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題名: 公民德行:儒學與共和主義的比較研究
其他題名: Civic Virtue: A Comparative Study between Confucianism and Republicanism
作者: 何信全
貢獻者: 哲學系
關鍵詞: 君子;仁義;公民共和主義;公民德行;政治參與; \r\nJunzi; Ren-yi; Civic Republicanism; Civic Virtue; Political Participation
日期: 2013
上傳時間: 20-Apr-2016
摘要: 本文從西方晚近公民共和主義視角,探討儒家理想的公民典範─君\r\n子。本文指出「君子」這個兩千年前即已形成的儒家人格典範,在\r\n現今民主時代的政治社會場域,依然有其歷久彌新的意義。五四以\r\n來對儒家君子理想的批判,主要依據西方效益主義式的自由主義理\r\n論,此種自由理論只注目於消除外在自由障礙,欠缺對自我內在自\r\n主性的開發,就實現真正的自由,以及營造自主公民形成的政治社\r\n群而言,皆有所不足。公民共和主義楬櫫「自由作為不受宰制」論\r\n題,回歸西方積極參與公共事務的公民自由古典傳統,重新肯定積\r\n極自由之重要性,對近代自由主義的發展可以發揮補偏救弊的作用\r\n。而儒家居仁行義的君子,從公民共和主義觀點,相當貼近現代正\r\n義社會中的自主公民。在此一視角之下,儒家傳統祈嚮的理想君子\r\n,似乎又走出老中國蜿蜒的古道,重現在萬紫千紅的今山。
This paper explores the ideal of jun-zi (君子) in\r\nConfucianism from a civic republican perspective. The ideal\r\nof Confucian jun-zi has been criticized by Chinese liberal\r\nscholars from a utilitarian or“rights-based”liberalism\r\nviewpoints and seems to be out-of-date since May Fourth\r\nmovement. In recent years, civic republicanism revived and\r\nit raises some reflections about the theory and reality of\r\nliberalism. According to civic republican viewpoints, there\r\nare some deficiencies of utilitarian or“rightsbased”\r\nliberalism for its focus on the protection of\r\nindividual rights or self-interests based on the concept of\r\nnegative liberty. For the elimination of external obstacles\r\nof liberty and the individual rights-claim, the“rightsbased”\r\nliberalism ignores the dimensions of internal\r\nliberty, self-autonomy and moral duty of citizens. Instead\r\nof individual rights or self-interest, civic republicanism\r\nemphasizes the significances of the realization of public\r\nresponsibilities of citizen through active political\r\nparticipation based on the thesis of“liberty as\r\nindependence or non-dominance”, which basically originates\r\nfrom the concept of positive liberty. From this point of\r\nview, I conclude that the ideal of Confucian jun-zi and\r\ncivic republican citizen are congruent and both seem to be\r\nstill up-to-date, and they are important and helpful for\r\nremedying the defects of utilitarian or“rights-based”\r\nliberalism in modern age.
關聯: 計畫編號 NSC 102-2410-H004-081-MY2
資料類型: report
Appears in Collections:國科會研究計畫

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