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dc.contributor.authorHsu, Li-Yaen_US
dc.creatorHsu, Li-Yaen_US
dc.description.abstractMountaineers often get rich physical and psychological experiences when mountaineering which in turn raises their spiritual awareness, but often, this phenomenon is only understood by the person concerned. This study is to explore how mountaineers develop spiritual awareness through mountaineering based on personal subjectivity. This study was taken with purposive sampling. One mountaineer was invited as the participant, revealing her mountaineering experience and spiritual awareness through narrative research.\r\nThe research results first present the personal story, and use the ’holistic-content’ analysis method to explore the participant’s life story, present the thematic analysis of the experience, and organize different life events in conjunction with the interviewee’s spiritual awareness.\r\nStudy results show analyses and interpretation of the connotation of their spiritual awareness based on the understanding of the research participants. Themes such as \"Existence: facing death, living sincerely \", \"Relationships: true connection in the mountains\", \"Transcendence: from past experiences to form new perspectives\", \"Power: Integrate all aspects of oneself.\" Finally, the researched conclusions are put forward, future research and research analysis based on the above content to develop a more firm understanding of the topic.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章、緒論  1\r\n第一節 緣起與動機 1\r\n第二節 願景 5\r\n壹、將登山作為研究主題之考量 5\r\n貳、探討靈性體驗之初衷 6\r\n參、心理健康與自然的共榮 7\r\n第三節 研究目的與問題 9\r\n第四節 名詞釋義 10\r\n壹、登山(mountaineering) 10\r\n貳、靈性(spirituality) 10\r\n第二章、文獻探討 11\r\n第一節 自然環境與身心相關研究 11\r\n第二節 登山相關研究 13\r\n壹、登山的定義 13\r\n貳、社會學與哲學層面的探討 16\r\n參、心理學層面的探討 19\r\n第三節 靈性相關研究 23\r\n壹、靈性的定義 24\r\n貳、靈性與自然環境 32\r\n參、靈性與登山 33\r\n第四節 文獻啟發 35\r\n第三章、研究方法 37\r\n第一節 研究取向 37\r\n壹、何謂敘說研究 37\r\n貳、選擇敘說研究之考量 38\r\n第二節 研究參與者 39\r\n壹、研究參與者選取標準 39\r\n貳、研究參與者概述 40\r\n參、訪談時間表 40\r\n第三節 研究工具 41\r\n壹、研究者本身 41\r\n貳、訪談大綱 42\r\n參、現場筆記 43\r\n肆、訪談同意書  44\r\n第四節 研究架構與流程 44\r\n第五節 資料處理及分析 45\r\n壹、故事描述文 47\r\n貳、詮釋階段 49\r\n第六節 研究品質與嚴謹度 50\r\n第四章、研究結果與討論 52\r\n第一節 關於C的故事 52\r\n壹、背景描述 52\r\n貳、故事描述文 52\r\n第二節 生命歷程之主題分析 60\r\n第三節 整體敘事圖 77\r\n第四節 研究討論 78\r\n第五章、結論與建議 88\r\n第一節 研究結論 88\r\n壹、在登山過程中的體驗 88\r\n貳、登山者的靈性覺察 89\r\n參、靈性覺察對生命的影響與改變 91\r\n第二節 研究建議 92\r\n壹、未來研究方向之建議 92\r\n貳、心理實務領域之建議 92\r\n第三節 研究省思 93\r\n壹、倫理的兩難 93\r\n貳、以靈性作為主題之省思 94\r\n參考文獻 96\r\n附錄 105zh_TW
dc.subjectNarrative researchen_US
dc.titleInto the wild: a narrative study of mountaineers` spiritualityen_US
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