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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 564
26-May-2020在專家、媒體與公眾之間:作為科技風險溝通途徑的新興科技媒體中心徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling; 高佩懃; Kao, Pei-Chin; 陳璽尹; Chen, Sinead Hsi-Yi; 劉華美; Liou, Hwa Meei; 周桂田; Chou, Kuei Tien
26-May-2020《人民日報》霧霾新聞框架建構  (2011-2017)徐美苓; Hsu, Mei-Ling; 李子甜; Li, Zitian
28-Apr-2020以公眾認知為中心的氣候變遷風險溝通:理論與實踐施琮仁; Shih, Tsung Jen
10-Mar-2020社群媒體資料分析:特性與歷程的初探陳百齡*; Chen, Pai-Lin; 鄭宇君; 陳恭
15-Feb-2019Interactions between different language communities on Twitter during the 2012 presidential election in Taiwan鄭宇君; Cheng, Yu-Chung;Chen, Pai-lin; 陳百齡
15-Feb-2019Analysis of social media data: An introduction to characteristics and chronological process鄭宇君; Chen, Pai-Lin;Cheng, Yu-Chung;Chen, Kung; 陳百齡
15-Feb-2019香港雨傘運動的眾聲喧嘩:探討Twitter社群的多語系貼文鄭宇君;陳百齡; Cheng, Yu-Chung;Chen, Pai-Lin
15-Feb-2019災難傳播中的群體力量:社交媒體促成新型態的公民參與鄭宇君; Cheng, Yu-Chung
15-Feb-2019用方法說故事:探析電腦輔助文本分析工具在框架研究之應用盧安邦; Lu, An-Pang; 鄭宇君; Cheng, Yu-Chung
15-Feb-2019向運算轉:新媒體研究與資訊技術結合的契機與挑戰鄭宇君; Cheng, Yu-Chung
15-Feb-2019資訊科技與新媒體研究之發展李蔡彥; 鄭宇君; Li, Tsai-Yen; Cheng, Yu-Chung
15-Feb-2019社交媒體之雙重性:人的連結與技術的連結鄭宇君; Cheng, Yu-Chung
15-Feb-2019探討社交媒體事件之浮現邏輯:一個融合STS與傳播研究取徑之嘗試鄭宇君; Cheng, Yu-Chung
15-Feb-2019探索2012台灣總統大選社交媒體之新聞來源引用鄭宇君; Cheng, Yu-Chung; 施旭峰; Shih, Shiuh-Feng
15-Feb-2019Modeling resource network relationships between response organizations and affected neighborhoods after a technological disaster鄭宇君; C.-H., Lai;Tao, C.-C.;Cheng, Yu-Chung
22-Dec-2018[Book Reviews] FAKED IN CHINA: Nation Branding, Counterfeit Culture, and GlobalizationLin, Yi-Chieh Jessica; 林怡潔
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 564