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dc.contributor.advisorTsai, Pei-Yuen<br>Tung, Yi-Tien_US
dc.contributor.authorLin, Zhi-Xiangen_US
dc.creatorLin, Zhi-Xiangen_US
dc.description.abstractThe purposes of this research are to study (1) the experiences of families having children with developmental delay participating in the Routines-Based Model; (2) the family outcomes obtained by the families having children with developmental delay after participating in and receiving the Routines-Based Model; and (3) the difficulties that may be encountered in the Routines-Based Model. Through the in-depth interview, the researcher interviewed 5 matched groups of service providers and service users, and 5 single service providers, with a total of 21 interviewees.\nBased on the research results, the researcher proposed the conclusions from three perspectives. First, the impact of participating in the Routines-Based Model on families includes: (1) the Routines-Based Model is implemented based on family needs; (2) improving the family’s quality of life; (3) supporting and achieving goals that families expect; (4) enhancing child functioning, and the researcher has also proposed a localized service model of the Routines-Based Model. Secondly, the family outcomes obtained by the families after participating in and receiving the Routines-Based Model are: (1) families achieve five family outcomes effectively; (2) promoting family members to participate in the work of childcare; (3) enhancing families’ skills and resources of problem solving; (4) social workers can promote the achievement of family outcomes, and the researcher has also proposed the family empowerment process in the Routines-Based Model. Finally, the researcher proposed the difficulties that may be encountered in the implementation of the Routines-Based Model in terms of establishment of functional child goals, family, and service system.\nBased on the research conclusions, this research put forward some suggestions. For practical uses, it is recommended that (1) social workers actively provide family support; (2) organizations that provide early intervention learn and implement the Routines-Based Model; for organizations that implement the Routines-Based Model, it is recommended to make some appropriate adjustments in the staff deployment. For Policy makers, it is recommended to (1) rethink the resource allocation in early intervention; (2) promote the Routines-Based Model. For families having children with developmental delay, it is recommended to (1) confidently express family goals; (2) accompany children to practice at home and in the community; (3) be patient and rational with the improvement in child functioning. Finally, the researcher proposed the limitations of this research and future research recommendations.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 1\n第二節 研究目的與研究問題 10\n第三節 名詞釋義 11\n第二章 文獻探討 14\n第一節 兒童發展與早期療育 14\n第二節 發展遲緩兒童與家庭 24\n第三節 以家庭為中心的早期療育服務 34\n第四節 作息本位模式 45\n第五節 早期療育服務之家庭成果 61\n結語 68\n第三章 研究方法 69\n第一節 研究設計 69\n第二節 研究對象之選取 71\n第三節 資料蒐集與分析 80\n第四節 研究嚴謹性與研究倫理 86\n第四章 研究結果 90\n第一節 作息本位模式的參與經驗 90\n第二節 家庭在參與作息本位模式後所獲得的家庭成果 136\n第三節 作息本位模式的實施困境 175\n第五章 結論與建議 190\n第一節 結論與討論 190\n第二節 研究建議 202\n第三節 本研究之研究限制與未來研究建議 205\n參考文獻 208\n壹、中文部分 208\n貳、西文部分 215\n參、網路資料 223\n附錄一 訪談大綱(服務使用者版) 225\n附錄二 訪談大綱(服務提供者版) 227\n附錄三 研究對象知情同意書(服務使用者版) 229\n附錄四 研究對象知情同意書(服務提供者版) 232\n附錄五 訪談邀請函(服務使用者版) 235\n附錄六 訪談邀請函(服務提供者版) 236zh_TW
dc.format.extent8630586 bytes-
dc.subjectFamilies having children with developmental delayen_US
dc.subjectRoutines-Based Modelen_US
dc.subjectFamily outcomesen_US
dc.titleA study of family outcomes of the Routines-Based Model for families having children with developmental delayen_US
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