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題名: 教保人員情緒困擾運用書目療法之探究
Using bibliotherapy to cope with emotional disturbance: the case of preschool educators
作者: 黃莉珊
Huang, Li-Shan
貢獻者: 徐聯恩
Hsu, Lien-An
Huang, Li-Shan
關鍵詞: 教保人員
Pre-school educators
Emotional healing
日期: 2021
上傳時間: 10-Feb-2022
摘要: 本研究旨在探討教保人員遇有情緒困擾時,運用書目療法之療癒效用。研 究目的包括:探討書目療法協助其情緒療癒之效用與歷程,並比較分析團體與 個別書目療法之影響因素及適用時機。本研究獲得 13 位教保人員參與,參與者中,9 位進行個別書目療法、4 位進行團體書目療法。教保人員完 成書目療法後,研究者對其進行半結構訪談,繼之進行質的資料分析。\n主要研究發現為:(一)13 位參與者中,有 12 位獲得情緒療癒,可見書 目療法對教保人員有情緒療癒效果。(二)情緒療癒歷程,呈現線性上升、先 降後升、平穩後升,與起伏後升四種波動類型。(三)個別書目療法之效果, 受到閱讀偏好與準備度、個人認知與評估、同理能力、情緒調節方式與情緒宣 洩管道之影響。(四)團體書目療法的效果,受到團體氛圍、社交能力、議題 共鳴與介入角色的影響。(五)個別與團體書目療法適用時機,綜觀考量個人 特質、議題選擇、資訊交流、自我揭露、介入程度因素影響。\n根據研究發現,提出實務與研究建議:(一)教保人員宜認識並善用書目 療法之情緒療癒效用。對閱讀愛好者而言,效果更好。(二)教保人員可自行 進行書目療法,亦可建立團體,進行團體書目療法,強化資訊交流並獲得社會 支持 。(三)教保人員可運用繪本協助幼兒認識、理解,並學會自我調節情 緒。(四)師資培育及在職進修時,可增設書目療法課程與工作坊,提供教保 人員多元的情緒管理管道。(五)未來研究者,可進一步深入探討個別書目療 法與團體書目療法之影響因素;探討不同類型之閱讀素材與不同團體樣本,對 情緒療癒之效用;以長期研究設計,探討書目療法之長期效果。
This research addresses the effect of applying bibliotherapy to emotional disturbance of pre-school educators. The research design is qualitative and involves interviewing with 13 pre-school educators. 9 participants were implemented with individual bibliotherapy and 4 with group bibliotherapy. The researcher suggested picture books illustrated by Jimmy Liao for pre-school educators. The purposes of this research emphasize on discussing the emotional process and methods implemented among individuals and groups.\nThe results showed that\n1. 12 participants have reached the expected emotional healing among 13.\n2. During the progress, it presented 4 types of linear fluctuation.\n3. Individually, participants were affected by “reading preferences”, “empathy”, and “emotional regulation”, “self recognition and evaluation”.\n4. Group atmosphere, social skills, issues echoing, and the guidance of the researcher were the main influences in group bibliotherapy.\n5. The applicability to implement either individual or group bibliotherapy should consider “personal traits”, “information exchange”, “degree of self-disclosure” , and “ degree of guidance” .\nIII\nAccording to the results, the study concluded five research and practical\nrecommendations:\n1. Pre-school educators may use bibliotherapy to prevent arising negative emotion.\n2. To build a bibliotherapy community to engage in information exchange and society support.\n3. Bibliotherapy may be applied to teach pre-school children emotional accommodation.\n4. Bibliotherapy is adoptable to promote in teacher training programs for pre-school educators’ emotional management.\n5. We are hopeful that future research will investigate more detailed factors , and present the differences among various groups. The potential research design and implemented session are called for to expand the understanding of bibliotherapy.
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