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dc.contributor.authorFang, Chenen_US
dc.creatorFang, Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract產業政策於區域中之推行,其目的並非僅限於產業升級的框架,區域社會經濟之成長亦有可能隨之變化。其中高技術含量與高附加價值的科學園區建設,能夠有效形塑其區域「基礎性產業」與「促進型產業(propulsive industries)」之定位,透過正向傳遞的波及效果(spread effect)與負面影響的反吸效果(backwash effect),引導區域發展全面振興或傾向單點極化。\n而住宅價格亦屬區域經濟體系中之一環,勢必將因高科技產業園區建置所帶動之區域經濟成長而有所變化。本研究之主軸在於分析高科技產業園區對於周邊地區住宅價格之影響因素,選擇中部科學園區臺中園區及其周圍行政區之住宅樣本為例,以特徵價格法配合差異中之差異法(difference-in-differences, DID),並建構空間迴歸模型,嘗試梳理影響住宅價格之顯著因素,以及中部科學園區臺中園區對於周圍住宅價格之「有效影響範圍」界定。\n實證結果發現,高科技產業園區確實能夠藉由驅動人口遷入與薪資所得增長,進而提升周邊住宅價格。而關於中部科學園區臺中園區之營運狀態對於周邊住宅價格之增加效果,亦透過差異中之差異法變數獲得證明。最後,本研究依據局部多項式迴歸(local polynomial regression, LPR)之平滑化圖形,定義中部科學園區臺中園區之有效影響範圍位在距離園區3000公尺至7400公尺間,此區間之住宅價格亦由迴歸模型佐證,較其他區域為高。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe implementation of industrial policies in the region will not only promote industrial upgrading, but the growth of the regional economy may also change accordingly. The construction of high-tech science parks can be regarded as "basic industries" and " propulsive industries" in the region. The science park leads the development or polarization of the region through a positive “spread effect” and a negative “backwash effect”.\nThe price of housing is also a part of the regional economic system and will inevitably change due to the growth of the regional economy driven by the construction of high-tech industrial parks. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the influencing factors of high-tech industrial parks on surrounding area residential prices, selected the Taichung Science Park and the surrounding housing transaction cases as a case study. The empirical analysis method used in this study uses hedonic price with additional difference-in-differences, and constructs a spatial regression model to try to sort out the significant factors that affect residential prices and the definition of Taichung Science Park`s "effective impact range" for surrounding residential prices.\nThe empirical results found that high-tech industrial parks can increase surrounding residential prices by leading population migration and salary growth. The effect of Taichung Science Park`s operating status on the increase in surrounding residential prices is also proven through the difference-in-differences variables. Finally, based on the smoothed graph of “local polynomial regression”, this study defined the effective influence range of Taichung Science Park between 3000 meters and 7400 meters from the park. Residential prices in this range are also supported by the regression model results, which are higher than those in other regions.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與目的 1\n第二節 研究範圍與限制 4\n第三節 研究方法與流程 6\n第二章 文獻回顧 9\n第一節 產業群聚與聚集經濟理論 9\n第二節 產業群聚對區域經濟發展的影響 13\n第三節 影響住宅價格之因素 18\n第四節 研究方法之文獻回顧 24\n第三章 中部科學園區臺中園區發展現況 33\n第一節 中部科學園區 33\n第二節 臺中園區之發展優勢 39\n第四章 研究設計與資料說明 45\n第一節 研究設計 45\n第二節 資料篩選與處理 59\n第三節 變數選取 62\n第五章 實證結果分析 67\n第一節 敘述統計 67\n第二節 模型結果與檢定 69\n第三節 高科技產業園區對於周邊住宅價格之影響 72\n第六章 結論與建議 81\n第一節 結論 81\n第二節 後續研究建議 83\n參考資料 84\n附錄一 92\n附錄二 94zh_TW
dc.format.extent3811424 bytes-
dc.subjectHedonic priceen_US
dc.subjectSpatial regression modelen_US
dc.subjectLocal polynomial regressionen_US
dc.subjectTaichung Science Parken_US
dc.subjectRegional developmenten_US
dc.subjectResidential priceen_US
dc.titleThe Effects of High-tech Industrial Park on Surrounding Area Residential Price ─A Case Study of Taichung Science Parken_US
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