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題名 作業制成本和管理制度之研究-以P 印刷公司為例
Activity-based costing and management system作者 陳建霖
Chen, Jian Lin貢獻者 吳安妮
Wu, An Ni
Chen, Jian Lin關鍵詞 作業制成本
1992上傳時間 2-May-2016 15:15:51 (UTC+8) 摘要 作業制成本和管理制度是近年來美國廣為流行的管理會計制度。作業制成本法(ABC) 參考文獻 1.吳安妮,國際競爭環境下之管理會計革新與展望,第二屆會計理論與實務研討會, 1990 年10 月。2. 吳安妮, ABC 制度之精神:增進企業競爭力,會計研究月刊,1990 年11 月, .pp.92-95 o3. 吳安妮,作業基礎之成本制度法,會計研究月刊, 1991 年5 月,pp.29-31 。4. 吳安妮,作業制成本管理與品質成本制度之結合與運用,主計月報, 1992 年4 月, pp. 49-54 05. 吳安妮,服務業之作業制管理制度─以會計師事務所為例,會計研究月刊, 1992 年6 月, pp.17-24; 1992 年7 月, pp.59 一切。6. 胡宏亮,平版印刷,印刷年鐘, 1988 年, pp.172-177 07. 柯榮順,印刷業成本質藹,會計研究月刊, 1992 年10 月, pp.27-33 ; 1992 年11 月, pp. 34-37 08. 陳及幼,作業基礎管理制度(Activity-Based Management) 實施情況之研究─以美商D 電腦公司為例,國立政治大學會計研究所未出版碩士論文,民國八十一年。9. 陳建霖&黃建銘,建立印刷業的成本會計制度,印刷會訊,1993年6 月, 393 期, p p. 26-30 010. 陳維鸚,讓成本更精確的作業基礎成本法,會計研究月干IJ ` 1993年5 月, pp.35-42 01 1.黃營杉,印刷經營管理的回顧與展望,印刷年鐘, 1988 年, p p.102-107 012. 楊崑忠,台灣區印刷工業市場,印刷年鑑, 1988 年, pp. 160-163 013. 蔡蜂杰,高度自動化下的產物: ABC 制度之觀念與特色,會計研究月刊, 1990 年9 月, pp. 80-83 ; 1990 年10 月, pp. 22-26 014. 羅福林&李興才,印刷工業概論, 1991 年,六版O15. 嚴長庚,印刷品進出口之我見,印刷年鑑, 1988 年, pp. 80-83 0二、英文部分1. Artemis March,Robert S. Kaplan," Case Study -JohnDeere Component Works (A) and (B)II Boston:Harvard Business School Press, 1987.2. Berliner, Callie, and James A.Brimson, eds.Cost Managememt for Today`s AdvancedManufacturing: The CAM-I Conceptual Design.Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1988.3. Bonsack, Robert A.JIIDoes Activity-Based CostingReplace Standard Costing?1I Journal of CostManagement, Winter 1991, pp.46-47.4. Borden, James P., IIReview of Literature onActIvity-Based Costing. II Journal of CostManagement, Spring 1990, pp.5-12.5. Brimson,James A., ”Activity Accounting” New York:John Wiley & Sons, 1991.6. ____ . II How Advanced Manufacturing Techno log i esAre Reshaping Cost Management." ManagementAccounting ,Mar.1986, pp.25-29.7. Brinker, Barry J., ed. Emerging Practices inCost Management. Boston: Warren, Gorham & Lamont.1991.8. ____ .Handbook of Cost Management. Boston:- Warren, Gorham &Lamont . 1992.9. Cooper, Robin, "Activity.- Based Costing ForImproved Costing II Handbook of Cost Management,Bl. Boston: Warren ,Gorham& Lamont .199210. ____ . II Does Your Company Need a New Cost System? IIJournal of Cost Management, Spring 1987; pp,45 _49.11. ____ . "The Two-Stage Procedure in CostAccounting-Part One." Journal of Cost ManagememtSummer 1987, pp.43-51.12. ____ . II The Two-Stage Procedure in CostAccounting-Part Two. II Journal of Cost ManagememtFall 1987, pp.39-45.13. ____ ." When Should You Use Machine-HourCosting?" Journal of Cost Management, Spring14. ____ . "The Rise of Activity-Based Costing-PartOne: What is an Activity-Based Cost System?"Journal of Cost -anagement. Summer 1988,pp.45 - 54.15. ____ . "The Rise of Activity-Based Costing-PartTwo: When Do I Need an ActiYity-Based CostSystem” Journal of Cost Management, Fa 11 1988.pp.41-48.16. ____ . "The Rise of Activity-Based Costing-PartThree: How Many Cost Drivers Do You Need, andHow Do You Select Them?" Journal of CostManagement.Winter 1989, pp.34-46.17. ____ . "The Rise of Activity-Based Costing-PartFour: What Do Activity-Based Cost Systems LookLike?" Journal of Cost Management, Spring 1989,pp.38-49.18. ____ . "Implementing an Activity-Based CostSystem."Journal of Cost Management. Spring1990, pp.33-42.19. "Classification in Unit-Based andActivity-Based Manufacturing Cost Systems."Journal of Cost Management.Fall 1990, pp.4-14.20. ____ . "You Need a New Cost System When ...... "Harvard Business Review, Jan.