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dc.contributor.advisorDong, Hsiang-Kaien_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Chun-Chienen_US
dc.creatorLin, Chun-Chienen_US
dc.description.abstractParticipatory budgeting (PB) not only allows citizens to independently decide how to manage public budgets, but also allows public sector to discover and solve public problems that citizens care about. However, the study finds that some public problems in the proposals in PB should be mandatorily handled by public sector in accordance with their statutory duties or existing administrative mechanisms, rather than proposed by citizens. Hence, it highlights the issues that the government may be passive or omissive on public problems, which can hardly be discovered and resolved before the proposals were raised. The main purpose of this research is to explore administrative omission that are latent in the proposals in PB, and to reflect on the current governance dilemmas in Taipei City.\n\nIn order to answer the research questions, the researcher adopts secondary data analysis and in-depth interview methods to collect data, and mainly focuses on the classification of proposals in PB that were "failed to pass" and " executed in advance" in Taipei City. Moreover, the research determines whether a proposal involves in administrative omission based on the following three criterions, “the system of city street inspection”, “frequent causes of state compensation cases” or “violation of the rules and spirit of PB”.\n\nThe research finds that among the 595 proposals “failed to pass” or “executed in advance”, there were 73 proposals involved in the system of city street inspection, 90 proposals involved in frequent causes of state compensation cases, and 31 advanced executed proposals that were not completed on time. At the same time, according to the current regulations, if the above types of proposals failed to pass the citizen assembly, the government can hardly discover and improve the public problems. Therefore, it highlights the issue of administration omission from another perspective.\n\nIn addition, it can be difficult for the above types of proposals to enter the voting stage of the citizen assembly, since they are usually related to the scopes that are comparatively subtle and most of them are proposed by individuals. Finally, the research also discovers three limitations and challenges in citizen assembly that will affect the effectiveness of PB.\n\nIn conclusion, the researcher provides five advices to PB in Taipei City, hoping to improve the problems discussed in the study.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 1\n第二節 研究目的與研究問題 7\n第三節 臺北市參與式預算執行流程與現況 8\n\n第二章 文獻探討 15\n第一節 參與式預算 15\n第二節 行政不作為 27\n第三節 小結 39\n\n第三章 研究設計 43\n第一節 研究架構 43\n第二節 研究流程 47\n第三節 研究方法 49\n\n第四章 臺北市參與式預算提案類型分析 63\n第一節 臺北市參與式預算提案數量與概況 63\n第二節 臺北市參與式預算提案分類結果分析 67\n第三節 臺北市參與式預算類型二提案之分析 74\n第四節 類型二提案反映行政不作為程度之比較 120\n\n第五章 臺北市參與式預算實施之困境與反思 127\n第一節 類型二提案訴求較難進入大會投票階段 127\n第二節 行政不作為現象的疑慮與反思 137\n第三節 臺北市參與式預算住民大會之限制與挑戰 139\n第四節 小結 149\n\n第六章 結論與建議 151\n第一節 研究發現 151\n第二節 研究建議 155\n第三節 研究限制與未來研究建議 160\n\n參考文獻 163\n附錄一 臺北市參與式預算提案類型判斷標準 169\n附錄二 臺北市改善市容查報及處理實施要點 171\n附錄三 臺北市政府國家賠償案件請求原因項目 175zh_TW
dc.format.extent1593559 bytes-
dc.subjectParticipatory budgetingen_US
dc.subjectAdministration omissionen_US
dc.subjectCity street inspectionen_US
dc.subjectState compensationen_US
dc.subjectExecuted in advanceen_US
dc.titleTo Act or Not To Act ? Rethinking the Governance Dilemma of Administrative Omission from Proposals in the Participatory Budgeting in Taipei Cityen_US
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