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dc.contributor.advisorChung, Siaw-Fongen_US
dc.contributor.authorLiao, Heng-Chiaen_US
dc.creatorLiao, Heng-Chiaen_US
dc.description.abstract針對明喻的觀察,發現以「一樣」及「一般」作為喻詞的明喻結構「B一樣的A」及「B一般的A」,其本體及喻體的排列順序,恰好與華語典型明喻結構「A像B」(如:初戀像詩)相反。更重要的是,有時喻詞右方的A亦可由表達喻體與本體相似性的喻底擔任(如:他過著牛馬一樣的生活)。因此,由「一樣」及「一般」所構成的明喻結構值得我們進一步探究。\n本研究採語料庫研究法,以「B一樣的A」及「B一般的A」為探索結構,採用《國教院書面語語料庫2017》作為研究工具。除了藉由喻體與本體的特質來探究「一樣」及「一般」的差異,喻底的語言呈現更是本研究關注的焦點。研究結果顯示,藉由「一樣」及「一般」檢索出來的語料超過一半以上皆為涉及跨域比較的明喻結構,其中「一般」的結果更接近九成;此外,兩者的差異體現在特徵賦予理論(property attribution theory)的框架下,喻詞「一樣」所構成的明喻結構其喻體所賦予的特徵屬性以「具體特徵」為多,喻詞「一般」則以「抽象特徵」佔多數,顯示由「一般」構成的明喻結構隱喻程度較高。\n本研究亦發現藉由「B一樣的A」及「B一般的A」所檢索出的明喻結構可分為兩類,第一類明喻結構為「喻體為B」且「本體為A」,第二類明喻結構則為「喻體為B」且「喻底為A」,藉由統計顯示即便第二類明喻結構內部已有喻底的表達,仍會有位於明喻結構外的喻底來詳細描述兩者之間的相似性。本論文除了統計喻底在不同喻體及本體對應之下的分佈情形,也針對其呈現的語言形式進行分類與討論。研究結果發現在本體為「具體事物」的情形下,喻底在不同類型的喻體下會有不同的語言呈現。除此之外,針對明喻結構中無喻底呈現的狀況,本論文也在觀察語料後將其進行分類統計,研究結果顯示在無喻底呈現的明喻結構,其喻體的形象大多為認知世界中的「普遍常理」,因此不須喻底呈現或是與語境互動,就能使人們意會其意涵。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe order of “B yíyàng de A” and “B yìbān de A” is exactly the opposite of the typical Mandarin simile structure “A xiàng B”. More importantly, ‘A’ in the simile structure “B yíyàng de A” and “B yìbān de A” can also be ‘ground’ that expresses the similarity between the vehicle and topic sometimes. Therefore, the simile structures composed of yíyàng and yìbān deserve further investigation.\nThis thesis adopts a corpus-based approach as our methodology, using “B yíyàng de A” and “B yìbān de A” as the simile structures, and uses the COCT Written Corpus 2017 as our research tool. The thesis aims not only to investigate the differences between yíyàng and yìbān through the characteristics of vehicle and topic, but also to focus on the linguistic representations of ‘ground’ in these structures. The findings show that more than half of the results retrieved by yíyàng and yìbān are simile structures involving cross-domain comparisons, especially with nearly 90% of the results for yìbān. Furthermore, under the property attribution theory, the attributes of vehicles in simile structure composed of yíyàng are more concrete, while the attributes of vehicles in the simile structure composed of yìbān are more abstract, indicating that the simile structures composed of yìbān are more metaphorical than yíyàng.\nThis study also finds that the simile structures retrieved by “B yíyàng de A” and “B yìbān de A” can be divided into two categories: In the first structure, B is vehicle and A is topic; in the second structure, B is vehicle and A is ground. The analysis shows that even when there are occurrences of ‘grounds’ in the second type of simile structure, additional description of the grounds would also be displayed. In addition to the distribution of the corresponding ‘grounds’ in the two types of simile structures under different attributes of vehicles, this thesis also analyzes and discusses the linguistic representations of the ‘grounds. The results reveal that the linguistic representations of the ‘grounds’ differ according to the types of the ‘vehicles’ when the ‘topics’ are ‘concrete objects’. Moreover, we also find that in the case of simile structures without ‘grounds’, the images of the corresponding ‘vehicles’ are mostly ‘common senses’ in our minds; therefore, people can understand the meanings of these simile structures without the representations of the ‘grounds’ or the interactions of contexts.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents摘要 I\nABSTRACT III\n第一章 前言 - 1 -\n1.1 研究動機及目的 - 2 -\n1.2 研究問題 - 8 -\n第二章 文獻回顧 - 9 -\n2.1 明喻相關定義及研究 - 9 -\n2.1.1 相關術語定義 - 9 -\n2.1.2 喻詞(Marker)相關研究 - 13 -\n2.1.3 喻底(Ground)相關研究 - 16 -\n2.2 特徵賦予理論(PROPERTY ATTRIBUTION THEORY) - 26 -\n2.3 小結 - 32 -\n第三章 研究方法 - 33 -\n3.1 《COCT書面語語料庫2017》介紹 - 34 -\n3.2 檢索步驟介紹 - 35 -\n3.3 語料剔除原則 - 37 -\n3.4 語料分類原則 - 40 -\n3.4.1 喻詞功能「比較」、「範疇」、「明喻」之標記原則 - 40 -\n3.4.2 喻體及本體類型標記原則 - 43 -\n3.4.3 明喻結構中的喻底標記原則 - 45 -\n3.4.4 明喻結構中喻底的類型標記 - 48 -\n3.4.5 無喻底明喻結構中的語境互動類型標記 - 50 -\n第四章 語料分析與結果 - 53 -\n4.1 明喻結構中的喻詞功能標記結果 - 54 -\n4.2 明喻結構中喻體及本體的映照情形 - 56 -\n4.2.1 兩類明喻結構之下的喻體類型 - 57 -\n4.2.2 兩類明喻結構之下的本體類型 - 62 -\n4.2.3 兩類明喻結構之下的喻體及本體的映照情形 - 63 -\n4.3 喻底在明喻結構中的分佈情形 - 65 -\n4.3.1 第一類明喻結構的喻底分佈情形 - 66 -\n4.3.2 第二類明喻結構的喻底分佈情形 - 69 -\n4.4 小結 - 73 -\n第五章 研究結果與討論 - 75 -\n5.1 第一類明喻結構中喻底在不同喻體類型下的語言呈現 - 75 -\n5.1.1 外型類喻底 - 76 -\n5.1.2 屬性類喻底 - 78 -\n5.1.3 行為類喻底 - 80 -\n5.1.4 功能類喻底 - 81 -\n5.2 第二類明喻結構中結構外喻底在不同喻體類型下的語言呈現 - 82 -\n5.2.1 結構內喻底為喻體的部件 - 83 -\n5.2.2 結構內喻底為喻體的屬性 - 85 -\n5.3 無喻底下明喻結構與語境的互動情形 - 88 -\n第六章 研究結論與建議 - 93 -\n6.1 研究結果綜述 - 93 -\n6.2 研究限制 - 97 -\n參考文獻 - 98 -\n中文文獻 - 98 -\n英文文獻 - 98 -\n電子資源 - 100 -zh_TW
dc.format.extent3647317 bytes-
dc.subjectProperty Attribution Theoryen_US
dc.titleDistinguishing Yi2yang4 and Yi4ban1 in Simile Construction: A Corpus-based Studyen_US
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