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dc.contributor.advisorChiang, Min-Hsiuen_US
dc.contributor.authorChen, De-Xuanen_US
dc.creatorChen, De-Xuanen_US
dc.description.abstractDue to the continuous advancement of information technology, many organizations have moved on the path of digital transformation. For non-profit organizations, they are also facing the impact of this wave of digital trends. However, there is currently no academic discussion on the digital transformation of non-profit organizations, and past research has only limited to case-based technology introduction, and there is no discussion on the overall digital strategy. This research studies the digital transformation of the tzuchi Foundation, hoping that the digital transformation process of my country’s largest non-profit organization will not only provide empirical reference for other non-profit organizations, but also look forward to academically, for non-profit organizations. The digital transformation of the company provides leading research, and hopes that future researchers will refer to it.\nThis research first discusses digital transformation. At present, the definition of digital transformation is quite vague in academic terms, but on the whole, it can be judged from the two aspects of "emphasis on user experience" and "increasing influence on society". It only differs from the digitization within the organization, and digital transformation is an aspect that has a greater impact. In terms of stages, digital transformation can also be divided into three stages, namely digitization, digital optimization, and digital transformation. This study also analyzes the current status of tzuchi’s digital transformation, and discusses and explains it. In the end, I hope to understand the digital face of tzuchi. At the same time, this research also divides tzuchi `s digital transformation into "overall strategy" and "departmental strategy" from the perspective of "strategic management" to facilitate subsequent research and discussion without losing focus.\nFinally, it can be found that the tzuchi Foundation`s current digital transformation method is carried out in a project manner. Through discussions among various departments, they jointly formulate each other`s digital transformation plans. In terms of progress, the current tzuchi Foundation is generally in the stage of digital optimization. At the same time, since the implementation of the sub-projects related to digital transformation has only recently begun, it is still impossible to evaluate the effectiveness of digital transformation. The progress of the digital transformation of each department is also different due to different organizational cultures, which has caused different problems in each department.\nOn the whole, digital transformation is a path that non-profit organizations must take in the future. Especially in the future society, digital technology will affect people in more aspects of life. Therefore, non-profit organizations need to go through different ways. In line with digital transformation. The experience of the tzuchi Foundation can still serve as a reference for non-profit organizations in the future.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節. 研究背景 1\n第二節. 慈濟基金會的個案介紹與資訊化優勢 2\n第三節. 研究問題與研究目的 5\n第二章 文獻探討 6\n第一節. 組織策略管理 6\n一、 策略管理定義與要素檢視 6\n二、 非營利組織的策略管理趨勢 7\n第二節. 數位轉型相關文獻 9\n一、 數位化、數位轉型的定義與基本檢視 9\n二、 「數位轉型」的階段進展 10\n三、 組織數位轉型的實際過程與面向 12\n四、 我國組織數位相關文獻研究 15\n第三節. 非營利組織與數位轉型 19\n一、 非營利組織特性 19\n二、 非營利組織數位轉型的誘因 20\n三、 非營利組織推動數位轉型內部問題 22\n四、 非營利組織推動數位轉型的外部困境 23\n五、 我國非營利組織數位相關文獻 24\n第三章 研究設計 27\n第一節. 研究架構 27\n第二節. 研究方法 29\n第三節. 研究流程與資料收集 31\n一、 研究流程 31\n二、 資料收集 32\n三、 研究倫理 37\n第四章 慈濟訪談資料詮釋 39\n第一節 何謂數位轉型 39\n一、 對慈濟的觀點上來看數位轉型 39\n二、 慈濟數位轉型藍圖規畫過程與重點 42\n三、 為何慈濟要追求數位轉型 43\n四、 數位轉型在慈濟所扮演的角色和功能 45\n五、 對其他非營利組織的數位轉型看法 48\n第二節 目前慈濟的數位化進展 51\n一、 慈濟目前的數位轉型現狀 51\n二、 當前的慈濟數位轉型發展方式與論點 55\n三、 組織架構的調整 60\n四、 執行長辦公室在慈濟推動數位轉型所扮演的角色 62\n五、 慈濟資訊處在數位轉型所扮演的角色 64\n第三節 慈濟數位轉型的問題與對策 67\n一、慈濟數位轉型成本的考量 67\n二、 慈濟數位轉型的觀念困難 69\n三、 慈濟數位人才問題 72\n四、 慈濟志工與組織文化問題 74\n五、 慈濟的新舊系統整合問題 75\n第五章 研究結論與建議 77\n第一節 研究結論 77\n一、 慈濟推動數位轉型的因素 77\n二、 慈濟數位轉型的過程與考量 79\n三、 慈濟目前的數位轉型階段與未來策略 80\n四、 慈濟推動數位轉型的困境與解決彙整 80\n第二節 研究建議 84\n一、 對慈濟基金會 84\n二、 對其他非營利組織 85\n第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議 87\n一、 研究限制 87\n二、 後續研究建議 88\n參考文獻 90\n附錄 95\n附錄一、訪談提綱 95\n附錄二、受訪者身分、訪談時間地點、質性資料字數 98zh_TW
dc.format.extent2064814 bytes-
dc.subjectTzuchi foundationen_US
dc.subjectDigital Transformationen_US
dc.subjectStrategy Managementen_US
dc.subjectNon-Profit Organizationen_US
dc.titleOn the Digital Transformation of Nonprofit Organization: A Case Study of Tzuchi Foundationen_US
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