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dc.description.abstract摘要\n 美國頁岩油氣量產與美國能源戰略具相互影響關係,本論文旨在研究美國頁岩油氣生產與其能源戰略的關連性。\n \n 本論文主要透過 1999 年之後網路資料、文獻蒐集、閱讀及分析,並借重政治經濟學及地緣政治的觀念與SWOT 分析法,對此主題進行描述、解釋以及預測。\n \n 國際能源署(IEA)研析從2011 年到2030 年統計,頁岩氣供應量將增加三倍,而頁岩油供應量則增加六倍。美國油氣產量到2030 年將佔全球能源供給增加量的近五分之一。頁岩油氣量產對石油供給「量」及「價格」產生變動,影響美國經濟並由於天然氣使用比燃燒煤炭更能減少二氧化碳排放,使歐巴馬政府順水推舟,達到使用潔淨能源的預設能源戰略目標。\n \n 進而更深層影響美國戰略,未來美國將由天然氣及石油等能源「出口管制」政策進而演化為「有限度開放輸出」政策;而美國石油及天然氣逐步自給自足,將影響全球能源生產國原先銷售美國的管道,這些能源生產國勢必轉而行銷至其他能源需求國如歐洲、亞洲及印度等地,石油及天然氣的價格也將因為供給過剩,價格不易升高。\n \n 頁岩油氣商業量產後,未來美國在石油及天然氣市場獲益,將進一步強化美國此一體系,並滿足美國能源戰略的能源獨立立場,以及滿足其期盼已久的能源自給自足的夢想。未來美國因頁岩油氣商業量產後,除獲得廉價的石油及天然氣及取得油氣兩項能源足夠並可外銷的數量外,同時獲得自石油能源危機及二次戰後夢寐以求的能源安全的戰略目標。\n\n關鍵字:頁岩油、頁岩氣、戰略安全、能源安全、地緣政治學zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract\n US shale oil and gas production and the US energy strategy relationship mutually influenced, this paper aims to study the connection of US shale oil and gas production and its energy strategy.\n \n In this paper, mainly through reading and analysis from information network,collecting literature after 1999, vie ideas on the political and economic school\ngeopolitical and SWOT analysis, we try to describe, explain and predict the production and the strategy.\n \n The International Energy Agency (IEA) research analysis from 2011 to 2030 statistics, the shale gas supply will increase threefold, and shale oil supplies increased sixfold. US oil and gas production in 2030 will account for nearly one-fifth of the world`s energy supply increased amount. Shale oil and gas production on the oil\nsupply "quantity" and "price" fluctuating influences the US economy. Due to the use of natural gas more than burning coal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, so the\nObama administration smartly yielded to the use of clean energy to achieve the strategic objectives of energy.\n \n Further deeper US strategic influence, the United States will be the role of natural gas and oil and other energy "Export Control" policy and further evolved into\n"limited export open" policy; and US oil and gas self-sufficiency, gradually, will affect the global energy producers sales to US. These energy-producing countries will inevitably turn to marketing to other countries such as the energy demand in Europe, Asia and India. Yet the oil and natural gas will also, because of excess supply, the price rise is not a easy thing.\n \n Shale oil and gas commercial mass production, future oil and gas market in the United States benefit the United States and will further strengthen this system. This situation meets US energy independence stance energy strategy, as well as to meet their long-awaited dream of energy self-sufficiency. \n \n Future US shale oil and gas business due to mass production, in addition to access to cheap oil and natural gas, has made energy sufficient quantity for export, as well as, while after the energy crisis and the second world war, the US achieves the dream of energy security strategic objectives.\n\nKeywords:Shale Oil, Shale Gas, Strategy Security, Energy Security, Geopoliticsen_US
dc.description.tableofcontents第壹章緒論-----------------------------------------------1\n第一節 研究背景與目的-------------------------------------1\n第二節 文獻回顧及名詞界定----------------------------------3\n第三節 研究途徑與方法-------------------------------------7\n第四節 研究範圍與限制------------------------------------11\n第五節 研究架構及章節安排---------------------------------12\n第貳章美國頁岩油氣生產-----------------------------------14\n第一節 頁岩油氣分佈--------------------------------------14\n第二節 頁岩油氣量產--------------------------------------18\n第三節 小結---------------------------------------------23\n第參章美國能源戰略的形成及分析----------------------------25\n第一節能源戰略形成---------------------------------------25\n第二節 歐巴馬相關能源戰略政策-----------------------------31\n第三節美國能源安全的SWOT 分析----------------------------39\n第四節小結----------------------------------------------42\n第肆章美國能源戰略的影響---------------------------------45\n第一節美國能源戰略影響美國政經----------------------------45\n第二節 美國能源戰略在供需曲線的意義------------------------50\n第三節美國能源戰略影響全球能源供需-------------------------61\n第四節小結--------------------------------------------- 78\n第伍章結論----------------------------------------------80\n第一節 研究發現-----------------------------------------80\n第二節 後續研究建議-------------------------------------83\n參考文獻------------------------------------------------84zh_TW
dc.format.extent3354351 bytes-
dc.subjectShale Oilen_US
dc.subjectShale Gasen_US
dc.subjectStrategy Securityen_US
dc.subjectEnergy Securityen_US
dc.titleA Study of Shale Oil & Gas of USA and Energy Strategyen_US
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