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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 421
5-Oct-2020大陸的行動學術與政策學習:以鄉建及農禾在農村發展的角色為例林育民; 湯京平; 王瑞琦
5-Oct-2020「帝國」與「民人」:從別爾嘉耶夫的《俄羅斯的命運》談「帝國」的政治概念林育民; Зайцев, Ярослав Андреевич
5-Oct-2020論道德品賦在邊沁的國際法思想之重要性陳建綱; Chen, Chien-kang
5-Oct-2020Was the 2016 Election a Realigning One?陳永福; Tan, Alexander C.; Clark, Cal; Ho, Karl
5-Oct-2020Political Polarization in Taiwan and the United States: A Research Puzzle陳永福; Tan, Alexander C.; Clark, Cal; Ho, Karl
24-Dec-2019所得變數於民意調查研究中之應用:回顧與前瞻蔡宗漢; Tsai, Tsung-han; 蔡奇霖
24-Dec-2019Mid-term? Candidate’s Favorability? Referendum Mobilization? An Examination of Mayoral Election of Taichung City, Taiwan in 2018蔡宗漢; Tsai, Tsung-han; Yu, Ching-hsin; Lin, Tsong-jyi
24-Dec-2019Dealing with Sample Attrition in Survey Panel Data: The Application and Comparison of Weighting and Multiple Imputation蔡宗漢; Tsai, Tsung-han; Tsai, Chi-lin; Tsai, Chia-Hung
24-Dec-2019Crime, Punishment, and Political Education: A Benthamite Framework for Transitional Justice陳建綱; Chen, Chien-kang
24-Dec-2019Issues Impacts and Vote choice in Taiwan Elections, 2004-2016.陳永福; Tan, Alexander C.; Ho, Karl; Clark, Cal
24-Dec-2019Ending Taiwan’s Economic Stagnation: The Implications of the Elections of Presidents Tsai and Trump陳永福; Tan, Alexander C.; Clark, Cal; Ho, Karl
24-Dec-2019Democratic Belief, Cognitive Mobilization and Political Participation in Taiwan.陳永福; Tan, Alexander C.; Tsai, Chia-hung
24-Dec-2019Canary in the mine?: Taiwan, New Southbound Policy, and Regional Relations.陳永福; Tan, Alexander C.; Ho, Karl*; Clark, Cal
3-Oct-2019Empirical Studies of Strategic Voting: An EITM Perspective黃紀; Huang, Chi*
29-Nov-2018The Impact of Issues on the 2016 Presidential Election in Taiwan陳永福; Tan, Alex C.; Clark, Cal; Ho, Karl
29-Nov-2018Xi Jinping’s Political Personality and Leadership Style寇健文; Kou, Chien-wen
17-Oct-2018The Prediction of Student’s Academic Performance Through Data Mining--- A Case from Online Learning Management System葉晏瑜; Yeh, Yen-Yu
17-Oct-2018Effects of Knowledge Building on Elementary School Students’ Reading Comprehension葉晏瑜; Yeh, Yen-Yu
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 41 to 60 of 421