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題名: 以策略行銷4C觀點分析品牌發展策略-以MSI微星科技為例
Analyze Brand Development Strategies from the 4C Perspective of Strategic Marketing - Take MSI as an Example
作者: 王煥榮
Wang, Huan-Jung
貢獻者: 邱志聖
Ciou, Jhih-Sheng
Wang, Huan-Jung
關鍵詞: 品牌策略
brand strategy
strategic marketing 4C analysis
BCG matrix
e-sports computer market
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 3-May-2021
摘要: 台灣科技廠商投入電腦產業經營很早,經過幾十年的產業發展以及受到行動裝置的取代下,如今電腦產業已過了高原期並開始走向衰退期。近幾年來讓電腦產業減緩頹勢,主要是來自利基型電競市場的需求崛起,另外2020年突如其來的疫情,讓PC市場的需求更是逆勢成長,但疫情終究是會結束的,而電競市場的發展也受到雲端遊戲的興起而前途發展未明。\n本研究個案微星科技在電腦產業中,雖距離歐美一線大廠的市占規模仍有極大的差距,但憑藉著電競筆電市場的經營成功,使得其品牌在電競領域的知曉度及市佔率極高,但由於電競筆電的市場僅佔整體筆記型電腦市場約5%,在所有電腦品牌大廠陸續投入資源搶攻市場的情況下,微星除了盡力固守在電競市場的佔有率及競爭力外,也開始積極規畫其他利基型產品線的發展。\n創作者市場是2019年開始被市場關注的領域,根據英特爾的調查報告顯示,全球約兩億人購買電腦的主要用途是用來創作,雖然一般的家用或商用甚至電競電腦都可以拿來作創作用途,但由於用途本質上的不同,創作者更要求多工、工程軟體的運算、規格特色以及穩定度等等的要求。微星科技看到此趨勢後便積極佈局創作者(Creator)系列產品。另外2020年突如其來的疫情,微星根據內部調查資料發現因疫情所產生的非預期需求十分龐大,就商務人士而言,因工作模式的改變,更需要一台運算效能高,安全性更佳的個人商務筆電,微星積極展開商務筆電產品線的規劃。整個微星的自有品牌的產品策略就以電競、創作者以及商用三大產品系列,作為產品策略發展的主軸。除了B2C的自有品牌的產品布局外,微星長期以來一直布局有專業的OEM代工業務,以及其他垂直市場中的特定利基型市場,包括有車用電子、伺服器、IPC、機器人等領域。\n由於近年微星專注於電競市場的經營,使得用戶對於企業品牌與電競產生既定的直接聯想,本研究將針對個案公司探討該如何進行品牌定位及調性的調整,避免品牌形象過於單一,造成其他產品系列以及其他事業策略發展上的困難,以策略行銷4C的觀點分析應該採取何種的品牌策略規劃,對於品牌經營上可達到較好的效益。
Taiwanese technology companies have invested in the computer industry for a long time. After decades of industrial development and the replacement of mobile devices, the computer industry has now passed the plateau period and has begun to decline. In recent years, the computer industry can slow down the decline, mainly from the rise of demand from the niche e-sports market. In addition, the impact of the 2020 epidemic has also caused unexpected growth in the PC market. But the epidemic will eventually end. The development of the e-sports market is also affected by the rise of cloud gaming and the future is unclear.\nIn this research, MSI is not as large as the first-tier manufacturers in the computer industry. But with the success of the e-sports notebook market, MSI’s brand awareness and market share in the e-sports field is extremely high. However, since gaming laptops only account for about 5% of the overall notebook computer market. With all the major computer brands successively investing resources to compete for market share, MSI in addition to trying its best to maintain its market share and competitiveness in the e-sports markets, but also planning the development of other niche product lines.\nThe creator market is an area that has attracted attention from the market in 2019. According to Intel’s research report, about 200 million people around the world buy computers for creative purposes. Although ordinary home computers or business computers or even e-sports computers can be used for creative purposes. However, due to different uses and purposes, creators require more requirements such as multi-tasking, engineering software calculations, specifications, product features, and stability. After seeing this trend, MSI actively deployed the Creator series of products. In addition, due to the sudden outbreak of the epidemic in 2020, MSI’s internal insights found that the emerging PC demand caused by the epidemic is very large. As far as business people are concerned, because they have to work from home, they need a personal business laptop with high computing performance and better security. Therefore, MSI is actively planning the business laptop product line. The entire MSI’s own-brand product strategy is based on the development of the three product series of e-sports, creators and commercial products. In addition to B2C`s own brands, MSI has long deployed professional OEM business and specific niche markets in other vertical markets, including automotive electronics, servers, IPC, robotics and other fields.\nSince MSI has focused on the development of the e-sports market in recent years, users have established direct associations with corporate brands and e-sports. This research will explore how to adjust brand positioning and tonality to avoid excessive simplification of the brand image, which will cause difficulties in the development of other product series and other business strategies. This research report will analyze what kind of brand strategy planning should be adopted from the perspective of strategic marketing 4C analysis to achieve better business benefits.
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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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