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題名: 種族取代理論的虛實: 法國極端主義者媒體演說之語義研究
The "Great Replacement theory" : ideological criticism of an extremist theory
作者: 陳祉苓
Ramond, Chloé
貢獻者: 陳宗文
Tzung-Wen Chen
Ramond, Chloé
關鍵詞: 「種族取代理論」
“Great Replacement theory”
white nationalism
rhetorical criticism
ideological criticism
Eric Zemmour
日期: 2023
上傳時間: 1-Sep-2023
摘要: 這項研究透過分析埃里克.澤穆爾——擁護「種族取代理論」的法國政治人物當\n中最著名一員——之演講和辯論,從而檢視「種族取代理論」的意識形態思想如\n何在法國媒體中傳達,以促成陰謀論主義和極端主義的言論之主流化和正常化。\n法國作為一個民主國家,為所有國民提供言論和思想自由,創造了一個為各種議\n題之社會政治對話而設的開放平台。就像許多其他國家一樣,有關現代議題的辯\n論是該國政治舞台之核心,包括種族主義、移民、宗教等議題。這些議題多年來\n一直是辯論和爭議的主題。特別是右翼政黨一直對這些議題推波助瀾,透過提及\n所謂的「種族取代」來辯護他們的觀點和宣言。\n為了理解並向國際閱聽人解釋「種族取代理論」背後的意識形態,並更仔細觀察\n此理論在媒體中的傳播,這項研究將檢視埃里克.澤穆爾向公眾發表的三次講話。\n第一次是他在2022年發表、宣布其總統候選人資格的一篇獨白;第二次是他接受\n極右翼報章《Boulevard Voltaire》的訪問;第三次是他接受左翼電視頻道「France\n3」的訪問。這三次講話將以其原始的法語版本進行抄錄,並翻譯成英語。透過使\n用語義研究,這些講話將會被分析,從而找出「種族取代理論」在法國現代社會\n政治背景下所做成的影響之真實意識形態論證。
The study aims to examine how the ideological beliefs of the “Great Replacement theory” are conveyed in the French media, allowing for the mainstreaming and normalization of conspiracist and extremist discourse, by analysing speeches and debates of the most outspoken politician believing in this theory: Eric Zemmour. France, as a democracy, allows for freedom of speech and beliefs to all citizens, creating an open platform for socio-political discourse on a variety of issues. Just like in many other countries, debates on modern subjects are central to the political life of the country and include topics like racism, immigration, religion, etc. These topics have been the subject of debates and controversies for many years. Right-wing parties in particular have been outspoken about their beliefs on such subjects, justifying their views and declarations by mentioning a so-called “Great Replacement”.\nTo understand and explain to an international audience the ideology behind this “Great Replacement theory”, as well as taking a closer look at its spread in the media, this study will take a look at three of Eric Zemmour’s addresses to the public. The first one is a monologue he published to announce his presidential candidature in 2022, the second an interview given to a far-right newspaper named the “Boulevard Voltaire” and the third an interview for the left-wing TV channel “France 3”. These three speeches will be transcribed in their original French version and translated in English. By using ideological criticism, the speeches will be analysed to dig out the real ideological arguments that the “Great Replacement theory” makes in the modern socio-political context of France.
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