- Feb.19S9pp.77-82.21. Cooper, Robin, and Robert S.Kaplan," The Designof Cost Management Systems: Text, Cases andReading" New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1991.22. Cooper, Robin , Robert S. Kaplan, Lawrence S.Maisel, Eileen Morrissey & Ronald M. Oehm," Implementing Activity - Based Cost ManagementMoving from Analysis to Action II Institute ofManagement Accountants ,1992.23. ____ .”From ABC to ABM ", Journal of ManagementAccounting, November 1991, pp.54 -57.24. Heagy, Cynthia D. ,II Determining Optimal QualityCosts By Considering Cost of Loss Sales."Journal of Cost Management, Fall 1991 ,pp.64-72.25. Hohner, Gregory ,II Managing the Flow of QualityInformation in Manufacturing . II Emerging Practicein Cost Management, Barry J. Brinker, ed, 1990,pp.377-3S1.26. Foster, George, and Charles T.Horngren. IICostAccounting and Cost Managememt in a JITEnvironment." Journal of Cost -anagement.Winter 19S8, pp.4-14.27. ____ .11 Cost Accounting---A Managerial Emphasis. "Seventh Edition, 1991.28. Harr, David J.,"How Activity Accounting Worksin Government. II Management Accounting, Sept.1990, pp.36-40.29. Howell, Robert A., and Stephen R. Soucy, “TheNew Manufacturing Environment: Major Trends ForManagement Accounting. II Management Accounting,July 1987, pp. 21-27.30. . "Cost Accounting in the New ManufacturingEnvironment."Management Accounting. Aug. 1987,pp.42-49.31. Kim, Il-woon, II A Microeconomic Approach to qualityCost Control II Emerging Practice in Cost Management,Brinker, ed, 1990, pp.383-388.32. Johnson,H. Thomas~"Activity-Based Information: ABuleprint for Wor ]d-Class Information. II ManagementAccounting, June 1988, pp.23-30.33 . Johnson H. Thomas, and Robert S. Kaplan,Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of ManagementAccounting. Boston: Harvard Business SchoolPress, 1987.34. Kaplan, Robert S.,"Accounting Lag-TheObsolescence of Cost Accounting Systems. II InThe Uneasy Alliance:Managing the Productivity-Technology Dilemma, Rim B. Clark, Robert H.Hayes, and Christopher Lorenz, eds. Boston:Harvard Business School Press, 1985.35. _____ .IIIn Defense of Activity-Based Cost Management. 11Journal of Management Accounting, November 1992,pp.58-63.36. ______ . 11 Yesterday I s Accounting UnderminesProduction.IIHarvard Business Review, July-Aug.1984, pp.6-1-66.37. Dolinsky. Larry R. , Thomas E. Vollmann, II TransactionBasedOverhead Considerations for Product Design. 11Journal of Cost Management, Summer 1991, pp.7-19.38. Maisel, Lawrence S. , Eileen Morrissey, “Using Activity-BasedCosting for Improve Performance. II Handbook ofCost Management, Boston: Gorham & Lamont, 1992, pp.B439. Lynch, Richard L., and Kelvin F. Cross ,”PerformanceMeasurement Systems ll Handbook of Cost Management ,Boston: Warren, Gorham & Lamont. 