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dc.contributor.authorHsiao, Ying Chuanen_US
dc.creatorHsiao, Ying Chuanen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在分析「國中基測國文科試題閱讀試題」與「PISA, PIRLS, NAEP等閱讀理解歷程概念」之關連,企盼能瞭解98年度至101年度基測國文科試題命題取向,以提供九年一貫國語文課綱、閱讀素養教學以及大型閱讀測驗命題建議。\n 本研究係採取文獻分析法及內容分析法。針對國中基測國文科試題進行閱讀理解歷程概念主次類目分類劃記,接著分析其分佈情形並探討其試題之差異性。 \n研究結果與發現如下: \n\n一、各年度就主類目而言,以「統整」劃記數最多,其次為「解碼」、「檢索/擷取訊息」,劃記數最少的是「省思文本內容」。\n二、各年度次類目的劃記數分布並不平均,其中以「4-2比較及對照文章訊息」、「1-3包含字義了解和語法分析兩個歷程,閱讀時須經過這兩種過程始能了解文意」、「2-1找出與閱讀目標有關的訊息、事實或支持的細節」呈現最多。\n三、多項次類目於命題時被忽視,顯示試題分布極度不平均,集中於初、中階閱讀理解歷程概念。\n四、「92國民中小學九年一貫課程綱要」和PISA,PIRLS,NAEP等閱讀素養測驗架構焦點不同。\n伍、「基測國文試題」和PISA,PIRLS,NAEP等閱讀素養測驗架構焦點不同。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to analyze the correlation between “the Basic Competence Tests in Mandarin Reading for Junior High School Students (BCT)” and “Comprehension Processes among PISA, PIRLS and NAEP”, hoping to understand the index of the Basic Competence tests questions of Mandarin Reading for Junior High School Students from 2009 to 2012. The result can be used to provide suggestions for Taiwan’s Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines of Mandarin, reading literacy education and the following examination questions of reading assessments in Taiwan. \nLiterature review and content analysis are adopted as the research processes in this study. “Comprehension Processes among PISA, PIRLS and NAEP” is used as content analysis category to categorize the index of the Mandarin Reading test questions of BCT, analyzing the distribution of each category and discussion the differences among the test questions.\nThe findings of the study are as follows: \n1. When it comes to the numbers of major categories, “Integration” is ranked first, followed by “Decoding” and “Retrieving Information”. At the bottom is “Reflecting on and evaluating the content of a text”.\n2. The numbers of minor categories are not equally distributed. Among all the minor categories, “4-2, Comparing and contrasting the information in the text”, “1-3, Understanding texts by acquiring the meanings of words and analyzing sentence structures” and “2-1, Finding out information, facts or supporting details related to reading texts” are on the top of the list.\n3. Plenty of comprehension processes are ignored during question- formulation for reading tests. Basic and intermediate comprehension processes instead of higher ones are a lot more emphasized.\n4. “2003 Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines of Mandarin” and “Reading Assessment Framework Among PISA, PIRLS and NAEP” aim differently.\n5. “The Basic Competence Tests in Mandarin Reading for Junior High School Students” and “Reading Assessment Framework Among PISA, PIRLS and NAEP” aim differently.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents目錄\n第一章 緒論.......................................1\n第一節 研究動機............................1\n第二節 研究目的與待答問題..................4\n第三節 名詞釋義............................5\n第四節 研究範圍與研究限制..................8\n第二章 文獻探討..................................10\n第一節 閱讀理解相關概念之探討.............10\n第二節 PISA內涵之探討與試題範例...........14\n第三節 PIRLS內涵之探討與試題範例..........35\n第四節 NAEP內涵之探討與試題範例...........51\n第三章 研究設計與實施............................63\n第一節 研究架構..........................63\n第二節 研究方法與對象....................64\n第三節 研究工具..........................67\n第四節 研究流程..........................77\n第五節 資料分析與處理....................79\n第四章 研究結果與討論............................80\n第一節 PISA, PIRLS, NAEP閱讀架構與國內閱讀能 \n力指標比較結果與討論...............80\n第二節 基測國文試題閱讀理解歷程概念之分佈結果\n與討論.............................86\n第三節 