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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 222
7-Apr-2023Ennin’s (793–864) Sillan connections on his journey to Mt. Wutai: a fresh look at Ennin’s travel record林佩瑩; Lin, Pei-ying
7-Apr-2023Cross-national Buddhism and Identity Construction in Ch’oe Ch’iwŏn’s “Four Mountains Stele”林佩瑩; Lin, Pei-ying
7-Apr-2023Bodhidharma Lineages and Bodhisattva Precepts in the Ninth Century林佩瑩; Lin, Pei-ying
7-Apr-2023A Survey of the Japanese Influence on Buddhist Education in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period (1895–1945)林佩瑩; Lin, Pei-ying
7-Apr-2023《禪祕要法經》(T. 613) 與《治禪病祕要法 》(T. 620) 中的禪病—論早期禪修傳統中犯戒法的觀想法門林佩瑩; Lin, Pei-ying
2-Dec-2022Image, ritual and mantra: a study on Esoteric rituals of Dipper Mother Mārīcī謝世維; Hsieh, Shu-Wei
2-Dec-2022The Tendai Use of Official Documents in the Ninth Century: Revisiting the Case of Monk Daosui林佩瑩; Lin, Pei-ying
2-Dec-2022Commemorating Xu Guangqi in 19th- and 20th- Century Shanghai吳欣芳; Wu, Hsin-Fang
2-Dec-2022An Investigation into the Histoire de la mission de Pekin, 1924-1932吳欣芳; Wu, Hsin-Fang
20-Oct-2022元末明初的道教山水藝術:方從義與道教山水藝術的關係謝世維; Hsieh, Shu-Wwi
23-Aug-2022通敵者或救世者?對一貫道漢奸爭議之反思林敬智; Lin, Ching-chih
14-Apr-2022馬來西亞華人基督徒的主體性與身份認同:反思「華人教會」定義與指稱的適切性葉先秦; Iap, Sian-Chin
14-Apr-2022華人五旬宗自立運動先驅馬兆瑞及其人際網絡與親屬網絡葉先秦; Iap, Sian-Chin
28-Mar-2022從當代土耳其政教關係的轉變探討伊斯蘭政黨的崛起蔡源林; Tsai, Yuan-Lin
25-Oct-2021十四世紀的道教山水敘事:以宋濂、張宇初為中心謝世維; Hsien, Shu-Wei
10-Jun-2021數位人文視野下木版年畫生產銷售之空間與網絡分析初探林敬智; Lin, Ching-Chih
10-Jun-2021道教開光儀式疏文之文本探勘與數位人文探索:以府城延陵道壇為例林敬智; Lin, Ching-Chih
27-Jan-2021依納爵主教的音樂語彙與對神聖的描繪與再現The Musical Language/Metaphor in the Epistles of Ignatius of Antioch and Its Representation of the Divine張毅民; Chang, Paulus Iee-Ming
27-Jan-2021《十二宗徒訓誨錄》聖事神學「原型正統」探源張毅民; Chang, Paulus Iee-Ming
15-Dec-2020道教抄本文化:近代道壇抄本之特質及其復興謝世維; Hsieh, Shu-Wei 
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 40 of 222