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題名 船舶所有人運用防護與補償保險之研究 作者 許岳弘
XU, YUE-HONG貢獻者 黃正宗
XU, YUE-HONG關鍵詞 產物保險
BOAT日期 1992
1991上傳時間 2-May-2016 15:19:41 (UTC+8) 參考文獻 中文專書1.李訓民,國際私法專題研究(一),台北:文翔圖書公司,七十四年十二月。2.林俊益,國際商發仲裁(一),台北:長弘出版社,七十九年七月。3.侯木仲,海商法,台北:環球書局,七十七年八月再版。4.施文森,保險法論文第二集,台北:國立政治大學法律學系法學叢書(六),七十七年增訂四版。5.施智謀,海商法,台北:作者自印,七十五年七月再版。6.柯澤東,貿易糾治與國際商務仲裁,台北:貿協叢刊,編號六七一四0一,六十七年二月。7.桂裕,海商法新論,台北:正中書局,七十三年四月台十版。8.馬漢寶,國際私法總論,台北:作者自印,七十九年八月十一版。9.梁宇賢,海商法論,台北:三民書局,七十九年九月修訂再版。10.張東亮,海商法新論,台北:五南圖書公司,七十八年一月修訂初版。11.陳隆修,國際私法契約評論,台北:五南圖書公司,七十五年二月。12.陳隆修,國際私法管轄權評論,台北:五南圖書公司,七十五年十一月。13.陳顯榮,從比較法論我國船舶優先權,台北:聯經出版事業公司,工商法學叢書(九),七十六年二月。14.張錦源,國際貿易法,台北:三民書局,七十八年十月。15.曾陳明汝,國際私法原理,台北:臺大法學叢書(十二),七十八年六月修訂四版。16.楊仁壽,海商法論,台北:作者自印,七十九年九月。17.劉甲一,國際私法,台北:三民書局,七十七年十一月再修訂再版。18.劉鐵錚,國際私法論叢,台北:國立政治大學法律學系法學叢書(十三),七十七年三月修訂再版。中文期列19.姚淇清,契約準據法之研究,收入馬漢寶主編,國際私法論文選輯(下),台北:五南圖書公司,七十三年七月。20.張東亮,傭船運送之地位與責任,載法令月刊第四十一卷第一期,七十九年一月。21.楊崇森,信託投資與保險資金運用,載於保險資金運用研討會講義,台北:財團法人保險事業發展中心,七十八年二月。22.藍瀛芳,英國商務仲裁法的修訂,法學叢刊一○一期(七十年三月)。英文專書1 . Arnould. Law of Marine Insurance and Average(London:Stevens & Sons .16th ed. ,2nd impression.1987).2 . 8as.J . . Chartering and Shipping Terms(London: Barker &Howard Ltd .. 10th ed . ,1985) .3 . Buglass, Leslie J . ,Marine Insurance and General Averagein the United Ststes(Maryland: Cornell Maritime PressInc . ,2nd ed. ,2nd printing, 1985).4. Butler , J .S. and R.M. Merkin, Reinsurance Law(London:Kluwer Publishing Ltd.,1987).5 . Carter, R. L. ,Principle of Reinsurance,p3/6(Cambridge:Burlington Press Ltd. ,C . I.I. Turtion Service, 1981) .6. Carver, Carriage By Sea(Londan: Stevens & Sans. 13th ed. ,1982) .7 . Cheshire, Private International Law(Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press,5th ed. ,1957).8 . Cheshire and North, Private International Law(London:Butterworths,10th ed. ,1979) .9 . Colinvaux, Roaul, The Law of Insurance(London: Sweet &Maxwell,6th ed. ,edited by Robert Merkin, 1990) .10. Dicey & Morris, The Conflict of Laws(London, Stevens &Sons , 11th ed. ,1987).11. Dover, Victor, A Handbook to Marine Insurance(Londan:Witherby & Ca . Ltd . ,8th ed. ,reprinted, 1982) .12 . Ellen, Eric and Campbell, Donald, International MaritimeFraud(London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1981) .13 . Fleming, John G. ,An Introduction to The Law of Torts(Oxford: Oxford University Press,2nd ed. ,1985) .14. Griggs, Patrick, & Williams, Richard, Limitation ofLiability for Maritime Claims(London: Lloyd`s of LondonPress, 1986) .1 5 . Hill, Christopher ,Maritime Law(London; Lloyd`s of LondonPress,3rd ed. ,1989).1 6 . Hill, Christopher, Bill Robertson and Steven J.Hazelwood, An Introduction to P And I(London: Lloyd`s ofLondon Press, 1988) .17. Hill, Christopher. Kay Soehring. Tameyuki Hosoi & ChristieHelmer, Arrest of Ships(London: Lloyd`s of London Press,1985).18.Ivamy. E .R. Hardy, Chalmers Marine Insurance Act 1906(London: Butterworths,9th ed. . 