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dc.contributor.advisorWang, Tsen Yungen_US
dc.contributor.authorShih, Chun Ien_US
dc.creatorShih, Chun Ien_US
dc.description.abstract同性戀處在以異性戀為主流的社會中往往被視為奇怪、不正常的一群人。同性戀污名不僅影響同志本身,它也擴散至與其親近的家人身上。本研究即源自於研究者出櫃之後與母親的互動經驗,試圖以陽剛女同志的母親為出發點,運用Denzin的解釋性互動論(interpretive interactionism)為研究方法,深度訪談六位陽剛女同志的母親,探究女兒的同志身分與陽剛氣質帶給母親的個人苦惱與其母職實踐經驗。進一步地,研究者也爬梳主流意識形態與社會政策與母親生命經驗之間的關連。最後,反思助人工作者與同志父母互動時能扮演的角色與倡議之方向。\n\n本研究的主要發現如下:一、母親成長過程中所內化的性別經驗成為她們看待陽剛同志女兒的基礎,越早接觸到同性戀議題或是擁有同性戀友人的母親,女兒的出櫃帶給她們的衝擊越小。二、越能在性別認同與性別氣質觀念上有所解放的母親,越能承接起「陽剛女同志的母親」之身分。三、母親會調整自己的母職工作以因應女兒的同志身分所帶來的議題。此外,「母職意識形態」在母親與同志女兒互動的經驗裡亦作為一把雙面刃,一方面令母親質疑自己是否因為擁有同志女兒而不是一位「好媽媽」;但另一方面,有些母親則轉化「母親」的身分,從私領域進入公領域成為所有同志孩子的母親,嘗試改變同志父母與同志孩子在社會中的處境。四、華人家庭照顧倫理的影響使得同志女兒的老年照顧問題成為母親共同面臨的議題,母親也在此種意識型態之下發展出不同的策略來為女兒的老年作準備。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractHomosexuals are often seemed to be the odd and abnormal ones among the heterosexual society. The stigma is not only tagged to the homosexuals, but spread its unfriendliness to their close families. This research was originated from researcher’s own experience of interaction with her mother after coming out, trying to investigate the trouble brought by masculine lesbian’s identity to her mother, and the mother’s practiced experiences at mothers’ view, through in depth interview of six masculine lesbians’ mothers by using Denzin’s interpretive interactionism as methodology. Further more, researcher went through the connection between the mainstream ideology and social policy, and the experiences they brought to a masculine lesbian’s mother. At the end, researcher rethinks what social workers’ role should be like and how should they provide help when interacting with parents of homosexuals.\n\nFindings of this research include: 1. The gender experiences internalized during a mother’s growth process becomes the foundation of how they see their masculine lesbian daughter; the earlier a mother aware of homosexual issue or having a homosexual friend, the smaller impact she have when her daughter coming out. 2. How much a mother could bear the identity of “masculine lesbian’s mother” depends on how liberate she is to the gender identity and gender temperament. 3. A mother will adjust her motherhood in respond to the issue brought by her daughter’s lesbian identity. Moreover, the “motherhood ideology” is a double-edged sword in the interaction experience between a mother and her lesbian daughter; on the one hand, the mother question herself for having a lesbian daughter, on the other hand, some mother convert her motherhood, from one’s mother into all lesbian’s mother, and trying to change the status of homosexual and their parents in the social environment. 4. The concept of traditional oriental family makes nursing care of lesbian daughter in her elder age a common issue for lesbians’ mothers, and because of this ideology, they have developed different strategies to prepare their daughter for their elder age.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents表目錄 3\n第一章 緒論 4\n第一節 研究緣起 4\n第二節 研究目的與研究問題 12\n第二章 文獻探討 14\n第一節 歷史中的女同志 14\n第二節 同志母親 23\n第三章 研究方法 35\n第一節 研究取向:質性研究取向 35\n第二節 為何選擇解釋性互動論? 36\n第三節 資料分析 37\n第四節 資料蒐集 38\n第五節 研究的效度 42\n第六節 研究設計過程 43\n第七節 研究倫理 43\n第四章 與母親相遇:六位媽媽的生命故事 47\n第一節 在女兒身上看見媽媽的樣子─陳媽媽的故事 47\n第二節 躊躇在接納與不接納之間─詹媽媽的故事 63\n第三節 且戰且走,匍匐前行─石媽媽的故事 78\n第四節 我的同志孩子,請讓我做妳的朋友─曹媽媽的故事 92\n第五節 捨我其誰?與孩子一起學習做同志─郭媽媽的故事 104\n第六節 孩子隨母:比女兒還要陽剛的媽媽─閻媽媽的故事 118\n第五章 看見結構:鑲嵌在異性戀父權體制下的母親 131\n第一節 入櫃之前:母親的性別角色認知起點 132\n第二節 母親入櫃:既定女性角色想像的破滅與母職實踐的斷裂 137\n第三節 妥協與出櫃:學習重新作一為陽剛女同志的母親 142\n第四節 老年照顧的私化:以「家」為名帶來「無家」的恐懼 157\n第六章 結論與建議 166\n第一節 結論 166\n第二節 研究省思 168\n第三節 研究限制 169\n第四節 研究建議 169\n參考文獻 172\n附錄一、訪談大綱 177\n附錄二、訪談同意書 178zh_TW
dc.format.extent2714368 bytes-
dc.subjectinterpretive interactionismen_US
dc.subjectmasculine lesbianen_US
dc.subjectthe masculine lesbian’s motheren_US
dc.titleGoing in and out of the closet: The practice of "new motherhood" by masculine lesbians` mothers.en_US
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