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dc.contributor.advisorI-Huei, Chengen_US
dc.contributor.authorSongjaroen, Kannapornen_US
dc.creatorSongjaroen, Kannapornen_US
dc.description.abstractAs the country with huge spending for beauty industry, this research aims to examine Thailand’s beauty advertising industry via the lens of cultural values and how these values were incorporated into the ad development process. Cultural values were examined based on Hofstede`s Cultural Dimensions and a mixed-method approach of interview and textual analysis were used. Nine ads practitioners were interviewed to understand the process and xx ads were analyzed to investigate the reflection of these cultural values into the final ad product.\nAccording to the findings, there is no special process in Thai advertising agencies that distinct from the conventional advertising development process. There is, nevertheless, a difference between dealing with global and local clients. Additionally, each agency has its own corporate culture, which varies depending on the organizational environment. Thai advertising reflects all five dimensions of cultural values through advertisements: power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, and long and short-term orientation. Throughout the ad development process, Thai advertising practitioners are aware of these cultural values, with each dimension tending to be portrayed in the same manner as the society’s cultural values. Regardless of where the agency originated from, it’s where they are operating matters the mosten_US
dc.description.tableofcontentsChapter 1\nIntroduction 1\n1.1 History of Thai Advertising Industry 2\n1.2 Current Situation of Thai Advertising Industry 6\n1.3 The Prominence of Beauty Industry in Thai Advertising 7\n1.4 Purpose of Study 9\nChapter 2\nLiterature Review 11\n2.1 Advertising Agency 11\n2.1.1 Account Services 12\n2.1.2 Account Planning 14\n2.1.3 Creative Department 16\n2.2 Advertising Development Process 17\n2.2.1 Briefing Stage 20\n2.2.2 Research and Strategy Development Stage 21\n2.2.3 Creative Development Stage 23\n2.2.4 Advertising Developing Process in Thai Advertising Agency 25\n2.3 Cultural Values in Advertising Development 27\n2.3.1 The Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions 29\n2.3.2 Cultural Values in Thai Advertising 33\nChapter 3\nMethodology 36\n3.1 In-Depth Interview 36\n3.1.1 Interviewees 37\n3.1.2 Interview Process 39\n3.2 Textual Analysis 40\n3.2.1 Samples 41\n3.3 Analysis Framework 41\nChapter 4\nResult 43\n4.1. Advertising Development in Thai Advertising Agency (RQ1) 43\n4.1.1 The Corporate Culture of Advertising Agencies in Thailand 43\n4.1.2 Advertising Developing Process 46\n4.1.3 Clients` influence on the ad development process : Global vs Local 53\n4.2 Cultural Values in Thai Advertising Industry (RQ2) 56\n4.2.1 Characteristic of Thai Advertisements 56\n4.2.2 Current Situation of Thai Beauty Advertisements 59\n4.2.3 Cultural Values in Advertising Development 62\n4.3 Cultural Values represented in Thai beauty advertisements (RQ3) 75\n4.3.1 Commercial 1 75\n4.3.2 Commercial 2 77\n4.3.3 Commercial 3 80\n4.3.4 Commercial 4 83\nChapter 5\nDiscussions and Conclusion 89\n5.1. Finding’s Discussions 89\nAdvertising Development in Thai Advertising Industry 89\nThe Corporate Culture of Thai Advertising Agency 90\nThai Advertising Practitioners’ Cultural Values Considerations\nin Advertising Development 91\nThe Portrayal of Cultural Values in Thai Advertisements 94\n5.2 Conclusion 96\n5.3 Limitations 97\n5.4 Suggestions for Future Research 98\nReference 99\nAppendix 1 114\nAppendix 2 115zh_TW
dc.format.extent13241885 bytes-
dc.subjectCultural valuesen_US
dc.subjectadvertising development processen_US
dc.subjectadvertising agencyen_US
dc.titleCultural considerations in message development for advertising campaigns in Thailanden_US
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