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dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討國民小學領導者-成員交換關係、教師工作投入與教師工作壓力之關係,並探究教師工作投入在領導者-成員交換關係與教師工作壓力之間是否具有中介變項的效果。\n本研究採用問卷調查法,以臺北市公立國民小學教師做為樣本母群體,採用分層隨機抽樣,抽出34所小學共計645位受試者,回收有效問卷604份,可用率達93.64%。問卷回收後分別以描述統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、Pearson積差相關、階層迴歸分析等統計方法進行研究,根據研究結果加以分析歸納,研究結論如下:\n一、臺北市國民小學教師領導者-成員交換關係屬中等程度,以「情感」之知覺程度為最高,「忠誠」之知覺程度最低。\n二、臺北市國民小學教師在教師工作投入之知覺程度屬中等程度,以「專注」之知覺程度最高,「活力」之知覺程度最低。\n三、臺北市國民小學教師在教師工作壓力之知覺屬於低程度。\n四、不同背景變項之臺北市國民學小教師知覺領導者-成員交換關係、教師工作投入與教師工作壓力之程度有差異。\n \n五、臺北市國民小學教師國小教師領導者-成員交換關係、教師工作投入與教師工作壓力之知覺,彼此間具有顯著相關。\n六、教師教師工作投入在領導者-成員交換關係與教師工作壓力間具有部份中介效果。\n最後,根據研究結果提出建議,以供教育行政機關、學校校長與教師及後續研究之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of the study is to investigate the relationship among leader-member exchange, teacher work engagement, and work stress of elementary school teachers. Also, the research further intends to examine whether teacher work engagement causes the mediating effect between leader-member exchange and work stress of teachers.\nThe survey study was conducted by using a sample of public elementary schools in Taipei City. 645 participants from 34 schools were selected by stratified random sampling. 604 valid sample data collected was analyzed and processed with the methods of descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, multiple-regression analysis. Based on the results, the major findings of this study are as follows:\n1.Leader-member exchange is moderate in Taipei City elementary school teachers, while teacher’s Perception Level on affect tops all the other ones and teacher’s Perception Level on loyalty ranks the last.\n2.Teacher’s Perception Level on work engagement is moderate in Taipei City elementary school teachers, while teacher’s Perception Level on absorption reaches the highest and teacher’s Perception Level on vigor hits the lowest.\n3.Teacher’s Perception Level on work stress is average among Taipei City elementary school teachers.\n4.The significance level varies when it comes to the variable of teacher’s background on the relationship among leader-member exchange, teacher work engagement, and work stress of elementary school teachers in Taipei City.\n5.The results show significance in the relationship among leader-member exchange, teacher work engagement, and work stress of elementary school teachers in Taipei City.\n6.Teacher work engagement plays a partial mediate effect between leader-member exchange and teacher work stress.\n\nLast, based on the results of the research, suggestions for educational administration authorities, principals, and future related studies are proposed.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents目次 Ⅰ\n表次 Ⅲ\n圖次 Ⅴ\n第一章 緒論 1\n第一節 研究動機與目的 1\n第二節 研究待答問題 4\n第三節 名詞釋義 6\n第四節 研究方法與步驟 8\n第五節 研究範圍與限制 11\n第二章 文獻探討 13\n第一節 領導者─成員交換關係理論與相關研究 13\n第二節 教師工作壓力理論與相關研究 23\n 第三節 教師工作投入理論與相關研究 39\n 第四節 領導者─成員交換關係、教師工作壓力與教師工作投入之相關研究 53\n\n第三章 研究設計與實施 56\n第一節 研究架構 56\n第二節 研究對象 60\n第三節 研究工具 62\n第四節 實施程序 67\n第五節 資料處理 68\n\n第四章 研究結果與討論 70\n第一節 領導者-成員交換關係、教師工作投入與教師工作壓力之現況分析 70\n第二節 不同背景變項在領導者-成員交換關係、教師工作投入與教師工作壓力之差異分析 80\n第三節 教師工作投入在領導者-成員交換關係與教師工作壓力之中介效果驗證… 112\n\n第五章 結論與建議 117\n第一節 結論 117\n第二節 建議 126\n\n參考文獻 131\n附錄一 140\n附錄二 144zh_TW
dc.format.extent2408461 bytes-
dc.subjectLeader-member Exchangeen_US
dc.subjectTeacher Work Engagementen_US
dc.subjectTeacher Work Stressen_US
dc.titleEffects of Leader-member Exchange on Work Stress of Elementary School Teachers:Teacher Work Engagement as a Mediatoren_US
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