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dc.contributor.advisorWang, Tsen-Yungen_US
dc.contributor.authorTu, Pei-Hsuanen_US
dc.creatorTu, Pei-Hsuanen_US
dc.description.abstractThis study’s main research questions were as follows: When does suicide become a tool for control? And how do lesbians (survivors) deal with the threat of suicide in intimate relation-ships? Using Denzin’s interpretive interactionism methodology, I conducted semi-structured interviews with 8 lesbian participants who suffered suicide threats in intimate relation-ships. .The analysis results indicated that suicide threats form a “loop” and that lesbian rela-tionships are filled with anxiety under patriarchy. Suicide threats become a tool to control fear. Survivors` past suicidal experiences are accompanied by suicide threats, and survivors are thus forced to deal with the risks posed by suicide threats. In situations where risks cannot be re-moved, the control purpose of the threats will be achieved. Survivors who have withdrawn from the loop may also re-enter it due to the conversion of suicide threats. Second, this study used Stark’s coercive control theory to examine the "Trap " caused by the Butch and Femme dichotomy, which is used for control. Typical butch traps include anxiety about competing with men, failing to meet butch expectations, and not being masculine. As a result, butch sur-vivors turn into caregivers and become submissive. Femme traps include obeying the Butch and proving one’s loyalty to the Butch to reduce the Butch`s anxiety regarding competition with men. These traps thus extend the time it takes to escape the loop. Those who fall into the Butch and Femme traps are survivors affected by the Butch and Femme identities and learn-ers of Butch and Femme culture. Butches and Femmes who are less affected by Butch and Femme culture and have committed suicide may be outside the trap. Third, private sphere cop-ing strategies for lesbian survivors include obedience to threats and conversion to caregivers. Survivors use resources to enter the public sphere through specific identities, and ask the sui-cide prevention system for help because they trust representatives of the public sphere (such as consultants). However, many survivors must return to the private sphere because they undergo LGBT-unfriendly experiences when seeking help with the police system. Informal resources play important roles in how survivors decide to use the public and private spheres. The results of this analysis indicate that survivors with relatively few informal resources tend to seek as-sistance in the public sphere while survivors with more informal resources tend to prefer to stay in the private sphere because of their advantages. In addition, having family assistance is one of the keys to escaping the loop. Fourth, survivors willing to go into the public domain still prefer public health systems to domestic violence prevention systems. The findings of this study show that suicide threats remain a public health issue and have not been defined as vio-lence. This article has three suggestions: first, for the system and workers; second, for survi-vors who have been unable to escape the loop of suicide; and third, for relatives and friends of suicide survivors. This study’s limitations are divided into research object limitations and data collection and analysis limitations.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents目錄\n第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究緣起 1\n第二節 研究背景 3\n第三節 研究目的與問題 7\n第二章 文獻探討 8\n第一節 女同志親密關係的特殊性 8\n第二節 女同志親密暴力特殊性 11\n第三節 台灣社會制度因應自殺威脅的處理流程 15\n第三章 研究設計 17\n第一節 為什麼選擇解釋性互動論 17\n第二節 研究步驟 19\n第三節 資料蒐集與分析方法 22\n第四節 研究嚴謹度 24\n第五節 研究倫理 25\n第四章 揭開染紅的帷幕 28\n第一節 濺血之前 28\n第二節 自殺是別人的事 29\n第三節 我的家人、愛人都曾經自殺 40\n第四節 我自己會自殺 47\n第五章 當生命成控制籌碼 53\n第一節 難以抹滅的互動時刻:自殺威脅 53\n第二節 親密關係與優先權 56\n第三節 風險:檢驗受訪者們的個人苦惱 75\n第四節 成為一種自殺循環 77\n第六章 威脅背後的T婆陷阱 78\n第一節 父權體制下的T婆文化 78\n第二節 與男性競爭下的T陷阱 79\n第三節 順從與忠貞的婆陷阱 82\n第四節 跳脫:T婆陷阱之外 85\n第七章 鑲嵌於台灣社會的因應過程 87\n第一節 私領域策略 87\n第二節 台灣社會制度下的公領域策略 94\n第三節 公私領域下的非正式資源 102\n第四節 倖存者的自我復原 105\n第八章 殺青之後 110\n第一節 研究結論 110\n第二節 研究建議 113\n第三節 研究限制 116\n第四節 研究反思 117\n參考文獻 118\n附錄一 125\n附錄二 126zh_TW
dc.format.extent2224699 bytes-
dc.subjectIntimate relationship violenceen_US
dc.subjectSuicide threaten_US
dc.titleTrapped in the dichotomy of Butch and Femme Suicide threat in intimate relationships of lesbiansen_US
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