1983).19.Ivamy,E .R. Hardy, Marine Insurance(London; Butterworths,4th ed. ,1985).20. Ivamy. E.R. Hardy. Payne And Ivamy Carriage of Goods bySea(London:Butterworths.13th ed. 1989).21 . Jackson. D . C. ,Enforcement of Maritime Claim(London:Lloyd`s of London Perss, 1985).22 . Keeton, W . P. ,D . Dobbs. R . Keeton & D. Owen, Prosser andKeeton on the Law of Torts(Minnesota; West PublishingCo. ,5th ed. ,1984) .23. Parkington, Michael. MacGillivray And Parkington onInsurance Law(London: Sweet & Maxwell.8th ed., 1988) .24. Parks, Alex L. ,The Law and Practice of Marine Insuranceand Average(London: Stevens & Sons .1988).25. Pettit. Philip H . . Equity and the Law of Trusts(London:Butterworths.6th ed.. 1989).26 . Prosser. William L . . John W. Wade and Victor E. Scheartz.Torts-Cases and Materials(Taipei: Caves Books Ltd. ,8thed., 1989).27. Riddell, J.G. ,The Law of Trusts(London:Butterworths,2nded. , 1981) .28. Russell, Arbitration(London: Stevens & Sons, 20th ed.,1982) .29. Schoenbaum, Thomas J. ,Admiralty and maritime Law(Minnesota: West Publishing Co. ,Practitioner`s ed., 1987).30. Scrutton, Charterparties and Bill of Lading(London: Sweet& Maxwell, 19th ed. , 1984).31 . Singh and Colinvaux, Shipowners(London: Stevens & Sons.5th impression. 1984) .32. Tetley. William. Marine Cargo Claims(Boston: InternationalShipping Publications.3rd ed. ,1988) .33 . Thomas, O.C. ,Maritime Liens(London: Stevens & Sons, 1980).34 . UNCTAO secretariat`s report, Legal and DocumentaryAspects of the Franch Marine Insurance Regime(N .Y . :U.N. Publication, 1980) .3 5 . Underhill`s Law Relating to Trusts and Trustee(London:Butterworths,13th ed. ,1979).3 6. Williams, Glanville & B.A. Hepple, Foundations of the Lawof Torts(London:Butterworths,2nd ed.. 1984).37. Beck. Andrew .Floating Choice of Law Clauses, [1987]4L.M .C. L. Q.38. Cheka, C.N .. Conduct Barring Limitation, 18 JML&C No.4 .(Oct . 1987) .39. Diamond, Anthony, The Hague And Visby Rules, [1978]2LMCLQ.40. Howard, Alex T. ,Jr. ,Personification of the Vessel: Factor Fiction? ,21 JML&C No.3, (July 1990).41 . Kierr, Raymond H . . The effect of direct action statuteson P And I insurance :on various other insurance ofmaritime liabilities and on limitation of shipownersliability,43 Tulane Law Review No .3. A Symposium onthe P And I Policy ,(April 1969) .42 . Kipp, John P., The History and Development of P And IInsurance: The American Scene,43 Tulane Law Review No .3, A Symposium on the P And I Policy, (April 1969).43. Paulsen. Gordon W. and Robert S. Burrick, Forum NonConveniens in Admiralty. 13 JML&C No.3, (April 1982).44. Reynardson, William R.A. Birch, The History andDevelopment of P And I Insurance: The British Scene ,43Tulane Law Review No .3.A Symposium on the P And IPolicy. (April 1969).45. Tetley, William. Arbitration Clauses in Ocean Bills ofLading ,Yearbook Maritime Law, Vol 2. (Deventer.Netherlands: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, ed . byI. Arroyo. 1988).46. Tetley. William. Assignment and Transfer of MaritimeLiens: Is there Subrogation of the Privilege? . 15JML&C No.3(July 1984) .47. Tetley, William, The Lack of Uniformity and the veryUnfortunate State of Maritime Law in Canada the UnitedStates the United Kindom and France, [1987]3 L.M.C.L.Q .48. Tilley, Mark, The Origin and Development of the MutualShipowners Protedtion And Indemnity Associations, 17JML&C No.2(April 1986) .法規49. The Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982.50. The International Conference on the Limitation ofLiability for Maritime Claims 1976.51. The Supreme Court Act 1981 .52 . The Rules of The United Kingdom Mutual Steam ShipAssurance Association (Bermuda) Limited (1990).53. The Rules of The Britannia Steam Ship InsuranceAssociation Limited(1990). 描述 碩士
