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題名 承銷商表現與新股績效關係之研究
The relationship between underwriter behavior and IPO performance作者 江舒欣
Chiang, Shou Shin貢獻者 陳隆麒<br>謝劍平
Chen,Long Chie<br>Sha,Gan Ping
Chiang,Shou Shin關鍵詞 承銷商;
Capital Market
IPO日期 1993 上傳時間 29-Apr-2016 16:40:44 (UTC+8) 摘要 隨著承銷產業的競爭越來越激烈,承銷商在承銷的過程中,所扮演的角色 參考文獻 一、中文部份王世昌,我國成立綜合證券商之研究,中興大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國77 年6 月。何文賢,台灣證券發行市場股票承銷之研究,台灣大學商學研究所碩士論文,民國74 年6 月。呂理益,股票發行公司上市問題之探討,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國73 年6 月。余雪明,證券管理,台北正中書局,民國72 年修訂版。周幼梅,投資銀行業務之探討-台灣發展投資銀行業務之研究,淡江大學金融研究所碩士論文,民國77 年6 月。林煜宗,現代投資學:制度、理論與實證`三民書局,民國74 年。夏侯欣榮,臺灣地區新上市普通股承銷價格之研究,政治大學企業管理研究所博士論文,民國82 年1 月。陳月平,企業上市、上櫃決策之研究,中山大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國79 年6 月。陳伯昌,我國證券承銷商競爭行為之研究,中山大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國79 年6 月。陳秀亮,新上市股票價格行為探討,中央大學產業經濟研究所碩士論文,民國76 年6 月陳隆麒,現代財務管理,第4 版,華泰書局,民國77 年6 月。陳隆麒,財務規劃-理論、實際與應用,華泰書局,民國79 年3 月。陳隆麒與陳月平,企業上市/上櫃之研究,資本市場理論與實務研討會,民國81 年6 月。許德崇,我國承銷商行銷策略之研究,中興大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國78 年6 月。張志成,我國證券承銷商策略群組與經營績效關係之研究,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國80 年6 月。黃俊英,多變量分析,第4 版,華泰書局,民國80 年1 月。臺灣證券交易所,我國公司上市意願之探討,民國79 年8 月。潘中孚,中華民國證券承銷方式之承銷報酬設計,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國79 年6 月。賴英照,證券交易法逐條釋義,自印,民國76 年3 月。賴其勛,新上市股票承銷價格低估之研究,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國81 年6 月。證券上市推動小組編印「股票何以要上市」手冊,民國73 年3 月。二、英文部份Allen` Franklin and Gerald R. Faulhaber ` "Signaling by Underpricing in The IPO Market" , Journal of Financial Economics , 23 ` 1989 ` 303-323 。Baron `D.P. and B. Holmstrom ` "The Investment Banking Contract for New Issues Under Asymmetric Information : Delegation and The Incentive Problem" , Journal of Finance` 35 , 1980 ` 1115-1138 。Baron` D.P. ` "A Model of the Demand for Investment Banking and Advising and Distribution Services for New Issues" , Journal of Finance` 37 `Sep. 1982 ` 955-976 。Barry` Christopher B. ` Chris J .Muscarella and Michael R. Vetsuypens "Underwriter warrants` underwriter compensation , and the costs of going public" , Journal of Financial Economics` 29 ` 1991 ` 113-135。Beatty` Randolph P. and Jay R. Ritter ` "Investment Banking` Reputation` and the Underpricing of IPO" , Journal of Financial Economics` 21 ` 1986 ` 213-232 。Benveniste` Lawrence M. and Paul A. Spindt ` "How Investment Bankers Determine The Offer Price and Allocation of New Issues" , Journal of Financial Economics 24 ` 1989 ` 343- 361。Booth` James R. and Richard L. Smith ` "Capital Raising` Underwriting and The Certification Hypothesis" , Journal of Financial Economics` 15 ` 1986 ` 261-281 。Carter` Richard and Steven Manaster ` "Initial public Offerings and Underwriter Reputation" , Journal of Finance` 45 ` 1990 , 1045-1067 。Carter` Richard B. ` "Underwriter Reputation and Repetitive Public Offerings" , The Journal of Financial Research` Winter 1992 ` 341-354 。Carter` Richard B. and Frederick H. Dark ` "The Use of The Over -Allotment Option in Initial Public Offering of Equity: Risks and Underwriter Prestige" , Financial Management` Autumn 1990 ` 55-64 。Dierkens ` Nathalie` "Information Asymmetry and Equity Issues " , Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis` 26 ` 1991 , 181-199 。Grinblatt ` Mark and Chuan Yang Hwang` "Signalling and the Pricing of New Issues" , Journal of Finance` June 1989 ` 393-417 。