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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 973
12-Oct-2023Pandemic Legislation in a Decentralized Legislature: The Case of Taiwan盛杏湲; Sheng, Shing-yuan
5-Oct-2023Limited Colonialist and not an Imperialist: Revisiting Lockeâ–™s Account of Property Rights周家瑜; Chou, Chia-Yu
4-Oct-2023中共的反霸權論述:新時代與舊傳統梁梓然; Liang, Ziran
12-Jul-2023Diplomatie de la défense : la lutte pour le cœur du Pacifique陳永福; Tan, Alexander C.; Roddis, Kendra L.
12-Jul-2023Balancing, bandwagoning or hedging: Taiwan’s strategic choices in the era of a rising China陳永福; Tan, Alexander C.; Wang, T.Y.
4-Jul-2023Ideological Congruence, Perceived Accountability, and Satisfaction with Democracy: Case Studies of Australia and New ZealandTsai, Chia-hung;Tan, Alexander; 蔡佳泓;陳永福
29-May-2023All Are Not Equal: Taiwanese Public Opinion on Southeast Asian Immigration錢宜群; Chien, Yi-Chun; Rich, Timothy S.;Eliassen, Isabel;Einhorn, Madelynn;Dahmer, Andi
18-Apr-2023中国共産党第 20 回党大会後の中国政治経済の継続と転換蔡中民; Tsai, Chung-Min
12-Apr-2023【文獻回顧】美國政治學界的中國研究之延續、變遷與挑戰蔡中民; Tsai, Chung-Min
10-Apr-2023夜間工作的性平時刻--從國際法規範定位釋字第807號解釋之歷史意涵翁燕菁; Weng, Vivianne Yen-ching
27-Dec-2022中國大陸中管高校黨委書記和校長的流動特徵:轉向政治優先寇健文;郭昱岑; Kou, Chien-wen;Kuo, Yu-tsen
20-Oct-2022Rules for Party Subsidies and Electoral Volatility in Latin America蘇彥斌; Su, Yen-Pin
21-Sep-2022Actual and perceived polarization on independence-unification views in Taiwan黃紀; Huang, Chi; Kuo, Tzu-ching
6-Jul-2022Youth Turnout in Referendums and Elections: Evidence from Regression Discontinuity Designs黃紀; Huang, Chi
20-May-2022臺灣白色恐怖時期政治案件終審結果之解析:以死刑判決與無罪判決為例蘇彥斌; Su, Yen-Pin
11-Apr-2022中國大陸金融科技發展與金融監管的政治經濟分析蔡中民; Tsai, Chung-min 
12-Jan-2022Explaining the Party Unity of Governing Parties in Mexico蘇彥斌; 馮慕文; Su, Yen-Pin; Fonseca, Fabricio A.
12-Jan-2022Electoral Volatility in Latin America, 1932-2018蘇彥斌; Su, Yen-Pin; Mainwaring, Scott
12-Jan-2022“We Are Not Foreigners": Constructing Migrant Subjects through Korean Chinese Migrants’ Claims-Making in South Korea錢宜群; Chien, Yi-Chun; 김양숙; Kim, Yang-Sook
12-Jan-2022以人民主權超克政治之惡:析探邊沁的民主憲政思想陳建綱; Chen, Chien-kang
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 973