風險管理與保險研究所資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 黃正宗 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor HUANG, ZHENG-ZONG en_US (Authors) 許岳弘 zh_TW (Authors) XU, YUE-HONG en_US dc.creator (作者) 許岳弘 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) XU, YUE-HONG en_US (日期) 1992 en_US (日期) 1991 en_US 2-May-2016 15:19:41 (UTC+8) - 2-May-2016 15:19:41 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 2-May-2016 15:19:41 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002004564 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 風險管理與保險研究所 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒 論..........1第一節 研究動機與研究目的..........1第二節 研究範圍與研究內容..........2第二章 防護與補償保險..........5第一節 防護與補償協會成立之沿革..........6第二節 協會組織型態之新定義..........10第三節 防護與補償協會之承保範圍及除外規定..........13第一項 承保範圍..........14第二項 自負扣減額..........17第三項 除外不保事項..........17第三章 船舶所有人之責任限制..........25第一節 船舶所有人之定義..........27第一項 我國之規定..........27第二項 英美之規定..........28第二節 船舶所有人之責任..........30第一項 人身責任..........30第二項 財物責任..........31第三項 其他責任..........32第三節 責任限制..........33第一項 責任限制之制度..........33第二項 主張者..........34第四節 主張責任限制之例外..........35第一項 沿革..........35第二項 實際過失或知情..........37第三項 新標準..........42第四章 對物訴訟..........51第一節 概說..........52第一項 對物訴訟之意義..........52第二項 訴訟標的..........54第三項 對物訴訟之法定權利..........54第四項 訴狀之送達..........59第二節 對物訴訟之管轄權..........60第一項 概論..........60第二項 公海之碰撞案件..........62第三項 領海之碰撞案件..........63第三節 對物訴訟法定權利與船舶優先權之關係..........65第一項 船舶優先權之意義..........65第二項 船舶優先權之本質..........66第三項 船舶優先權之項目..........67第四項 船舶優先權之特性..........70第五項 船舶優先權與對物訴訟法定權利之異同..........71第四節 防護與補償協會之功能..........76第一項 協會處理訴訟之部門..........76第二項 協會處理訴訟之功能..........77第三項 對物訴訟之保釋服務..........77第五章 保險紛爭之法律衝突..........93第一節 管 轄 權..........94第一項 概論..........94第二項 國際管轄權之連繫因素..........95第三項 保險契約之管轄權..........97第四項 管轄權條款..........100第二節 準 據 法..........101第一項 概論..........102第二項 當事人自主原則..........103第三項 我國之規定..........104第四項 英國之規定..........104第五項 保險契約之準據法..........105第三節 仲裁條款..........108第一項 概論..........108第二項 仲裁之型式..........109第三項 英國之規定..........110第四項 我國之規定..........111第五項 仲裁條款之格式..........112第六項 仲裁條款之準據法..........112第七項 非地域化 (De-localised) 之仲裁..........113第六章 結論與建議..........121第一項 對船舶所有人..........122第二項 對立法者..........123第三項 對國內保險業者..........124參考書目..........129 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 產物保險 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) PROPERTY INSURANCE en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) BOAT en_US dc.title (題名) 船舶所有人運用防護與補償保險之研究 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文專書1.李訓民,國際私法專題研究(一),台北:文翔圖書公司,七十四年十二月。2.林俊益,國際商發仲裁(一),台北:長弘出版社,七十九年七月。3.侯木仲,海商法,台北:環球書局,七十七年八月再版。4.施文森,保險法論文第二集,台北:國立政治大學法律學系法學叢書(六),七十七年增訂四版。5.施智謀,海商法,台北:作者自印,七十五年七月再版。6.柯澤東,貿易糾治與國際商務仲裁,台北:貿協叢刊,編號六七一四0一,六十七年二月。