Hayes` Samuel L. ` "Investment Banking: Power Structure in Flux" , Harvard Business Review` March-April 1971 ` 136-152。Hayes` Samuel L. ` A. Michael Spence and David Van Praag Marks` "Competition in The Investment Banking Industry" , Havard University Press` 1983 。Ibbotson` Roger G. ` "Price Performance of Common Stock New Issues" , Journal of Financial Economics` 3 ` 1975 ` 235-272。Ibbotson `Roger G. and Jeffrey F. Jaffe ` "Hot Issue Market" , Journal of Finance` 30 ` 1975 ` 1027-1042。Johnson` James M .and Robert E. Miller ` "Investment Banker Prestige and the Underpricing of Initial Public Offerings" , Financial Management` Summer 1988 ` 19-29。Kerlinger ` Fred N. `Foundations of Behavioral Research` Third edition` CBS` 1986 。Logue` D.E. ` "On the Pricing of Unseasoned Equity Issues: 1965-1969" , Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis , January 1973 ` 91-103 。Miller` Robert E. and Frank K. Reilly` "An Examination of Mispricing , Returns` and Uncertainty for Initial Public Offerings" , Financial Management` Summer 1987` 33-38。Muscarella` Chris J. and Michael R. Vetsuypens ` "A Simple Test of Baron`s Model of IPO Underpricing" , Journal of Financial Economics` 1989 ` 125-135 。Rock` Kevin` "Why New Issues are Underpriced" , Journal of Financial Economics` 15 ` 1986 ` 187-212 。Ritter` Jay R. ` "The Costs of Going Public" , Journal of Financial Economics` 19 ` 1987 ` 269-281 。Ritter` Jay R. ` "The Long -Run Performance of Initial Public Offerings" , Journal of Finance` March 1991 ` 3-27 。Ritter` Jay R. ` "The `Hot Issue` Market of 1980" , Journal of Business` 57 ` 1984 ` 215-240 。Smith` Clifford W. ` "Alternative Methods for Raising Capital : Rights Versus Underwritten Offerings" , Journal of Financial Economics` 5 ` 1977 ` 273-307 。Smith` Clifford W. ` "Investment Banking and The Capital Acquisition Process" , Journal of Financial Economics` 15 ` 1986 ` 3-29 。Stigler` George J. ` "Public Regulation of The Securitied Markets" , Journal of Business` 37 ` Oct 1964 ` 414-422 。Tinic ` Seha M. ` "Anatomy of Initial Public Offerings of Common Stocks" , Journal of Finance` Sep. 1988 ` 789 -822 。Titman` Sheridan and Brett Trueman` "Information Quality and The Valuation of New Issues" , Journal of Accounting and Economics` 8 ` 1986 ` 159-172 。Welch` Ivo ` "An Empirical Examination of Models of Contract Choice in Initial Public Offerings" , Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis` 26 ` 1991 ` 497-518 。Welch` Ivo ` "Seasoned Offerings` Imitation Costs` and the Underpricing of Initial Public Offerings" , Journal of Finance@ `June 1989 ` 42 1-449 。 描述 碩士
G80355002資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 陳隆麒<br>謝劍平 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chen,Long Chie<br>Sha,Gan Ping en_US (Authors) 江舒欣 zh_TW (Authors) Chiang,Shou Shin en_US dc.creator (作者) 江舒欣 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chiang, Shou Shin en_US (日期) 1993 en_US 29-Apr-2016 16:40:44 (UTC+8) - 29-Apr-2016 16:40:44 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 29-Apr-2016 16:40:44 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002004054 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 企業管理學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) G80355002 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著承銷產業的競爭越來越激烈,承銷商在承銷的過程中,所扮演的角色 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 