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題名: 兩岸四地勞工退休保障可攜性之研究
An analysis on Possibility of Pension Portability for Interregional Mobile Workers
作者: 潘智茵
Pun, Chi Ian
貢獻者: 王惠玲
Pun, Chi Ian
關鍵詞: 跨國勞工移動
international labour mobility
pension portability
portability loss
social security agreements
日期: 2012
上傳時間: 2-Sep-2013
摘要: 人口老化是全球趨勢,而此現象引起社會各界對退休保障的關注。此外,跨國勞工移動人數因全球化而急速上升。勞工跨國移動對於跨國界之退休保障帶來新的挑戰。作為社會的一份子,每人都應該享有社會保障的權利,但跨國移動勞工可能會面對與就業國本地勞工在社會保障上存在差別待遇之問題,甚至有機會同時失去家國及就業國的社會保障。勞工個人的流動量越大,對其退休保障所造成的影響就會越大。\n\n會產生此類問題的原因是因為勞工跨國移動,但國家之間的退休保障制度卻沒有連接起來。此問題可以通過簽訂雙邊協議或多邊協議來解決。通過協議,就業國應提供外籍勞工與本地勞工平等待遇。協議亦可用於訂定移動勞工應該適用那一個國家的法規。同時亦可以解決投保年資中斷及分隔兩地、給付出口有設置限制等問題。雖然並非必須的,但協議可幫助協約國間之退休行政服務連結起來,為受益人帶來方便性。\n\n保障移動勞工的權益不只單單是允許其參加退休保障制度,而且應該確保勞工受到與本地勞工同等之對待。通過訂定社會保障協議,勞工即使離國工作亦可以維持獲取退休保障之權利。社會保障可攜性,特別是退休保障,不止對勞工有利,對政府、對經濟發展亦是有益處的。\n\n近年兩岸四地的經濟交流合作及勞工流動增加,四地之間的退休保障問題更值得關注。探討兩岸四地退休保障可攜性,可以幫助解決或至少減低四地間移動勞工之退休保障攜帶性損失。
Aging population is a global phenomenon and this leads to the concern of social security issues. Besides, the number of international mobile workers is increasing rapidly due to globalization. International labour mobility is creating new challenges for cross national social security. Being a member of the society, everyone should have the right to social security, but international mobile workers may face the problem of having a deduction on pension benefits comparing with native workers, or even, lack of social security protection from both home and host countries. And the larger the mobility, the greater the influences are towards pension benefits.\n\nThese problems occur because of workers working abroad, but there is no connection between the social security systems between home and host countries. This can be solved by concluding bilateral agreements or multilateral agreements. Through social security agreements, the host countries should provide equality of treatment towards expatriates. Besides, agreements can also be used for the determination of the applicable legislation, as well as solving the problems of separation of insured years and restrictions on the export of benefits etc. Although it is not a must, agreements can also help in providing administrative assistance for beneficiaries. \n\nEnsuring the right to social security of mobile workers is not only allowing them to join social security schemes, but also guaranteeing them to have equality of treatment comparing with native workers. Social security agreements can help in maintaining the right to social security for mobile workers. Portability of social security, especially on pension issue, benefits not only mobiles workers, but also government and the economic development.\n\nThe economic cooperation and labour mobility between Taiwan, China, Hong Kong and Macau is increasing in recent years, and thus brings to the attention on the pension issue for mobile workers between places. Analyze on interregional pension portability can help in solving, or at least reducing the portability loss of mobile workers among these four places.
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Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948\n《國際人權宣言》 \n\n4. Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties in 1969\n《維也納條約法公約》\n\nInternational Labour Organization\n5. Equality of Treatment (Accident Compensation) Convention, 1925 (No. 19) \n1925 年平等待遇(意外補償)公約(第19號)\n\n6. Maintenance of Migrants’ Pension Rights Convention, 1935 (No. 48) \n1935 年移民年金維護權利公約(第48號)\n\n7. Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949 (No.97) \n1949年為就業而移民公約(修正)(第97號)\n\n8. Migration for Employment Recommendation (Revised), 1949 (No.86)\n1949年為就業而移民建議書(修正)(第86號)\n\n9. Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1952 (No.102) \n1952年社會保障(最低標準)公約(第102號)\n10. Equality of Treatment (Social Security) Convention, 1962 (No. 118)\n1962年平等待遇(社會保障)公約(第118號)\n\n11. Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 (No. 143)\n1975年移徙勞工(補充條款)公約(第143號)\n\n12. Migrant Workers Recommendation, 1975 (No. 151)\n1975年移徙勞工建議書(第151號)\n\n13. Maintenance of Social Security Rights Convention, 1982 (No. 157) \n1982年維護社會保障權利公約(第157號)\n\n14. Maintenance of Social Security Rights Recommendation, 1983 (No. 167)\n1983年維護社會保障權利建議書(第167號)\n\nThe European Union\n15. Regulation (EEC) No. 1408/71 of 14 June 1971 \n\n16. Council Regulation (EC) No. 859/2003 of 14 May 2003 \n\n17. Council Directive (EC) No. 109/2003 of 25 November 2003 \n\n18. Regulation (EC) No. 883/2004 of 29 April 2004 \n\n19. Regulation (EC) No. 987/2009 of 16 September 2009 \n\n20. Council Regulation (EEC) No. 574/72 of 21 March 1972 \n\nBilateral Agreements\n21. The U.S. Totalization Agreement with Germany\n\n22. The U.S. Totalization Agreement with United Kingdom \n\n23. Social Security Agreement between Australia and Germany\n\n(三) 網路資料\n1. International Labour Organizations. (2013). Migrant workers. Retrieved 29 May 2013, from\n\n2. The U.S. Social Security Administration. (2012). U.S. International Social Security Agreements. Retrieved 7 May 2013, from\n\n3. 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描述: 碩士
資料類型: thesis
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