, Se-Wenen_US
dc.contributor.authorKuo, Yien_US
dc.creatorKuo, Yien_US
dc.description.abstractNews Objectivity is the principle for journalists. The explanation for news objectivity in the past is always binary, which means the news fact should be separated from journalists’ opinions. However, the news-work environment changes, the explanation for news objectivity would be different ,and it needs to be defined more accurately. The research discusses the news objectivity performance from the news practice of journalists. The basic theory of the research is the Pragmatic Objectivity proposed by Stephen Ward and the Active Process proposed by Steven Maras. By the in-depth interview, the research interviews 23 journalists and evidence that the journalists still keep news objectivity on their work. Journalists search for the news fact closes to the actual fact as possible and keep neutrality by interpretive medium for driving the feeling of presence, aiming to make the audience feel the same feeling; furthermore, due to higher control, exclusive news and special report show more news objectivity for journalists. Most importantly, The research finds that news objectivity nowadays should be explained as specific massification, but not for the republic as always. Journalists pay more attention to the audience and make the news market-oriented. Also, the control from the company and popularization of instant news are the two main culprits for the news being lack of news objectivity.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章、緒論 1\n第一節、研究動機 1\n第二節、研究目的與問題意識 4\n第二章、文獻探討 7\n第一節、新聞客觀性 7\n第二節、新聞客觀性的新路 15\n第三節、新聞客觀性與新聞實踐 27\n第三章、研究方法 33\n第一節、質性研究方法 33\n第二節、研究對象挑選與分析準則 34\n第三節、深度訪談法 35\n第四節、訪談執行與過程 36\n第四章、研究資料分析結果 43\n第一節、記者求取事實 44\n第二節、記者維持中立 53\n第三節、獨家新聞與專題新聞比較客觀 65\n第四節、記者換位思考新聞客觀性 70\n第五節、新聞客觀變調的元兇 74\n第五章、研究結果與討論 86\n第一節、研究結果 86\n第二節、研究貢獻 93\n第三節、研究限制與未來建議 95\n參考文獻 97\n附錄一:訪談同意書 105zh_TW
dc.format.extent1355535 bytes-
dc.subjectNews objectivityen_US
dc.subjectPragmatic Objectivityen_US
dc.subjectActive Processen_US
dc.titleJournalistic Objectivity: Discussion of News Objectivity Performance From The News Practice of Journalisten_US
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