第壹章緒論第一節研究動機與目的..........1第二節研究方法..........3第三節研究範圍..........5第四節研究架構..........6第五節研究限制..........8第貳章文獻探討第一節證券承銷商在新股發行時所扮演的角色..........10第二節國內相關文獻回顧..........15第三節國外相關文獻回顧..........24第參章研究設計第一節研究假說..........32第二節研究變數的操作性定義..........34第三節資料蒐集與樣本..........42第四節研究方法..........45第肆章實證結果與分析第一節上市公司對於承銷商表現的評估結果..........49第二節上市案群體的決定..........53第三節不同等級承銷商在承銷商表現構面上的差異..........62第四節不同承銷方式在承銷商表現構面上的差異..........65第五節上市案群體在新股績效上的差異..........67第六節不同等級承銷商在新股績效上的差異..........69第七節不同承銷方式在新股績效上的差異..........70第八節選擇承銷商時所考慮的因素..........71第九節理想轉導期間..........73第十節小結..........74第伍章結論與建議第一節結論..........77第二節建議..........81參考文獻..........86附錄:問卷..........93 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 承銷商; zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 新上市 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 資本市場 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Underwriter en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Capital Market en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) IPO en_US dc.title (題名) 承銷商表現與新股績效關係之研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The relationship between underwriter behavior and IPO performance en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部份王世昌,我國成立綜合證券商之研究,中興大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國77 年6 月。何文賢,台灣證券發行市場股票承銷之研究,台灣大學商學研究所碩士論文,民國74 年6 月。呂理益,股票發行公司上市問題之探討,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國73 年6 月。余雪明,證券管理,台北正中書局,民國72 年修訂版。周幼梅,投資銀行業務之探討-台灣發展投資銀行業務之研究,淡江大學金融研究所碩士論文,民國77 年6 月。林煜宗,現代投資學:制度、理論與實證`三民書局,民國74 年。夏侯欣榮,臺灣地區新上市普通股承銷價格之研究,政治大學企業管理研究所博士論文,民國82 年1 月。陳月平,企業上市、上櫃決策之研究,中山大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國79 年6 月。陳伯昌,我國證券承銷商競爭行為之研究,中山大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國79 年6 月。陳秀亮,新上市股票價格行為探討,中央大學產業經濟研究所碩士論文,民國76 年6 月陳隆麒,現代財務管理,第4 版,華泰書局,民國77 年6 月。陳隆麒,財務規劃-理論、實際與應用,華泰書局,民國79 年3 月。陳隆麒與陳月平,企業上市/上櫃之研究,資本市場理論與實務研討會,民國81 年6 月。許德崇,我國承銷商行銷策略之研究,中興大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國78 年6 月。張志成,我國證券承銷商策略群組與經營績效關係之研究,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國80 年6 月。黃俊英,多變量分析,第4 版,華泰書局,民國80 年1 月。臺灣證券交易所,我國公司上市意願之探討,民國79 年8 月。潘中孚,中華民國證券承銷方式之承銷報酬設計,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國79 年6 月。賴英照,證券交易法逐條釋義,自印,民國76 年3 月。賴其勛,新上市股票承銷價格低估之研究,政治大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,民國81 年6 月。證券上市推動小組編印「股票何以要上市」手冊,民國73 年3 月。二、英文部份Allen` Franklin and Gerald R. Faulhaber ` "Signaling by Underpricing in The IPO Market" , Journal of Financial Economics , 23 ` 1989 ` 303-323 。Baron `D.P. and B. Holmstrom ` "The Investment Banking Contract for New Issues Under Asymmetric Information : Delegation and The Incentive Problem" , Journal of Finance` 35 , 1980 ` 1115-1138 。Baron` D.P. ` "A Model of the Demand for Investment Banking and Advising and Distribution Services for New Issues" , Journal of Finance` 37 `Sep. 1982 ` 955-976 。Barry` Christopher B. ` Chris J .Muscarella and Michael R. Vetsuypens "Underwriter warrants` underwriter compensation , and the costs of going public" , Journal of Financial Economics` 29 ` 1991 ` 113-135。Beatty` Randolph P. and Jay R. Ritter ` "Investment Banking` Reputation` and the Underpricing of IPO" , Journal of Financial Economics` 21 ` 1986 ` 213-232 。Benveniste` Lawrence M. and Paul A. Spindt ` "How Investment Bankers Determine The Offer Price and Allocation of New Issues" , Journal of Financial Economics 24 ` 1989 ` 343- 361。Booth` James R. and Richard L. Smith ` "Capital Raising` Underwriting and The Certification Hypothesis" , Journal of Financial Economics` 15 ` 1986 ` 261-281 。