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題名: 二十一世紀初期後蘇聯場域的語言與文化建設(俄羅斯、烏克蘭、白俄羅斯、摩爾達維亞、亞塞拜然、中亞共和國、高加索及波羅的海地區)
其他題名: Lannguage and Cultural Construction in the Post-Soviet States at the Begining of XXI Century
作者: 亞榴申娜;賴盈銓
貢獻者: 斯語系
關鍵詞: 社會語言學;跨文化分析;國家語言與文化計劃;民族與語言意識;後蘇聯國家政策 ; social linguistics; cross-cultural analysis; state language and cultural planning; ethnic and language identity; post-Soviet national policy
日期: 2013
上傳時間: 28-七月-2015
摘要: 語言與文化政策為學術與新聞媒體界討論最多的議題之一,由於經濟全球化與新聞媒體自由,語言文化建設成為現代國家與民族間衝突的重要手段。 本計劃為描繪多民族國家——前蘇聯(包含俄羅斯、烏克蘭、白俄羅斯、摩爾達維亞、亞塞拜然、中亞共和國和高加索及波羅的海地區)之民族語言學與社會語言學、當代國家語言及語言情況相關文學的第一階段。文學探討主要聚焦於俄羅斯聯邦內外俄語社會(文學、大眾媒體、戲劇藝術等)之文學進程。 本計劃之具學術理論與實際意義,因國家語言和文化政策與國家利益密切相關。社會對於語言的關注往往起步太晚——只有在語言深陷危機之時才會注意到,例如:帝俄時期的正字委員會,直到日俄戰爭(1904-1905年)和俄國革命(1905-1907年)之後才成立。 最近在烏克蘭發生的克里米亞事件讓我們看到,正確的語言與文化政策對於多民族或多語言社會是如此重要,我們也看到一個國家若忽略少數民族的語言和文化特色,若不了解國家意識和語言意識不能畫上等號,會帶來多嚴重的後果(例如:一個國家——烏克蘭——可以是雙語或單語國,但不論是哪一種情況,都不應被國家視為是「非法的」)。 The problems of language and cultural policy are ones of the most discussed both in special scientific literature, and in mass media. In the conditions of economical globalization and media openness the language and cultural policy becomes an important strategic factor in counteraction to the interethnic and international conflicts. The project represents the first stage of ethno-, sociolinguistic and literary research of the modern national language and literary situations in the multiethnic countries of the former Soviet Union (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, the republics of Central Asia, the Caucasus and Baltic). The literary research is presented mainly by studying of the literary processes that take place inside and outside the Russian Federation in Russian-speaking communities (literature, mass-media, dramatic art, etc.). The relevance of projects similar to this project is defined by a scientific-theoretical and practical importance of the state language and cultural policy from the point of view of a state interest protection. Very often a society starts to discuss a language problem too late – only in a crisis situation (f. ex., in the Russian empire the first Russian Orthographic Commission has started its work just before the Russian-Japanese war (1904-1905) and the first Russian revolution (1905-1907)). The latest events in Ukraine and in the Crimea (2014) showed, how the correct language and cultural policy in multiethnic and multilingual society is important and what catastrophic consequences can happen if the state ignores the language and cultural specifics of the ethnic minorities and can’t understand that a national identity isn’t equal to a language identity (e.g., one nation – Ukrainian – can be bilingual or monolingual and both situations shouldn’t be estimate as “crimes” from the state point of view).
關聯: 計畫編號NSC102-2410-H004-188
資料類型: report

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