7.桂裕,海商法新論,台北:正中書局,七十三年四月台十版。8.馬漢寶,國際私法總論,台北:作者自印,七十九年八月十一版。9.梁宇賢,海商法論,台北:三民書局,七十九年九月修訂再版。10.張東亮,海商法新論,台北:五南圖書公司,七十八年一月修訂初版。11.陳隆修,國際私法契約評論,台北:五南圖書公司,七十五年二月。12.陳隆修,國際私法管轄權評論,台北:五南圖書公司,七十五年十一月。13.陳顯榮,從比較法論我國船舶優先權,台北:聯經出版事業公司,工商法學叢書(九),七十六年二月。14.張錦源,國際貿易法,台北:三民書局,七十八年十月。15.曾陳明汝,國際私法原理,台北:臺大法學叢書(十二),七十八年六月修訂四版。16.楊仁壽,海商法論,台北:作者自印,七十九年九月。17.劉甲一,國際私法,台北:三民書局,七十七年十一月再修訂再版。18.劉鐵錚,國際私法論叢,台北:國立政治大學法律學系法學叢書(十三),七十七年三月修訂再版。中文期列19.姚淇清,契約準據法之研究,收入馬漢寶主編,國際私法論文選輯(下),台北:五南圖書公司,七十三年七月。20.張東亮,傭船運送之地位與責任,載法令月刊第四十一卷第一期,七十九年一月。21.楊崇森,信託投資與保險資金運用,載於保險資金運用研討會講義,台北:財團法人保險事業發展中心,七十八年二月。22.藍瀛芳,英國商務仲裁法的修訂,法學叢刊一○一期(七十年三月)。英文專書1 . Arnould. Law of Marine Insurance and Average(London:Stevens & Sons .16th ed. ,2nd impression.1987).2 . 8as.J . . Chartering and Shipping Terms(London: Barker &Howard Ltd .. 10th ed . ,1985) .3 . Buglass, Leslie J . ,Marine Insurance and General Averagein the United Ststes(Maryland: Cornell Maritime PressInc . ,2nd ed. ,2nd printing, 1985).4. Butler , J .S. and R.M. Merkin, Reinsurance Law(London:Kluwer Publishing Ltd.,1987).5 . Carter, R. L. ,Principle of Reinsurance,p3/6(Cambridge:Burlington Press Ltd. ,C . I.I. Turtion Service, 1981) .6. Carver, Carriage By Sea(Londan: Stevens & Sans. 13th ed. ,1982) .7 . Cheshire, Private International Law(Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press,5th ed. ,1957).8 . Cheshire and North, Private International Law(London:Butterworths,10th ed. ,1979) .9 . Colinvaux, Roaul, The Law of Insurance(London: Sweet &Maxwell,6th ed. ,edited by Robert Merkin, 1990) .10. Dicey & Morris, The Conflict of Laws(London, Stevens &Sons , 11th ed. ,1987).11. Dover, Victor, A Handbook to Marine Insurance(Londan:Witherby & Ca . Ltd . ,8th ed. ,reprinted, 1982) .12 . Ellen, Eric and Campbell, Donald, International MaritimeFraud(London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1981) .13 . Fleming, John G. ,An Introduction to The Law of Torts(Oxford: Oxford University Press,2nd ed. ,1985) .14. Griggs, Patrick, & Williams, Richard, Limitation ofLiability for Maritime Claims(London: Lloyd`s of LondonPress, 1986) .1 5 . Hill, Christopher ,Maritime Law(London; Lloyd`s of LondonPress,3rd ed. ,1989).1 6 . Hill, Christopher, Bill Robertson and Steven J.Hazelwood, An Introduction to P And I(London: Lloyd`s ofLondon Press, 1988) .17. Hill, Christopher. Kay Soehring. Tameyuki Hosoi & ChristieHelmer, Arrest of Ships(London: Lloyd`s of London Press,1985).18.Ivamy. E .R. Hardy, Chalmers Marine Insurance Act 1906(London: Butterworths,9th ed. . 1983).19.Ivamy,E .R. Hardy, Marine Insurance(London; Butterworths,4th ed. ,1985).20. Ivamy. E.R. Hardy. Payne And Ivamy Carriage of Goods bySea(London:Butterworths.13th ed. 1989).21 . Jackson. D . C. ,Enforcement of Maritime Claim(London:Lloyd`s of London Perss, 1985).22 . Keeton, W . P. ,D . Dobbs. R . Keeton & D. Owen, Prosser andKeeton on the Law of Torts(Minnesota; West PublishingCo. ,5th ed. ,1984) .23. Parkington, Michael. MacGillivray And Parkington onInsurance Law(London: Sweet & Maxwell.8th ed., 1988) .24. Parks, Alex L. ,The Law and Practice of Marine Insuranceand Average(London: Stevens & Sons .1988).25. Pettit. Philip H . . Equity and the Law of Trusts(London:Butterworths.6th ed.. 1989).26 . Prosser. William L . . John W. Wade and Victor E. Scheartz.Torts-Cases and Materials(Taipei: Caves Books Ltd. ,8thed., 1989).27. Riddell, J.G. ,The Law of Trusts(London:Butterworths,2nded. , 1981) .28. Russell, Arbitration(London: Stevens & Sons, 20th ed.,1982) .29. Schoenbaum, Thomas J. ,Admiralty and maritime Law(Minnesota: West Publishing Co. ,Practitioner`s ed., 1987).30. Scrutton, Charterparties and Bill of Lading(London: Sweet& Maxwell, 19th ed. , 1984).31 . Singh and Colinvaux, Shipowners(London: Stevens & Sons.5th impression. 1984) .32. Tetley. William. Marine Cargo Claims(Boston: InternationalShipping Publications.3rd ed. ,1988) .33 . Thomas, O.C. ,Maritime Liens(London: Stevens & Sons, 1980).34 . UNCTAO secretariat`s report, Legal and DocumentaryAspects of the Franch Marine Insurance Regime(N .Y . :U.N. Publication, 1980) .3 5 . Underhill`s Law Relating to Trusts and Trustee(London:Butterworths,13th ed. ,1979).3 6. Williams, Glanville & B.A. Hepple, Foundations of the Lawof Torts(London:Butterworths,2nd ed.. 1984).37. Beck. Andrew .Floating Choice of Law Clauses, [1987]4L.M .C. L. Q.38. Cheka, C.N .. Conduct Barring Limitation, 18 JML&C No.4 .(Oct . 1987) .39. Diamond, Anthony, The Hague And Visby Rules, [1978]2LMCLQ.40. Howard, Alex T. ,Jr. ,Personification of the Vessel: Factor Fiction? ,21 JML&C No.3, (July 1990).41 . Kierr, Raymond H . . The effect of direct action statuteson P And I insurance :on various other insurance ofmaritime liabilities and on limitation of shipownersliability,43 Tulane Law Review No .3. A Symposium onthe P And I Policy ,(April 1969) .42 . Kipp, John P., The History and Development of P And IInsurance: The American Scene,43 Tulane Law Review No .3, A Symposium on the P And I Policy, (April 1969).43. Paulsen. Gordon W. and Robert S. Burrick, Forum NonConveniens in Admiralty. 13 JML&C No.3, (April 1982).44. Reynardson, William R.A. Birch, The History andDevelopment of P And I Insurance: The British Scene ,43Tulane Law Review No .3.A Symposium on the P And IPolicy. (April 1969).45. Tetley, William. Arbitration Clauses in Ocean Bills ofLading ,Yearbook Maritime Law, Vol 2. (Deventer.Netherlands: Kluwer Law and Taxation Publishers, ed . byI. Arroyo. 1988).46. Tetley. William. Assignment and Transfer of MaritimeLiens: Is there Subrogation of the Privilege? . 15JML&C No.3(July 1984) .47. Tetley, William, The Lack of Uniformity and the veryUnfortunate State of Maritime Law in Canada the UnitedStates the United Kindom and France, [1987]3 L.M.C.L.Q .48. Tilley, Mark, The Origin and Development of the MutualShipowners Protedtion And Indemnity Associations, 17JML&C No.2(April 1986) .法規49. The Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1982.50. The International Conference on the Limitation ofLiability for Maritime Claims 1976.51. The Supreme Court Act 1981 .52 . The Rules of The United Kingdom Mutual Steam ShipAssurance Association (Bermuda) Limited (1990).53. The Rules of The Britannia Steam Ship InsuranceAssociation Limited(1990). zh_TW