1992, pp.E3.40. Harwood, Marcus D. ,Michael R. Ostrenga, Terrence R. Ozan,Robert D.Mellhattom, “The ERNST & YOUNG ---Guide to TotalCost Management II, John Wiley & Sons, 1992.41. Marrianne,Molinaro, Robin Cooper, IICase Study -SentryGroupll Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1987.42. McNair, C.J.;IInterdependence and Control:Traditional vs. Actiity-Based ResponsibilityAccounting. II Journal of Cost Management, Summer1990, pp.15-23.43. ____ . "Responsibility Accounting andControllability Network", Handbook of CostManagement, Boston: Warren, Gorham & Lamont.1992, pp E4-l.44. Miller, Jeffrey G.,and Thomas VolIman, "TheHidden Factory.IIHarvard Business Review,Sept-Oct. 1985, pp.142-150.45. Raffish, Norm ,Peter B.B. Turney, eds, "Glossaryof Activity-Based Management. II Journal of CostManagement, Fall 1991, pp.53-63.46. Rotch, William, “Activity-Based Costing inService Industries. 1I Journal of Cost 11anagement,Summer 1990, pp.4-14.47. Lloyd, Shelley P., HolBrook Hankinson, "ChangeManagement, II Handbook of Cost Management.WGL,1992.48. Shields, Michael P., and S. Mark Young, ”ABehavioral Model for Implementing Cost`Management Systems. "Journal of Cost Nanagement,Winter 1989, pp.17-27.49. ____ ."Behavioral and Organizational Issue. 11Handbook of Cost Management, WGL, 1992.50. Lammert, Thomas B., Rober Ehrsam, " The Human Element:The Real Challenge in Modernizing Cost Management."Journal of Management Accounting, july 1987, pp.32-37.51. Greenwood, Thomas G., James M. Reeve, II Activity-BasedCost Management for Continuous Improvement: A ProcessDesign Framework. II Journal of cost Management, Winter1992, pp.22-40.52. Turney, Peter B.B.,Common Cents: The ABCPeformance Breakthrough. Hillsboro Oregon: CostTechnology, 1991. 描述 碩士
會計學系資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 吳安妮 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Wu, An Ni en_US (Authors) 陳建霖 zh_TW (Authors) Chen, Jian Lin en_US dc.creator (作者) 陳建霖 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Chen, Jian Lin en_US (日期) 1993 en_US (日期) 1992 en_US 2-May-2016 15:15:51 (UTC+8) - 2-May-2016 15:15:51 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 2-May-2016 15:15:51 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002004354 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 會計學系 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 作業制成本和管理制度是近年來美國廣為流行的管理會計制度。作業制成本法(ABC) zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論………………………………………………………………… 1第一節 研究背景和動機……………………………………………… 1 一、研究背景…………………………………………………… 1 二、研究動機…………………………………………………… 1第二節 研究問題……………………………………………………… 2 一、ABCM整體理論和觀念架構之探討…………………… 2 二、以個案研究的方式………………………………………… 4第三節 研究方法……………………………………………………… 6 一、以個案研究作為研究方法之原因………………………… 6 二、個案研究的過程…………………………………………… 6第四節 論文架構……………………………………………………… 8第二章 文獻探討………………………………………………………… 10第一節 ABCM可彌補傳統成本管會之不足…………………… 11 一、成本管理會計的目的…………………………………… 11 二、傳統管會的合宜性……………………………………… 11 三、何時應改變成本會計制度……………………………… 13 四、為何ABCM可以彌補傳統管會之缺失……………… 14第二節 建立作業制成本制度……………………………………… 18 一、推行ABC前的準備工作……………………………… 18 二、如何建立一套完善的ABC制度……………………… 19 三、作業活動的決定………………………………………… 20 四、成本動因之選擇………………………………………… 22 五、分析成本項目…………………………………………… 23 六、結合成本、作業和動因………………………………… 25第三節 發揮ABC管理的精神和特色…………………………… 26 一、以ABC為基礎,發揮ABM的管理………………… 26 二、發揮ABM的精神……………………………………… 28第四節 