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dc.contributor.authorXie, Xi-Xien_US
dc.creatorXie, Xi-Xien_US
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to analyze jealousy and regulatory strategies illustrated in children`s picture books on jealousy. Examine the variations in jealousy`s expression and regulation strategies in various cultural contexts. This study chose 30 picture books for children in Chinese translation with high circulation on the market and presenting the origins of East Asia, European, or American cultures. Both images and texts in the books will be analyzed with the content analysis method.\nIn this research, the jealousy and emotion regulation strategies presented in the picture books were found: (1)In the jealousy picture books studied, the jealousy of family members make up a significant proportion, while siblings account for 57%; (2) The expression of jealous emotions in picture books is different, and according to the overall narrative and presentation of emotional events, they divided into direct jealousy type and hidden jealousy type; However, the picture books showing jealousy have similarities, the composition of the "outsider" peeping perspective, the behavioral characteristics of the characters with their hands on their chests and the color of the picture; (3) On the whole, the emotional regulation strategies such as re-evaluation, taking action to solve problems, and catharsis in picture books are used more often.\nIn terms of the influence of cultural factors on picture books, this study finds that: (1) different cultural and era backgrounds affect the construction and plot setting of picture book characters; (2) Picture books under East Asian and European cultures have color metaphor differences in the vocabulary expressed by jealous emotions; (3) East Asian and European and American picture books use different emotion regulation strategies, and picture books in the context of East Asian culture tend to focus on the jealous emotion itself and choose patience when regulating jealousy; In picture books in the context of European and American culture, the regulation of jealousy is more focused on the problems that cause jealousy and divert one`s attention.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents摘要 I\nAbstract II\n目次 III\n表次 V\n圖次 V\n第壹章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究背景與動機 1\n第二節 研究目的與問題 6\n第貳章 文獻回顧 9\n第一節 繪本與其歷史發展 9\n第二節 嫉妒情緒與情緒調節策略 12\n第三節 相關研究回顧 23\n第四節 情緒與文化 28\n第五節 小結 32\n第參章 研究方法 35\n第一節 研究樣本 35\n第二節 研究方式 47\n第三節 資料處理與分析 51\n第四節 研究範圍與限制 56\n第肆章 繪本中的嫉妒情緒 59\n第一節 繪本中嫉妒情緒的呈現 59\n第二節 繪本中嫉妒情緒的調節策略 73\n第三節 小結 90\n第伍章 繪本中的文化及差異 95\n第一節 繪本角色建構 95\n第二節 繪本中的文化與嫉妒情緒 102\n第三節 繪本的嫉妒情緒調節策略 107\n第四節 小結 115\n第陸章 結語 117\n第一節 總結 117\n第二節 文化與繪本 118\n第三節 省思 119\n參考文獻 123\n附錄 127zh_TW
dc.format.extent6443057 bytes-
dc.subjectPicture booksen_US
dc.subjectEmotional expressionen_US
dc.subjectEmotion regulation strategiesen_US
dc.subjectContent analysisen_US
dc.subjectCultural differencesen_US
dc.title幼兒情緒主題繪本之內容分析 —以嫉妒情緒為例zh_TW
dc.titleContent analysis of children`s emotion-themed picture books ― Take jealous issue as an exampleen_US
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