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dc.contributor.advisorLin, Jih-Hsuanen_US
dc.contributor.authorTsai, Chia-Shanen_US
dc.creatorTsai, Chia-Shanen_US
dc.description.abstractOnline games have become popular, and many players would communicate with each other when playing. However, flaming is also very common in online game play. In this study, the author wants to know if players get flamed by others during the game play, and whether their willingness of continue playing that game would be affected by the flaming. Therefore, through the concept of Self-Efficacy in the Social Cognitive Theory, the concept of Social Support, and the personality Hardiness, combined with player’s comments based on their experience of flaming and gaming, an online survey is conducted to explore the flaming phenomenon during game play. In addition, other factors that could impact player’s willingness of continue playing the game. The author hopes to make contributions to gaming research and gaming industry by understanding the mechanisms of online flaming on game players, and further, make cyberspace and game environment more peaceful.\nThe result shows that, the frequency of being flamed will negatively affect player’s willingness to play continuously through the mediation of their Game Self-Efficacy. Player’s Perceived Social Support will positively affect their willingness to play continuously through the mediation of their Game Self-Efficacy. Furthermore, the personality Hardiness is a moderator of the relation between player’s Game Self-Efficacy and their willingness to play continuously, and also for the relation between player’s Perceived Social Support and their Game Self-Efficacy. In addition, although there is no statistically significant difference, it can be observed though the data and player’s experience sharing that personality Hardiness can be also a moderator for the relation between the frequency of being flamed and player’s willingness to play continuously.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents摘要 iii\n目錄 vi\n表目錄 viii\n圖目錄 viii\n壹、緒論 1\n一、研究背景與動機 1\n(一)網路與遊戲 1\n(二)線上遊戲與言語攻擊 2\n二、研究目的 6\n貳、文獻探討 8\n一、網路論戰 8\n二、網路小白 10\n三、自我效能 14\n(一)釋義 14\n(二)影響自我效能之因素 17\n四、社會支持 20\n(一)釋義 20\n(二)社會支持之作用與效果 23\n五、堅毅人格特質 27\n參、研究方法 29\n一、研究架構與假設 29\n二、研究資料蒐集 30\n三、研究變項測量 31\n(一)網路言論攻擊經驗 31\n(二)遊戲自我效能感 32\n(三)感知社會支持 33\n(四)未來持續遊玩意願 34\n(五)堅毅人格特質 35\n(六)遊戲獲勝頻率 35\n(七)經驗分享與人口統計變項 36\n肆、研究結果 40\n一、樣本與描述性統計 40\n二、假設驗證 44\n三、模型修正與檢驗 49\n(一)受網路言論攻擊頻率為自變項之調節中介模型 49\n(二)感知社會支持為自變項之調節中介模型 53\n伍、結論 57\n一、研究發現與討論 57\n(一)網路言論攻擊對玩家的負面影響 57\n(二)社會支持對玩家的正面影響 59\n(三)堅毅人格特質調節減緩負面影響 61\n(四)堅毅人格特質調節提升正面影響 63\n二、相關研究貢獻 66\n(一)學術方面 66\n(二)實務方面 69\n三、研究限制與未來研究建議 73\n參考文獻 77\n中文部分 77\n英文部分 80\n附錄一 91\n【線上遊戲遊玩經驗】問卷內容 91zh_TW
dc.format.extent3363307 bytes-
dc.subjectOnline gamesen_US
dc.subjectInternet verbal attacken_US
dc.subjectSocial Supporten_US
dc.subjectPersonality Hardinessen_US
dc.subjectWillingness of continueen_US
dc.subjectOnline Disinhibition Effecten_US
dc.titleNot afraid of flaming: A model of moderated mediation of Internet verbal attack, social support, self-efficacy, and personality hardiness on the willingness of continue playing online gamesen_US
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