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題名: 我國公部門社工人員的工作壓力與工作生活平衡之研究 —以臺灣北部某家庭暴力暨性侵害防治中心為例
A Study of Job stress and Work-Life Balance of Social Workers in the Public Sector: The Center for Prevention of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault in Northern Taiwan
作者: 黃怡瑄
Huang, Yi-Xuan
貢獻者: 傅凱若
Fu, Kai-Jo
Huang, Yi-Xuan
關鍵詞: 工作生活平衡
work-life balance
public sector
social worker
social supports
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 4-八月-2021
摘要: 本研究關注我國公部門社工人員的工作壓力與工作生活平衡之關聯性,進行\n初探性研究,再輔以深入訪談方式,了解個案的工作壓力情境與其因應策略,以及現行工作生活平衡支持性措施之影響。本研究運用半結構式訪談法,受訪對象抽樣方式為立意抽樣與滾雪球抽樣,本研究總共訪談 12 位受訪者。\n本研究與先前研究不同之處為,首先,目前關於社工人員的工作生活平衡之討\n論較少,且較多以工作與家庭之衝突為主軸,本研究所討論的工作生活平衡之範圍更為廣泛;其次,關注公部門社工人員的個案工作壓力與工作生活平衡之關聯性,以及其服務單位之工作生活平衡支持性措施之助益;第三,瞭解社工人員的工作壓力與工作生活平衡之間,其個人壓力調適與社會支持之影響。\n本研究結果顯示,第一,工作壓力較可能會導致社工人員工作生活衝突,且時\n間衝突的感受較為強烈,主因係工作時間影響到生活時間。第二,社工人員的個人壓力調適及家人與同事、督導、長官等社會支持,亦可能影響其個人工作生活之平衡。第三,員工協助方案之心理諮詢具有紓壓效果,以及現行工作生活平衡措施支持效果有限。最後,本研究根據上述研究發現,提出現行工作生活平衡支持性措施之政策建議。
This study focuses on the work stress and work-life balance of social workers in the public sector and attempts to provide answers to the following research questions: understand the governmental social workers’ work stress and conflict between work and life; how do the social workers balance work and life and what effect does current work-life balance policies on the social workers?\nIn this study, the researcher adopted semi-structured interview and used purposive sampling and snowball sampling to select interviewees. 12 social workers of the public sector were interviewed in this study.\nDifferent from other studies: The first, previous research focuses on work-family conflict and this study pay more attention to work-life balance. Second, the study focuses on the effect of current work-life balance policies. Third, governmental social workers’ self-adjustment and social support on how to balance work and life.\nThe results indicate that, first of all, the social workers are facing both work-to-life and life-to-work conflicts, but they have stronger feelings toward work-to-life conflict. It is mainly because of long work hours and special tasks of the work such as on-call shifts. Second, those who can manage work- life conflict effectively receive the social support from family members and supervisors and colleagues of the work team. Third, the psychological counseling of EAPs has a positive effect on mitigating work-life conflict. Based on these findings, this study proposed some suggestions for work-life balance policies.
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