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題名: 公共外交的挑戰:以羅馬尼亞為例
Challenges of Public Diplomacy: the case of Romania
作者: 韋妲
Vaida Daniela
貢獻者: 李明
Lee, Ming
Vaida Daniela
關鍵詞: 羅馬尼亞
public diplomacy
public diplomacy challenges
national identity
European Union
日期: 2013
上傳時間: 2-九月-2013
摘要: 論文的目的是想要了解羅馬尼亞自2007年成為歐盟成員後,在公共外交面對的主要挑戰。作者試圖從2007年以後,找出羅馬尼亞公共外交元素,理解該國在建立國家品牌的努力。\n  共產主義解體之後,羅馬尼亞不能夠建立自己的認同,無力面對歐洲聯盟的高期望。這兩個情況共同導致羅馬尼亞2007年之前的困境,加入歐盟之後這個困境更甚。看歐洲的環境及挑戰,羅馬尼亞爲克服挑戰努力以赴,但步履艱辛。\n本論文參考資料主要是二手資料(例如:參考書,研究論文,報告,期刊文章等),但作者自信這些資料價值不容懷疑。
The purpose of this thesis is to gain understanding of the main challenges of public diplomacy in the case of Romania after the 2007 European Union membership acceptance. The situation that presents itself after 2007 was only looked at in correlation to the country’s past attempts to create a national brand that includes elements of public diplomacy. \nNot being able to create an identity after the fall of communism and high expectations from the European community, together create the situation in which Romania finds itself not only before 2007 but more visible after the European Union membership. \nLooking at the European context and examples of the connectivity between challenges a set of possible recommendations are constructed to overcome the challenges.\nBoth challenges are present before and after 2007 but once the European Union membership was granted they became even more visible.\nThe information is based on secondary sources (e.g. reference books, research papers, reports, journals’ articles, etc.) from organizations, publishers, universities, research institutes, media outlets, individuals, etc.
參考文獻: 9 Bibliography\n\nBooks\nFisher, Glen. Mindsets: The Role of Culture and Perception in International Relations, 2nd ed., London, Intercultural Press, Inc., 1998.\nHall, Edward T. Understanding Cultural Differences, London, Intercultural Press, Inc., 1990.\nMelissen, Jan. The New Public Diplomacy: Soft Power in International Relations, New York, Palgrave Macmillan Publishing, 2005.\nBooks Published Online\nVoicu, Bogdan. Social Capital in Romania at the Begging of the Millennium: Traveler in the No-Friends Land?, Iasi, Lumen, 2010. Accessed June 10, 2013.\n \nKaneva, Nadia. Branding Post- Communist Nations: Marketizing National Identities in the New Europe, Routledge Publishing, 2011. 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資料類型: thesis

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