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dc.contributor.advisorLu, Pau-Chingen_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, Pei-Rongen_US
dc.creatorYang, Pei-Rongen_US
dc.description.abstractAccording to the Report of the Senior Citizen Condition Survey 2009 and the Report of Disabled People’s Living Condition and Demand Survey 2006, in Taiwan, the main characteristics of the caregivers of the elderly with dementia are that most of the caregivers are wives and 30% of the caregivers themselves are also elderly. Secondly, since patients are affected by the particularity of dementia symptoms, their cognitive, memory, and language expression functions will gradually deteriorate. For the wife caregivers, it seems that they are on a journey to oblivion. How they deal with the loss of memories shared with their husbands and how they face the challenge of self-integration in old age are the main focus and purpose of this study.\nThis study focuses on the life course and the life experience and feelings of the subject. It adopts the life history research method in the qualitative research with six wife caregivers of the elderly suffering from dementia aged between 60 and 82 years old in the greater Taipei area taken as the interviewees.\nIn this study, it has been found that along with managing their own lives in the old age, the wife caregivers of the elderly with dementia take on mixed roles of a wife, caregiver and senior themselves. First of all, elderly women are deeply disciplined by the traditional Chinese culture and the expected roles of women, and they also pay more attention to marriage responsibility and commitment. Therefore, even if the dementia-stricken husband has forgotten his wife, and become unable to perform his original role and function, or even activities of daily living, what is particularly notable is that the husband will not be hindered from recognizing the role and identity of his wife. Secondly, at this stage, when the time the husband and wife spend together is occupied with personal care work, the wife caregiver comes to feel that her current life is full of care work for her husband. With the severity of the disease escalating, the dementia-stricken husband gradually becomes unable to communicate, interact, make decisions and other functions, or even unable to respond to and express emotional support, which results in his inability to accompany his wife as a life partner and qualitative changes in views on marriage. In addition, the researchers believe that in the face of the challenge of self-integration in the old age, some wife caregivers think that they are "close to the completion of life, having no regrets about their roles during each stage and thinking that they have not owed anything to others in their life". This type of wife caregivers had a better relationship with their husbands before they were diagnosed with dementia, have a higher degree of social support, and approve the value and contributions in their previous life. On the other hand, some wives “feel despair and regret about life". These types of wives think that they have not received corresponding return for their hard work, and therefore feel hopeless about life. In general, although the wife caregivers of the dementia-stricken elderly are also seniors, their needs are often overshadowed by other roles. Finally, this study also provides suggestions for the development of elderly care policies and services.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究緣起 1\n第二節 問題意識 3\n一、失智症老人的照顧者是誰-未受到重視的妻子照顧者 3\n二、是看護還是妻子?失智症老人之妻子照顧者如何維持雙方的夫妻關係 6\n三、沒有夫妻共同記憶的支持,失智症老人之妻子照顧者如何維持自我或統整 8\n第三節 研究目的 10\n第二章 文獻探討 11\n第一節 失智症 11\n一、失智症之定義 11\n二、失智症的類別及症狀 12\n三、失智症的病程 15\n四、照顧者所提供的照顧項目 17\n五、小結 18\n第二節 夫妻關係 20\n一、台灣老人婚姻狀況 20\n二、家庭發展階段及任務 21\n三、婚姻階段及任務 22\n四、婚姻關係中的親密與互惠 24\n五、失智症夫妻關係及妻子照顧者的特殊性 27\n六、小結 29\n第三節 記憶 31\n一、記憶的概念與類型 31\n二、記憶的功能及其與自我的關聯性 33\n三、回憶或懷舊時最常憶起的內容與生命事件 37\n四、小結 42\n第三章 研究方法與設計 43\n第一節 質性研究 43\n一、研究方法的選取 43\n二、採取生命史研究的理由 44\n第二節 研究對象 46\n一、研究場域的選取 46\n二、研究對象的選取 46\n三、研究參與者之說明與基本資料簡介 48\n第三節 資料收集與分析 49\n一、深度訪談 49\n二、資料分析 50\n第四節 研究信效度與研究倫理 52\n一、研究信度與效度 52\n二、研究倫理 54\n三、研究者的自省 56\n第四章 資料分析 59\n第一節 照顧這條漫長的路,我透過堅定的信仰來安定自己-A阿姨 59\n第二節 記住過去的好-B阿姨 76\n第三節 我只要愛他就好,為自己喝采-C阿姨 91\n第四節 我一輩子都在照顧人-D阿姨 106\n第五節 選我所愛,愛我所選-E阿姨 126\n第六節 不說愛的園丁-F阿姨 149\n第五章 結論與建議 170\n第一節 結論 170\n一、丈夫罹患失智前後之夫妻關係質變的脈絡分析 170\n二、倒帶人生-被遺忘的歷程 184\n三、從家後到顧厝-失智症老人妻子照顧者的自我統整之路 188\n第二節 討論與建議 200\n一、這不是我想要過的日子-丈夫失智對退休生活的影響 200\n二、夫妻關係的延伸:婚姻觀的質變與走過婚姻後的覺醒 202\n三、夫妻作伴的意義:健康的輕度失智 VS. 臥床的重度失能 203\n四、只有教育性支持的裝備夠嗎?論社會支持與家屬團體的重要性 206\n五、論「我是失智症老人的妻子照顧者,但我也是老人」之挑戰、困境與需求 209\n第三節 研究限制 212\n第四節 研究者的再自省 214\n參考文獻 216\n附錄一:訪談大綱 225\n附錄二:參與研究同意書 227zh_TW
dc.format.extent3050474 bytes-
dc.subjectWife caregiveren_US
dc.subjectLife history studyen_US
dc.subjectSenior womenen_US
dc.title從共舞到獨舞 - 失智症老人妻子照顧者之婚姻故事zh_TW
dc.titleThe Marriage Story Of The Wife Caregivers Of The Elderly With Dementiaen_US
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