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dc.contributor.advisorChang, Yin-Kunen_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Sin-Gingen_US
dc.creatorLin, Sin-Gingen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to understand the factors that private preschool principals choose to join or reject when they face with the quasi-public policy. This study took six private preschools in Taipei City and New Taipei City as the research objects (principals or managers of the private preschools who joined or rejected the quasi-public policy). Research method is in-depth interview via semi-structured questionnaire to analyze the internal and external factors of their participation or rejection with the framework of SWOT matrix.\nAccording to the results from the interviews, the main internal factors of participation include that the benefits from enrollment to faculty recruitment, simplify the application process of administrative operation, and strengthen the capability to recruit preschool teachers and caregivers. The external factors are the preschool principals consider, under the competitive pressure of the preschool education market, cooperate with the government to provide affordable childcare services will be the future trend.\nThe internal factor of the preschool principals’ refusal of the quasi-public policy is mainly due to its teaching quality is already guaranteed and is highly recognized by the parents. Under diversified management, the preschool has not yet faced the enrollment crisis, so it is unnecessary to join in rashly and cause a decrease of the quality of the preschool. In addition, certain preschools face obstacles joining the quasi-public policy due to illegal matters. The external factor is that the preschool principals regard it as a political policy with high instability and lacks of sound exit policy. Furthermore, after joining the policy, basic salary and salary adjustment mechanism for teachers and caregivers will increase the operating cost. Moreover, for preschools with an average monthly fee of NT$8000, current subsidy policy is not far from the quasi- public tuition fees. Therefore, it is a wait-and-see attitude towards the quasi-public policy.\nMoreover, this study is to analyze the pros and cons of quasi-public policy from the market-oriented perspectives. For parents, it not only can reduce burdens of education, but also provide more diversified options for parental choice. However, it is necessary to pay attention to whether the preschools charge additional fees which in turn may increase education expenditure for parents. For preschools, it expands the source of enrollment and increases the number of students, but this subsidy policy also destroys the free price operation in the market making the competition among private preschools more intense. As far as the government is concerned, it is the quickest and easiest way to improve affordable education and insurance services to meet the needs of parents, although it lacks the control of the service and quality of quasi-public preschools.\nIn the end, this study is also to analyze the pros and cons of the quasi-public policy from the perspectives of administrative intervention. For the preschool teachers and caregivers, basic wage and welfare can be guaranteed, however, it is suggested that they pay attention to their rights in order to prevent the salary adjustment mechanism from being ineffective. For the preschools, the subsidized facilities and equipment funds can improve the preschools` teaching environment and teaching quality, the online comparison system can save the administrative work of applying for subsidies, however, the salary adjustment mechanism will increase personnel costs. For the government, the quasi-public policy does assist public education; however, it has not yet established an inspection system, making it difficult to control violations.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第壹章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 1\n第二節 研究規劃與研究方法 4\n第貳章 理論觀點:市場導向、行政干預或其他路線 13\n第一節 市場導向:經費補助相關政策 13\n第二節 行政干預:改善幼教品質、整合資源、平價教保服務 18\n第三節 其他路線:準公共幼兒園 26\n第四節 SWOT分析策略 35\n第參章 利上加利:加入準公共機制的SWOT分析 39\n第一節 三所準公共幼兒園經營概況 39\n第二節 以SWOT分析幼兒園所處環境 44\n第三節 以內外部因素分析加入準公共機制的緣由 46\n第四節 加入準公共機制前後的變與不變 51\n第五節 本章小結 53\n第肆章 以不變應萬變:拒絕準公共機制的SWOT分析 55\n第一節 三所私立幼兒園經營概況 55\n第二節 以SWOT策略分析幼兒園所處環境 58\n第三節 以內外部因素分析其拒絕加入準公共機制的緣由 61\n第四節 本章小結 68\n第伍章 結 論 71\n第一節 準公共機制的現況分析 71\n第二節 準公共幼兒園之利弊分析 76\n第三節 對準公共幼兒園之研究回應 83\n參考文獻 87zh_TW
dc.format.extent7253253 bytes-
dc.subjectquasi-public preschoolen_US
dc.subjectMarket orientationen_US
dc.subjectadministrative interventionen_US
dc.title市場導向、行政干預或其他路線? -加入與拒絕準公共的幼兒園之探究zh_TW
dc.titleMarket orientation, administrative intervention or another solution? The study of joining and rejecting quasi-public preschoolen_US
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