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dc.contributor.authorTseng, Yu-Chiehen_US
dc.creatorTseng, Yu-Chiehen_US
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, the number of New Male Residents in Taiwan has been increasing. There were few of them here in the past, which became a group accounted for nearly 10% of the total New Residents in Taiwan. Besides, with the aging population and declining birthrate in Taiwan, the labor force of New Residents has not been fully utilized. In the light of this, instead of female and children, the study focuses on the experience of New Male Residents, and clarifies the factors of employment influence.\n\nDue to the lack of research on New Male Residents in Taiwan, to have a more in-depth and comprehensive understanding of the labor force utilization of them, the research will start with the analysis of transnational marriage. Then we will move on to the discussion of gender role expectation, the factors influencing employment and career development, to see the whole picture. Based on the literature review and in depth interview with 12 New Male Residents, the conclusions are as following:\n1. In Taiwan, the marriage relationship of New Male Residents mostly originated from autonomous. However, some will concern about poverty alleviation.\n2. Expectation stemming from gender roles will bring frustration and pressure to New Male Residents, especially for those who have difficulties finding jobs in the early stage, and are unable to fulfill the responsibility of supporting the families.\n3. The employment impact of New Male Residents in Taiwan can be divided into: the lack of Mandarin ability; lack of formal government employment services;\nlow connection with New Residents social supporting groups, stereotypes; poor working conditions\n4. Besides the difficulties mentioned above, we could not ignore the advantages of New Male Residents in the Taiwan market of employment such as personality traits, professions, background and language abilities, as well as the entrepreneurial ideas.\n\nBased on the conclusions, the recommendations are as following:\n1. Bring social supports to “men” and diversify the content of activities and training courses.\n2. Provide "Chinese Online Courses" and "Language Exchange Classroom" for New Residents to learn with more flexible time and content.\n3. To break the stereotype of New Residents and create a friendly environment by the cooperation of government and the people.\n4. Let New Residents understand labor laws and their own rights by disseminating all related knowledge.\n5. Review the shortage of "Government Formal Employment Service Agency" and increase the accessibility for New Male Residents.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 1\n第二節 研究目的與問題 2\n第三節 研究方法 3\n第四節 研究範圍與限制 6\n第五節 研究倫理 7\n第六節 研究流程與章節安排 8\n第二章 文獻探討 9\n第一節 台灣跨國婚姻的現象與脈絡 9\n第二節 新住民與性別角色的期待 16\n第三節 新住民與就業影響因素 21\n第四節 新住民男性的勞動力運用 30\n第三章 跨國婚姻發展與性別角色期待 38\n第一節 新住民男性與太太結識契機 38\n第二節 新住民男性與太太在台的勞務分工 41\n第三節 小結 50\n第四章 影響就業之因素與挑戰 51\n第一節 中文程度 51\n第二節 社會網絡與社會支持 58\n第三節 刻板印象 66\n第四節 學歷與證照 69\n第五節 低劣勞動條件 70\n第六節 小結 74\n第五章 職涯評價與展望 77\n第一節 在台就業市場的優劣勢 77\n第二節 在台就業是否滿足期望 82\n第三節 未來是否想換工作或創業 84\n第四節 小結 87\n第六章 結論與建議 88\n第一節 結論 88\n第二節 建議 90\n參考文獻 93\n附錄一 99\n附錄二 100\n附錄三 101\n附錄四 102zh_TW
dc.format.extent4368865 bytes-
dc.subjectNew Male Residentsen_US
dc.subjectFactors influencing employmenten_US
dc.subjectGender role expectationen_US
dc.titleFactors Influencing Employment of New Male Residents and Their Challenges in Taiwanen_US
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