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dc.contributor.advisorKo, Yu-Fenen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Hsuan-Ien_US
dc.creatorHuang, Hsuan-Ien_US
dc.description.abstractWith the Internet penetrating the modern world, the apparatus of gazing is now discursive, and has transformed with the randomness of the women it gazes at, the proliferation of criteria it examines, and the subtle yet powerful tactic of misogyny it manifests. A digitalized beauty myth has, therefore, come into being. By exploring the digital apparatus of beauty gazing and the corresponding women’s (in)action, this paper aims to expound on the flourishing beauty myth──how it is expanded and practiced──and the mutable power relation of gazing online.\n\nBy conducting critical discourse analysis (CDA) of the posts and comments in PTT Bulletin Board System, the largest anonymous online forum of Taiwan, this paper argues that the digital apparatus of beauty gazing has sophisticatedly included not only a woman’s appearance, but also her capital and (un)willingness of being gazed at. The discourse of beauty first creates a non-existent state of perfection for women`s body, in a more explicit and obscene fashion, compared with the offline beauty myth. Women’s subjectivity is erased by the obscenity wrapped in compliments and criticisms of sexual fantasy. Then, a woman`s social and cultural capital is scrutinized in order to re-negotiate or to stigmatize a woman’s desirability or integrity. All her capital becomes shallow and sexual symbols in a fabricated, all-round hierarchy of beauty which creates authentic discipline. Ultimately, a woman’s attitude toward her own beauty is inspected. Her worth of and her (un)willingness of being gazed at have a negative correlation, which serves the purpose of disciplining women to be docile while facing the apparatus of beauty gazing.\n\nDrawing on in-depth interviews with seven women being featured in the posts, this paper reveals the corresponding prevarication and actions of these gazed women. Submerged in the ubiquitous beauty myth, women evolve endless awareness and anxiety over their body and their relative ranking in the hierarchy of beauty, with aesthetic labor, both physically and emotionally, thereby induced. The reflex for women to discuss the beauty myth as a structural issue has also expanded along with its inclusion of capital. Women become evasive while facing the apparatus of beauty gazing, since any attempts to challenge it can lead to ridicule and contempt of her appearance, capital or sexual availability. The inspection of women’s willingness of being gazed at is now part of their inner surveillance also, forcing her to view the apparatus of gazing as an inevitable personal risk. Women then cautiously self-examine their social media use to avoid the condemnation of attention-seeking. However, women’s breakout from the beauty myth still happens with their experience of empathizing with others. As some retreat from the digital environment and some start to counterattack online──such as performing actively with feminist initiatives and disordering the apparatus of gazing on their own social media──women’s agency and the possibility of overturning the power relation of gazing can be seen.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章、研究問題與背景 1\n第二章、文獻探討 7\n第一節、典型的女體觀看 8\n第二節、美貌的規訓與神話 10\n第三節、網路作為場域與實踐 14\n網路作為場域 15\n網路作為女性主義實踐之媒介 17\n第四節、蕩婦羞辱與過去研究 19\n第三章、研究方法 21\n第一節、批判言說分析 21\n分析方法 21\n表特板概況 22\n第二節、深度訪談 29\n訪談方法與對象 29\n訪談大綱設計 31\n第四章、批判言說分析 32\n第一節、美貌論述如何展開?表特貼文的脈絡 32\n第二節、言說的身體 47\n第三節、言說的資本 52\n第四節、言說的被觀看意願 73\n第五章、訪談分析:女性的對應觀點與網路行動 78\n第一節、美貌、性,和其他標籤的數位化困境 78\n一、漂亮但不特別漂亮的女生:自我覺察的美貌階級和比較 79\n二、美貌與資本的反射作用:辨識資本、點到為止 86\n三、多重含意的「她們自己的選擇」 89\n第二節、表特板經驗:失落的女性主體 94\n一、談表特板:無所反感,中性存在 94\n二、自我規訓:網路使用、修正身體 98\n三、誰該負責?「女生就是要保護自己」 101\n第三節 被動下的能動性 104\n一、下線:看似消極的主動撤離 104\n二、質疑:「長得漂亮是我(們)的錯嗎?」 107\n三、如果網路是一種武器:線上的行動與遊戲 110\n第六章、結論 115\n第一節、研究結果討論 115\n一、完美身體的神話和身體焦慮 115\n二、資本的性化和羞辱:有得再多都還是「她」 116\n三、加冕同時噤聲:乖乖被看的框架 117\n四、她和她們:女性的數位化能動性 118\n第二節、研究限制與展望 119\n參考文獻 120\n語料附錄 129\n編號 2. 129\n編號 3. 137\n編號 4. 146\n編號 5. 152zh_TW
dc.format.extent5052351 bytes-
dc.subjectapparatus of gazingen_US
dc.subjectaesthetic laboren_US
dc.subjectagency of womenen_US
dc.titleTo Be Beautiful and More: Exploring Digitalized Beauty Myth and Corresponding Women’s (In)Actionsen_US
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