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題名: 家庭文化背景與學業成績的關係
其他題名: Relationship Between Family Cultural Background and Academic Performances
作者: 馬信行
Ma, Hsen-hsing
日期: May-1985
上傳時間: 17-Dec-2008
摘要: 本研究是要探討為何社經背景會影響學業成績,其中機轉為何?分兩個研究進行:第一研究是主要研究。取國中二、三年級前段班學生與後段班學生共九百八十四人為樣本。第二個研究在求第一個研究的外效度。取小學五、六年級資優班與普通班學生共一五○人為樣本。結果發現,國中二、三年級學生,其學業成績好的,家庭社經背景也高。成績好的,其父母較關心平時作業成績;對孩子平時作業成績,月考成績,及學期成績感到滿意時,較能以口頭讚許來鼓勵;在家中有較多的兒童百科全書、期刊、報紙。家中書籍方面,科學性與文學性書籍以前段班學生較多,而消遣性書籍則後段班學生較多,在父母管教態度上,有前後矛盾現象的以後段班學生較多。在寒暑假時,能督促孩子看課外科學書籍或預習下學期功課者以前段班學生之父母較多。研究二的結果大致重複研究一的結果,只是有些沒達顯著水準,可能是樣本太少的關係。本研究認為,如要謀求教育機會均等,降低社經背景對學業成就的影響,宜鼓勵社經地位低的家庭多充實家庭文化環境。This study is to explore the mechanism, by which the socioeconomic background influences one`s academic achievement. Two studies were carried out. Study I was the primary research, which sampled 984 students from 6 junior high schools evenly distributed in Taiwan. The second study was a generalization study. Its goal was to test the external validity of Study I. The results showed that: (a) positive correlation was found between socioeconomic background and academic achievement, (b) the parents of higher achievers tend to using praise to reinforce the academic achievements of their children, (c) in the families of higher achievers, there are more encyclopaedia, magazines, newspapers as well as scientific and literary books, which the children are interested to read, (d) during the vacations, the higher achievers are more demanded by their parents to read extracurricular scientific or mathematic books or to learn beforehand the teaching materials of next semester. The results of Study II duplicated mostly that of Study I, but, possibly due to too few samples, some of the results had not reached significant level. The present study implies that in order to improve the equality of educational opportunity, the parents of students with lower socioeconomic background had to be suggested to enrich the cultural environment of their families.
關聯: 國立政治大學學報, 51, 139-165
資料類型: article
Appears in Collections:期刊論文

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