Carter` Richard and Steven Manaster ` "Initial public Offerings and Underwriter Reputation" , Journal of Finance` 45 ` 1990 , 1045-1067 。Carter` Richard B. ` "Underwriter Reputation and Repetitive Public Offerings" , The Journal of Financial Research` Winter 1992 ` 341-354 。Carter` Richard B. and Frederick H. Dark ` "The Use of The Over -Allotment Option in Initial Public Offering of Equity: Risks and Underwriter Prestige" , Financial Management` Autumn 1990 ` 55-64 。Dierkens ` Nathalie` "Information Asymmetry and Equity Issues " , Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis` 26 ` 1991 , 181-199 。Grinblatt ` Mark and Chuan Yang Hwang` "Signalling and the Pricing of New Issues" , Journal of Finance` June 1989 ` 393-417 。Hayes` Samuel L. ` "Investment Banking: Power Structure in Flux" , Harvard Business Review` March-April 1971 ` 136-152。Hayes` Samuel L. ` A. Michael Spence and David Van Praag Marks` "Competition in The Investment Banking Industry" , Havard University Press` 1983 。Ibbotson` Roger G. ` "Price Performance of Common Stock New Issues" , Journal of Financial Economics` 3 ` 1975 ` 235-272。Ibbotson `Roger G. and Jeffrey F. Jaffe ` "Hot Issue Market" , Journal of Finance` 30 ` 1975 ` 1027-1042。Johnson` James M .and Robert E. Miller ` "Investment Banker Prestige and the Underpricing of Initial Public Offerings" , Financial Management` Summer 1988 ` 19-29。Kerlinger ` Fred N. `Foundations of Behavioral Research` Third edition` CBS` 1986 。Logue` D.E. ` "On the Pricing of Unseasoned Equity Issues: 1965-1969" , Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis , January 1973 ` 91-103 。Miller` Robert E. and Frank K. Reilly` "An Examination of Mispricing , Returns` and Uncertainty for Initial Public Offerings" , Financial Management` Summer 1987` 33-38。Muscarella` Chris J. and Michael R. Vetsuypens ` "A Simple Test of Baron`s Model of IPO Underpricing" , Journal of Financial Economics` 1989 ` 125-135 。Rock` Kevin` "Why New Issues are Underpriced" , Journal of Financial Economics` 15 ` 1986 ` 187-212 。Ritter` Jay R. ` "The Costs of Going Public" , Journal of Financial Economics` 19 ` 1987 ` 269-281 。Ritter` Jay R. ` "The Long -Run Performance of Initial Public Offerings" , Journal of Finance` March 1991 ` 3-27 。Ritter` Jay R. ` "The `Hot Issue` Market of 1980" , Journal of Business` 57 ` 1984 ` 215-240 。Smith` Clifford W. ` "Alternative Methods for Raising Capital : Rights Versus Underwritten Offerings" , Journal of Financial Economics` 5 ` 1977 ` 273-307 。Smith` Clifford W. ` "Investment Banking and The Capital Acquisition Process" , Journal of Financial Economics` 15 ` 1986 ` 3-29 。Stigler` George J. ` "Public Regulation of The Securitied Markets" , Journal of Business` 37 ` Oct 1964 ` 414-422 。Tinic ` Seha M. ` "Anatomy of Initial Public Offerings of Common Stocks" , Journal of Finance` Sep. 1988 ` 789 -822 。Titman` Sheridan and Brett Trueman` "Information Quality and The Valuation of New Issues" , Journal of Accounting and Economics` 8 ` 1986 ` 159-172 。Welch` Ivo ` "An Empirical Examination of Models of Contract Choice in Initial Public Offerings" , Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis` 26 ` 1991 ` 497-518 。Welch` Ivo ` "Seasoned Offerings` Imitation Costs` and the Underpricing of Initial Public Offerings" , Journal of Finance@ `June 1989 ` 42 1-449 。 zh_TW