ABM與其他新管會計數的結合………………………… 31 一、ABM和品質成本結合………………………………… 31 二、ABM和績效評估相結合……………………………… 33第五節 個案研究之文獻…………………………………………… 34 一、美國的個案研究………………………………………… 34 二、國內的個案研究………………………………………… 37第六節 文獻彙總說明……………………………………………… 38第七節 作業制資訊之限制………………………………………… 40第三章 研究方法………………………………………………………… 43第一節 研究方法…………………………………………………… 43第二節 研究對象的介紹…………………………………………… 44 一、印刷業的重要性………………………………………… 44 二、印刷業目前面臨的國內競爭壓力……………………… 45第三節 ABCM在印刷業的適用性……………………………… 47 一、ABCM適合於印刷業………………………………… 47 二、ABCM幫助解決印刷業面臨的問題………………… 49第四章 個案研究………………………………………………………… 50第一節 P印刷公司的介紹………………………………………… 50 一、P印刷公司簡介………………………………………… 50 二、P公司的組織結構……………………………………… 51 三、P公司的內部作業流程………………………………… 52 四、P公司的成本結構……………………………………… 54第二節 建立作業制成本制度……………………………………… 57 一、作業的決定……………………………………………… 57 二、聯結成本、作業和成本動因…………………………… 59 參閱附錄二…………………………………………… 104 附錄三…………………………………………… 110 三、ABC和傳統成本法之比較…………………………… 71第三節 發揮ABM的管理………………………………………… 75 一、增加效率和降低成本…………………………………… 75 二、協助分析品質成本……………………………………… 79 三、績效評估………………………………………………… 83 四、結論……………………………………………………… 88第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………… 89第一節 結論………………………………………………………… 89第二節 研究限制…………………………………………………… 91第三節 未來研究之建議…………………………………………… 93參考文獻……………………………………………………………………… 94附錄………………………………………………………………………… 103 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 作業制成本 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 管理制度 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 績效評估 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 會計 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 商業 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) ACCOUNTING en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) BUSINESS en_US dc.title (題名) 作業制成本和管理制度之研究-以P 印刷公司為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Activity-based costing and management system en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 1.吳安妮,國際競爭環境下之管理會計革新與展望,第二屆會計理論與實務研討會, 1990 年10 月。2. 吳安妮, ABC 制度之精神:增進企業競爭力,會計研究月刊,1990 年11 月, .pp.92-95 o3. 吳安妮,作業基礎之成本制度法,會計研究月刊, 1991 年5 月,pp.29-31 。4. 吳安妮,作業制成本管理與品質成本制度之結合與運用,主計月報, 1992 年4 月, pp. 49-54 05. 吳安妮,服務業之作業制管理制度─以會計師事務所為例,會計研究月刊, 1992 年6 月, pp.17-24; 1992 年7 月, pp.59 一切。6. 胡宏亮,平版印刷,印刷年鐘, 1988 年, pp.172-177 07. 柯榮順,印刷業成本質藹,會計研究月刊, 1992 年10 月, pp.27-33 ; 1992 年11 月, pp. 34-37 08. 陳及幼,作業基礎管理制度(Activity-Based Management) 實施情況之研究─以美商D 電腦公司為例,國立政治大學會計研究所未出版碩士論文,民國八十一年。9. 陳建霖&黃建銘,建立印刷業的成本會計制度,印刷會訊,1993年6 月, 393 期, p p. 26-30 010. 陳維鸚,讓成本更精確的作業基礎成本法,會計研究月干IJ ` 1993年5 月, pp.35-42 01 1.黃營杉,印刷經營管理的回顧與展望,印刷年鐘, 1988 年, p p.102-107 012. 楊崑忠,台灣區印刷工業市場,印刷年鑑, 1988 年, pp. 160-163 013. 蔡蜂杰,高度自動化下的產物: ABC 制度之觀念與特色,會計研究月刊, 1990 年9 月, pp. 80-83 ; 1990 年10 月, pp. 22-26 014. 羅福林&李興才,印刷工業概論, 1991 年,六版O15. 嚴長庚,印刷品進出口之我見,印刷年鑑, 1988 年, pp. 80-83 0二、英文部分1. Artemis March,Robert S. Kaplan," Case Study -JohnDeere Component Works (A) and (B)II Boston:Harvard Business School Press, 1987.2. Berliner, Callie, and James A.Brimson, eds.Cost Managememt for Today`s AdvancedManufacturing: The CAM-I Conceptual Design.Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1988.3. Bonsack, Robert A.JIIDoes Activity-Based CostingReplace Standard Costing?1I Journal of CostManagement, Winter 1991, pp.46-47.4. Borden, James P., IIReview of Literature onActIvity-Based Costing. II Journal of CostManagement, Spring 1990, pp.5-12.5. Brimson,James A., ”Activity Accounting” New York:John Wiley & Sons, 1991.6. ____ . II How Advanced Manufacturing Techno log i esAre Reshaping Cost Management." ManagementAccounting ,Mar.1986, pp.25-29.7. Brinker, Barry J., ed. Emerging Practices inCost Management. Boston: Warren, Gorham & Lamont.1991.8. ____ .Handbook of Cost Management. Boston:- Warren, Gorham &Lamont . 1992.9. Cooper, Robin, "Activity.- Based Costing ForImproved Costing II Handbook of Cost Management,Bl. Boston: Warren ,Gorham& Lamont .199210. ____ . II Does Your Company Need a New Cost System? IIJournal of Cost Management, Spring 1987; pp,45 _49.11. ____ . "The Two-Stage Procedure in CostAccounting-Part One." Journal of Cost ManagememtSummer 1987, pp.43-51.12. ____ . II The Two-Stage Procedure in CostAccounting-Part Two. II Journal of Cost ManagememtFall 1987, pp.39-45.13. ____ ." When Should You Use Machine-HourCosting?" Journal of Cost Management, Spring14. ____ . "The Rise of Activity-Based Costing-PartOne: What is an Activity-Based Cost System?"Journal of Cost -anagement. Summer 1988,pp.45 - 54.15. ____ . "The Rise of Activity-Based Costing-PartTwo: When Do I Need an ActiYity-Based CostSystem” Journal of Cost Management, Fa 11 1988.pp.41-48.16. ____ . "The Rise of Activity-Based Costing-PartThree: How Many Cost Drivers Do You Need, andHow Do You Select Them?" Journal of CostManagement.Winter 1989, pp.34-46.17. ____ . "The Rise of Activity-Based Costing-PartFour: What Do Activity-Based Cost Systems LookLike?" Journal of Cost Management, Spring 1989,pp.38-49.18. ____ . "Implementing an Activity-Based CostSystem."Journal of Cost Management. Spring1990, pp.33-42.19. "Classification in Unit-Based andActivity-Based Manufacturing Cost Systems."Journal of Cost Management.Fall 1990, pp.4-14.20. ____ . "You Need a New Cost System When ...... "Harvard Business Review, Jan.- Feb.19S9pp.77-82.21. Cooper, Robin, and Robert S.Kaplan," The Designof Cost Management Systems: Text, Cases andReading" New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc., 1991.22. Cooper, Robin , Robert S. Kaplan, Lawrence S.Maisel, Eileen Morrissey & Ronald M. Oehm," Implementing Activity - Based Cost ManagementMoving from Analysis to Action II Institute ofManagement Accountants ,1992.23. ____ .”From ABC to ABM ", Journal of ManagementAccounting, November 1991, pp.54 -57.24. Heagy, Cynthia D. ,II Determining Optimal QualityCosts By Considering Cost of Loss Sales."Journal of Cost Management, Fall 1991 ,pp.64-72.25. Hohner, Gregory ,II Managing the Flow of QualityInformation in Manufacturing . II Emerging Practicein Cost Management, Barry J. Brinker, ed, 1990,pp.377-3S1.26. Foster, George, and Charles T.Horngren. IICostAccounting and Cost Managememt in a JITEnvironment." Journal of Cost -anagement.Winter 19S8, pp.4-14.27. ____ .11 Cost Accounting---A Managerial Emphasis. "Seventh Edition, 1991.28. Harr, David J.,"How Activity Accounting Worksin Government. II Management Accounting, Sept.1990, pp.36-40.29. Howell, Robert A., and Stephen R. Soucy, “TheNew Manufacturing Environment: Major Trends ForManagement Accounting. II Management Accounting,July 1987, pp. 21-27.30. . "Cost Accounting in the