基測國文歷年試題閱讀理解歷程概念之差異 \n 分析結果與討論....................100\n第五章 結論與建議...............................107\n第一節 結論..............................107\n第二節 建議..............................110\n參考文獻........................................114\n 中文部份.................................114\n英文部份.................................117\n附錄............................................121\n 閱讀理解歷程 (層次)/認知目標主次類目專家意見修正表................................121\n 閱讀理解歷程 (層次)/認知目標主次類目專家意見修正統整表............................129\n 92年九年一貫閱讀分段能力指標............131\n表 次\n表1-1 九年一貫課程目標與基本能力對照表........................6\n表1-2 國語文領域三年度使用教科書及基測施測時間統整表..........8\n表2-1 PISA 2009 電子文本試題環境之概略分配比率表..............17\n表2-2 PISA 2009 試題文本型式之概略分配比率表.................18\n表2-3 PISA 2009 試題情境之概略分配比率表......................18\n表2-4 PISA 2009 試題閱讀歷程之概略表..........................19\n表2-5 PISA 2009「擷取與檢索」不同閱讀素養水準的描述表..........20\n表2-6 PISA 2009「統整與解釋」不同閱讀素養水準的描述表..........21\n表2-7 PISA 2009「省思與評鑑」不同閱讀素養水準的描述表...........22\n表2-8 PISA閱讀素養構面整理表.................................23\n表2-9 PISA 2009不同閱讀水準的描述表...........................25\n表2-10 2006年及2001年參與PIRLS的國家與地區表................37\n表2-11 2006 PIRLS亞洲國家之閱讀歷程表現表(一).................42\n表2-12 2006 PIRLS亞洲國家之閱讀歷程表現表(二).................43\n表2-13 1992 NAEP閱謮架構實施年份與年級對照表..................51\n表2-14 NAEP 認知目標與文本類型對照表..........................55\n表2-15 NAEP文本類型對應年級之出題比例表......................56\n表2-16 NAEP 各年級試題分配百分比表............................57\n表3-1國中基測國文試題統整表..................................66\n表3-2閱讀理解歷程 (層次)/認知目標類目表.....................68\n表3-3 評分員基本資料表.......................................74\n表3-4基測試題評分員相互同意度、評分員信度、研究者信度一覽表..75\n表3-5 專家學者基本資料表.....................................76\n表4-1 PISA, PIRLS, NAEP閱讀素養測驗架構比較表..................80\n表4-2 PISA, PIRLS, NAEP及Swaby, Gagne, Pearson and Johnson\n 閱讀理解歷程統整表.....................................85\n表4-3 閱讀理解歷程類目與92九年一貫國語文領域課綱閱讀能力指標對照簡表.................................................85\n表4-4 基測試題主類目劃記數、百分比統計一覽表.................87\n表4-5 基測試題次類目劃記數、百分比統計一覽表.................87\n表4-6 基測試題各主類目於不同年度所佔劃記數、百分比統計一覽表.100\n表4-7 基測各年度次類目劃記數最高前五項列表..................104\n\n\n\n\n\n圖 次\n圖2-1 PISA 2009 閱讀歷程架構圖................................23\n圖2-2 PISA閱讀素養結構圖.....................................24\n圖3-1 研究架構圖.............................................63\n圖3-2 研究流程圖.............................................78\n圖4-1 基測試題主類目劃記數、百分比統計長條圖..................86\n圖4-2 「解碼」之次類目劃記數比較圖.............................89\n圖4-3 「檢索擷取訊息」之次類目劃記數比較圖.....................90\n圖4-4 「推論」之次類目劃記數比較圖.............................91\n圖4-5 「統整」之次類目劃記數比較圖.............................93\n圖4-6 「解釋」之次類目劃記數比較圖.............................95\n圖4-7 「省思文本內容」之次類目劃記數比較圖.....................96\n圖4-8 「評鑑文本形式」之次類目劃記數比較圖....................98\n圖4-9 基測國文試題各主類目於不同年度所佔比例趨勢走向圖......102\n圖4-10 基測國文試題各年度於不同主類目所佔比例趨勢走向圖.....103\n圖4-11 基測國文試題於主類目「解碼」項下各次類目所佔比例趨勢走向圖...................................................105\n圖4-12 基測國文試題於主類目「檢索/擷取訊息」項下各次類目所佔比例趨勢走向圖.........................................105\n圖4-13 基測國文試題於主類目「統整」項下各次類目所佔比例趨勢走向圖...................................................106\n圖4-14 基測國文試題於主類目「解釋」項下各次類目所佔比例趨勢走向圖...................................................106zh_TW
dc.format.extent1866711 bytes-
dc.subjectReading Literacyen_US
dc.subjectthe Basic Competence Tests for Junior High School Studentsen_US
dc.subjectGrade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines of Mandarinen_US
dc.subjectContent Analysisen_US
dc.titleAn Application Study on Reading Assessment Framework Among PISA, PIRLS and NAEPen_US
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