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dc.contributor.authorPang, Wei-Heanen_US
dc.creatorPang, Wei-Heanen_US
dc.description.abstractOver the years, the family structure has changed considerably, so is the role of pets in families. Being an emotional attachment as well as connection between family members, discussions of the importance of pets in the families have now shifted from its instrumental function to its emotional function. Therefore, the death of a pet signifies relationship ruptures and triggers grief and loss. Previous studies have focused more on the impacts of death of pets on individuals and the grieving process. However, as researches have pointed out that pets have gradually been deemed as family members in the family structure in Taiwan, it is important to look beyond affected individuals when discussing bereavement and look into the impacts it has on family as a whole.\nIn this research, one member of each family who has experienced unanticipated death of a pet is invited to review the family`s feelings and thoughts when going through the process of bereavement, in hopes of identifying support and resistance factors that arise when the family is adapting to the mutual experience of pet loss through qualitative interview analysis.\nThe results of this study are as follows:\nI. The influence of pet ownership on family interactions\nThe positive effects of pet ownership include establishing family relationship through mutual topics related to pets, assuring grown children that their parents are well accompanied by pets and therefore reducing concerns of aging parents’ loneliness, directing parents` excessive attention from their children by keeping them occupied with pet-raising, and easing tense relationships between family members. The negative effects include conflicts arise from the cleanliness of environment, family member get upsets over things related to pets and eventually vent his or her anger on other innocent family members, children’s jealousy with the pets, and arguments over different breeding concepts between family members.\nII. The reaction of the family after the pet`s death\nAfter the pet died, family members displayed grief reactions, such as crying, self-blame, reluctance, etc, which are also considered as the reaction of bereavement. Family interactions were also affected by the depressed family atmosphere after the bereavement and family members kept distance with one another. There were less emotional interactions between family members and pet-related topics were avoided during conversations. The death of the pet also brought positive effect, such as highlighting the importance of family to family members and reminding them to care for the family members around them.\nIII. Factors that determine whether a family is capable of coping with loss of a pet as a whole\nPositive factors that allow a family to cope with loss of a pet as a whole include supportive and positive behaviours, such as positive flow of emotion in the family and positive mindset towards pet’s death, which bring positive energy to the family. The negative factors are related to the overwhelming impact brought by the unintended death of the pet, the emotional boundaries between family members which hinder the possibility of the family working together along the grief journey.\nLastly, based on the results of this study, suggestions are made for practical work on the issue of bereaved owners and families, as well as future research.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與背景 1\n第二節 研究目的與問題 4\n第三節 名詞釋義 4\n第二章 文獻探討 6\n第一節 寵物與人的關係 6\n第二節 飼主面對寵物死亡之相關研究 12\n第三節 寵物非預期性死亡對家庭之影響 20\n第三章 研究方法 25\n第一節 研究取向與方法 25\n第二節 研究參與者 26\n第三節 研究工具 28\n第四節 研究程序 29\n第五節 研究的信實度 34\n第六節 研究倫理 35\n第四章 研究結果 37\n第一節 飼養寵物於家庭互動所帶來的影響 37\n第二節 寵物離世後飼養家庭的反應狀況 43\n第三節 飼養家庭是否能共同經歷寵物離世的相關因子 44\n第五章 討論 58\n第一節 飼養寵物於家庭互動所帶來的影響 58\n第二節 寵物離世後飼養家庭的反應狀況 62\n第三節 飼養家庭是否能共同經歷寵物離世的相關因子 66\n第六章 結論與建議 70\n第一節 研究結論 70\n第二節 研究限制 72\n第三節 研究建議 72\n第四節 研究者省思 74\n參考文獻 76\n\n附錄一 研究說明暨邀請函 81\n附錄二 訪談知後同意書 82\n附錄三 訪談大綱 83\n\n表次\n表 2-2-1 悲傷反應的症狀 18\n表3-2-1 受訪者基本資料簡表 27\n表3-4-1 開放性編碼範例表 31\n表3-4-2 主軸編碼範例表 31\n表3-4-3 選擇性編碼範例表 32\n表3-4-4 研究結果呈現方式範例 33\n\n\n圖次\n圖2-3-1 喪親家庭類型圖 23zh_TW
dc.format.extent2007284 bytes-
dc.subjectunexpected deathen_US
dc.titleA study on the Influence of family who faces the unexpected death of petsen_US
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