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dc.contributor.authorYen, Shu Rongen_US
dc.creatorYen, Shu Rongen_US
dc.description.abstractOverseas Chinese affairs has become indispensable to government foreign relating issues in every stage of Republic of China ever since it was established as well as in diplomatic dilemma caused by cross-Strait relation. “Track-Ⅱ Diplomacy” can be done through overseas Chinese’ influence in politic and in economic in the country of residence, also can assist to promote foreign affairs. Therefore, “what kind of capability the overseas affairs working abroad staff need to have and how they play all roles well, attract and win overseas Chinese’ support indeed?” is a good subject worth to pay close attention to.\n\nOverseas affairs working abroad staff are manager & executor, who are working abroad with particular mission. This research firstly made from general role theory and managing role theory, then from general function theory and expatriate function theory. Through three research methods – deep interview, information analysis and participant observation – generalize overseas affairs working abroad staff’s roles, functions & capabilities. This research discovered overseas affairs working abroad staff when executing missions need to contact with Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, R.O.C. (Taiwan), overseas missionary offices, overseas Chinese cultural service centers, abroad organizations & people, Chinese embassy, overseas compatriot groups, act 8 roles as government representative, national sovereignty safeguard, relationship management, communication bridge, information transmission, business operation, resources integration & management to different subject & circumstance. So they need to have social skill, language, communication, oral expression, management, leadership, plan & design, marketing and accommodation 8 capabilities to play different role successfully. \n\nBesides, this research also suggests Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission, R.O.C. (Taiwan), staff working abroad and colleagues who intend to work abroad in future respectively that they need to find out how to improve recognition of each role and how to strengthen each capability. Bring out workable direction for future further research.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第一章  緒 論…………………………………………………1\n第一節 研究背景…………………………………………1\n第二節 研究動機及目的…………………………………2\n第三節 研究範圍與限制…………………………………7\n第四節 重要名詞界定……………………………………9\n第二章  相關理論與文獻探討…………………………………11\n第一節 角色理論…………………………………………11\n第二節 管理者角色理論…………………………………22\n第三節 職能理論…………………………………………31\n第四節 外派人員能力之相關研究………………………41\n第三章  僑務工作重點及範圍分析……………………………52\n第一節 僑務工作源起、演進及發展……………………52\n第二節 華僑文教服務中心設立及人員派遣……………59\n第三節 僑務駐外秘書之任用、訓練及工作內容………62\n第四節 研究個案-休士頓華僑文教服務中心…………65\n第五節 綜合評析…………………………………………67\n第四章  研究設計………………………………………………73\n第一節 研究架構及流程…………………………………73\n第二節 研究方法…………………………………………75\n第三節 研究實施…………………………………………78\n第四節 研究資料之處理…………………………………83\n第五章  調查結果分析歸納……………………………………89\n第一節 資料歸納與分析原則……………………………89\n第二節 僑務駐外人員之角色功能分析…………………92\n第三節 僑務駐外人員能力分析………………………106\n第四節 調查結果之綜合論述…………………………118\n第六章  結論…………………………………………………127\n第一節 研究發現………………………………………127\n第二節 研究建議………………………………………132\n第三節 對後續研究方向之建議………………………142\n參考文獻…………………………………………………………143\n附錄………………………………………………………………154\n深度訪談大綱………………………………………………154\n深度訪談紀錄範例…………………………………………156\n僑務工作週報內容分析範例………………………………162\n參與觀察心得…………………………………………………170zh_TW
dc.format.extent1566396 bytes-
dc.format.extent1566396 bytes-
dc.subjectOverseas Compatriot Affairs Commissionen_US
dc.subjectoverseas Chineseen_US
dc.titleResearch on role function and competence of expatriate of overseas compatriot affairs commission: a case study on culture center of Taipei economic and cultural office in houstonen_US
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