New ManufacturingEnvironment."Management Accounting. Aug. 1987,pp.42-49.31. Kim, Il-woon, II A Microeconomic Approach to qualityCost Control II Emerging Practice in Cost Management,Brinker, ed, 1990, pp.383-388.32. Johnson,H. Thomas~"Activity-Based Information: ABuleprint for Wor ]d-Class Information. II ManagementAccounting, June 1988, pp.23-30.33 . Johnson H. Thomas, and Robert S. Kaplan,Relevance Lost: The Rise and Fall of ManagementAccounting. Boston: Harvard Business SchoolPress, 1987.34. Kaplan, Robert S.,"Accounting Lag-TheObsolescence of Cost Accounting Systems. II InThe Uneasy Alliance:Managing the Productivity-Technology Dilemma, Rim B. Clark, Robert H.Hayes, and Christopher Lorenz, eds. Boston:Harvard Business School Press, 1985.35. _____ .IIIn Defense of Activity-Based Cost Management. 11Journal of Management Accounting, November 1992,pp.58-63.36. ______ . 11 Yesterday I s Accounting UnderminesProduction.IIHarvard Business Review, July-Aug.1984, pp.6-1-66.37. Dolinsky. Larry R. , Thomas E. Vollmann, II TransactionBasedOverhead Considerations for Product Design. 11Journal of Cost Management, Summer 1991, pp.7-19.38. Maisel, Lawrence S. , Eileen Morrissey, “Using Activity-BasedCosting for Improve Performance. II Handbook ofCost Management, Boston: Gorham & Lamont, 1992, pp.B439. Lynch, Richard L., and Kelvin F. Cross ,”PerformanceMeasurement Systems ll Handbook of Cost Management ,Boston: Warren, Gorham & Lamont. 1992, pp.E3.40. Harwood, Marcus D. ,Michael R. Ostrenga, Terrence R. Ozan,Robert D.Mellhattom, “The ERNST & YOUNG ---Guide to TotalCost Management II, John Wiley & Sons, 1992.41. Marrianne,Molinaro, Robin Cooper, IICase Study -SentryGroupll Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1987.42. McNair, C.J.;IInterdependence and Control:Traditional vs. Actiity-Based ResponsibilityAccounting. II Journal of Cost Management, Summer1990, pp.15-23.43. ____ . "Responsibility Accounting andControllability Network", Handbook of CostManagement, Boston: Warren, Gorham & Lamont.1992, pp E4-l.44. Miller, Jeffrey G.,and Thomas VolIman, "TheHidden Factory.IIHarvard Business Review,Sept-Oct. 1985, pp.142-150.45. Raffish, Norm ,Peter B.B. Turney, eds, "Glossaryof Activity-Based Management. II Journal of CostManagement, Fall 1991, pp.53-63.46. Rotch, William, “Activity-Based Costing inService Industries. 1I Journal of Cost 11anagement,Summer 1990, pp.4-14.47. Lloyd, Shelley P., HolBrook Hankinson, "ChangeManagement, II Handbook of Cost Management.WGL,1992.48. Shields, Michael P., and S. Mark Young, ”ABehavioral Model for Implementing Cost`Management Systems. "Journal of Cost Nanagement,Winter 1989, pp.17-27.49. ____ ."Behavioral and Organizational Issue. 11Handbook of Cost Management, WGL, 1992.50. Lammert, Thomas B., Rober Ehrsam, " The Human Element:The Real Challenge in Modernizing Cost Management."Journal of Management Accounting, july 1987, pp.32-37.51. Greenwood, Thomas G., James M. Reeve, II Activity-BasedCost Management for Continuous Improvement: A ProcessDesign Framework. II Journal of cost Management, Winter1992, pp.22-40.52. Turney, Peter B.B.,Common Cents: The ABCPeformance Breakthrough. Hillsboro Oregon: CostTechnology, 1991. zh_TW