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題名: 性別刻板印象與領導特質之後設分析
A Meta-Analysis of Gender Stereotype and Leader Traits
作者: 李思菁
Lee, Sze-Ching
貢獻者: 郭昭佑
Guo, Chao-Yu
Lee, Sze-Ching
關鍵詞: 性別刻板印象
Gender stereotypes
Relationship-oriented leadership
Task-oriented leadership
Gender equality
Leadership traits
日期: 2023
上傳時間: 1-九月-2023
摘要: 本研究旨在了解性別刻板印象對領導的影響,並探討人際關係導向與工作導向領導特質的基本理念。現今社會女性領導人數比男性領導少,這個社會現象甚至不止出現在華人社會。造成這個現象的某部份原因是社會文化以及環境對女性領導有既定刻板印象看法,導致女性領導的領導能力方面普遍未被認同,讓女性領導比男性領導的晉升機會少,而過程較困難,所耗的時間亦較為漫長。就這個層面來說,我們應更重視女性領導所受到性別刻板印象的影響及所帶來的壓力。研究動機包括社會文化改變下的性別平等問題、女性領導者的刻板印象、領導理論的發展等。\n研究方法包括使用後設分析,探討各研究之影響力、權重及差異。研究目的包括探討性別與領導特質的差異、人際關係導向與工作導向領導特質的基本理念,以及消除刻板印象威脅之方法。在本次的研究中,找到了六篇相關的文獻。研究結果並沒有指出在性別上男性或女性在領導層面上比較優秀,也沒有證據顯示在整體領導表現上有任何明顯的分別。女性領導在「人際關係導向領導特質」中的表現比男性領導更為突出,表示女性領導的確比男性領導更重視人事;而研究假設男性領導在「工作導向領導特質」方面較女性領導更為優勝,統計結果並無顯著差異,表示性別在工作導向領導沒有明顯差異。研究結果可對教育領域中的領導者性別平等問題與領導特質的發展提供參考。
The purpose of this study is to understand the impact of gender stereotypes on leadership and to explore the basic concepts of relationship-oriented and task-oriented leadership traits. Today, there are fewer female leaders than male leaders, and this phenomenon is not limited to Chinese society. One reason for this is the established stereotypes of female leadership in social and cultural environments, which have led to a lack of recognition of women`s leadership abilities, resulting in fewer opportunities for female leaders to advance, a more difficult process, and a longer time spent. In this regard, we should pay more attention to the impact of gender stereotypes on female leadership and the pressure they face. The motivation for this research includes issues of gender equality in the context of social and cultural change, stereotypes of female leaders, and the development of leadership theory.\nThe research method includes meta-analysis to investigate the influence, weight, and differences among various studies. The research objectives include exploring gender differences in leadership traits, the basic concepts of relationship-oriented and task-oriented leadership traits, and methods to eliminate the threat of stereotypes. In this study, six relevant documents were found. The research results did not indicate that males or females are superior in leadership, nor did they provide evidence of any significant differences in overall leadership performance. Female leaders perform better in "relationship-oriented leadership traits" than male leaders, indicating that female leaders do indeed place more emphasis on personnel. The hypothesis that male leaders are better than female leaders in "task-oriented leadership traits" did not show a significant difference in statistical results, indicating that gender does not have a significant difference in task-oriented leadership. The results of this study can provide valuable insights for addressing gender equality issues and developing leadership traits in the education field.
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