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題名 態度形成方式、突顯態度成份與說服訊息類型之說服效果 作者 王志全
WANG, ZHI-QUAN關鍵詞 說服效果
MOTION日期 1992
1991上傳時間 2-May-2016 15:21:19 (UTC+8) 摘要 說服的形式,主要是由說服訊息引起態度評價的改變而造成說服效果。近來,由於受 參考文獻 一.中文部分: 吳正桓。 (民78 年) 。態度形成方式與論點數量對說服的影響。「中華心理學刊」 ,卷3 1, 7-18 。 張滿吟。(民79年) 。立論基礎、傳播者身份與內容呈現方式之說服效果。國立政 治大學心理研究所未發表之碩士論文。 彭榮仁。(民80年)。直接經驗對態度的認知及情感的影響。私立中原大學心理研 究所未發表之碩士論文。 按驗委員會。(民77年) 。洋芋片的食鹽及油脂含量。「消費者報導」, 88 , 34-41 。 二.英文部分: Abelson.R.P. ,Kinder,D.R .. Peter.H.D .. and Fiske.S.T. (1982). Affective and semantic componentsin political person perception. Journal of Personality and Social Psycbology.1Z.619-630. Ajzen.I.(1974). Attitudes. R.J.Corsini(Ed.),In Wiley Encyclopedia of Psvchology( 1:99-100).New York:Wiley. Ajzen. I .. & Fishbein.H. (1977). Attitude-behavior relations:A theoretical analysis and reviewof empirical reserch. Psychological Bulletin.&1.888-918. Anderson.N.H. (1965). Averaging versus adding as a stimulus-combination rule in impress ionformation.Journal of Experimental Psychology.1Q.394-400. Anderson.N.H. (1974). The problem of change-of-meaning(Tech.Rep. No. 42) .San Diege: Universityof California,Center for Human Information Precessing. Asch.S. (1946). Forming impressions of personality. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology.4.258-290. Bagozzi,R.P.,& Burnkrant,R.E. (1979). Attitude organization and the attitudebehavior relationship.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,37,913-927. Bagozzi,R.P.,& Burnkrant,R.E. (1985). Attitude organization and the attitudebehavior relation:A reply to Dillon and Kumar.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,49,47-57. Batra,R. ,& Ray,M.L. (1985). How adverstising works at contact. In L.F.Alwitt & A.A.Mitchell(Eds.),Psycbological processes and advertising effects (pp. 13- 43).Hillsdale,NY:Erlbaum. Bem.D.J. (1972). Self-perception theory. In L.Berkowitz(Eds.) ,Advances in experimental social psycholoKY.Vol.6,l-62.N.Y:Academic Press. Bentler,P.H. ,& Speckart,G. (1979). Models of attitude-behavior relations. Psychological Review,86.452-464. Bleckler,S.J. (1984). Empirical validation of affect,behavior,and cognition as distinctcomponents of attitude. JQurnal of Personality and Social Psvcho-logy, 47,1191-1205. Breckler.S.J .. & Wiggins,E.C. (1984). Cognitive response in pcrsuasion:Affective and evaluative determinants. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,27 ,180-200. Breckler,s.J.,& Wiggins,E.C. (1989). Affect versus evaluation in the structure of attitudes. Journal of Experimental Social Psycbology,25,253-271. Brock,T.C. (1965). Communicator-recipient similarity and decision change. Journal of Personality and Social Psvchology,1,650-654. Chaiken,S .. & Baldwin.M.W. (1981). Affective-cognitive consistency and the effects of salient behavioral information in the self perception of attitude.Journal of Personality andSocial Psychology,il,1-12. Chaiken,S .. & Eagly,A.H. (1973). Communication modal iity as a determinant of message persuasiveness and message comprehensibility.Journal of Personality and Social Psvchology.14.605-614. Dillon,W.R. ,Kumar,A. (1985). Attitude organization and the attitude-behavior relation: Acritique of bagozzi and Burnkrant`s reanalysis of Fishbein and Ajzen.Journal of Personality and Socjal Psychology,4a,33-46. Doob. I.W. (1947). The behaviors of attitudes. Psychological Review,54,135-156. Eagly,A.H.,& Chaiken,S. (1984).Cognitive theories of persuasion. In L.Berkowitz (Ed.),Adyances in Experimental Social PsYchology(Vol.17,pp.267-359). New York:AcademicPress. Eagly,A.H. ,& Warren,R. (1976). Intelligence,comprehension,and opinion change, Journal of Persooality,44,226-242. Edwards,K. (1990). The interplay of affection and cognition in attitude formation and change.Journal of Personality and Social PsychologY,59.202- 216. razio,R.H. ,Chen.J. ,HcDonnel.E. ,& Sherman,S.J. (1982). Attitude accessibility, attitude-behavior consistency, and the strength of the object-evaluation association.Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,la,339-357. Fazio,R.H.,& Zanna,H.P. (1978 a). Attitudinal qualities relating to the strength of the attitude-behavior relationship. Journal of Experimental Social PsychologY,11.398-408. Fazio,R.H .. & Zanna,H.P. (1978 b). On the predictive validity of attitudes:The roles .of direct experience and confidencn.Journal of Personality,46,228- 243. Fazio,R.H.,& Zanna,H.P. (1981). Direct experience and attitude-behavior consistency. In L.Berkowitz(Ed.),Adyances in Experimental Social Psychology (Vol.14,pp.161-202).New York:Academic Press. Fazio,R.H. ,Zanna,H.P. ,& Cooper,J. (1978).Direct experience and attitudebehavior consistency:An informaton processing analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,1,48-52. Fishbein,H. ,& Ajzen,I, (1975). Belief.attitude, Intention and Behavior: An Inroduction toTheory and Research. Reading,HA: Addison-Wesley.pp.578. Fiske,S.T.,& Pavelchake.M.A. (1986). Category-based vs. piecemeal-based affective responses:Developments in schema-triggered affect. In R.M.Sorrentino &E.T.Higgins(Eds.) ,Handbook of motivation and cognitjon. HY:Guiford Press. Fleming,D. (1967). Attitude: The history of a concept. Perspectjves in American History,l,287-365. Fredricks,A.J.,& Dossett,D.j. (1983). Attitude-behavior relations:A comparison of therishbein-Ajzen and the Bentler-Speckart models.Journal of Personality and Social Psycbology,45,501-512. Games,P.A. (1978). A three-factor model encompassing many possible statistical tests on independent groups. Psychological Bulletjn,85,168-182. Greenwald,A.G. (1982). Is anyone in charge? Pesonalysis versus the principle of personal unity.In J.Suls(Eds.) ,Psychological perspectives on the self, Vol.1,151-181.Hillsdale,NJ:Erlbaum. Hamilton,d.L. ,& Zanna,M.P. (1974). Context effects in impression formation: Changes inconnotative meanihg. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology ,29,649-654. Higgins,E.T. ,& Rholes,w.S. (1976). Impression formation and role fulfillnent: A "holistic reference" approach. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 11,422-435. Janis, I.L. ,Kaye,D. ,& Kirschner,P. (1965). Facilitation effects of `eating while reading" onresponsiveness to persuasive fommunications. Journal of Personality and Social PsYchology,1,181-186. Katz,D. ,Stotland,E. (1959). A preliminary statement to a theory of attitude structure and change. In S.Koch(Ed.),Psychology: A Study of a Science,3:423 -475. New York:McGraw-Hill. Katz,D. (1960). The functional approach to the study of attitude. Publ ic Qpioion Quarterly,ZA,163-204. Kothandapani,V. (1971). Validation of feeling,belief,and intention to act as three componentsof contraceptive behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psycbology,ia,321-333. Lazarus,R.S. (1984). On the primacy of cognition.American Psychologist,39,124- 129. Leventhal,H.A. (1970). Findings and theory in the study of fear communications . In L.Berkowitz(Ed.),Adyances in experimental social psycho]ogy(Vol.5,pp. 120-168).Orlando,FL:AcademicPress. Maddux,J.E. ,& Rogers,R.V. (1980). Effects of source expertness,physical attractiveness,andsupporting arguments on persuasion: A case of brains over beauty. Journal of Personalityand Social Psycho]ogy.3a,235-244. Matlin,M.V. (1971). Response competition,recognition,and affect.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,ia,295-300. McOougall,V. (1908). An introduction to social psychology.London,Methnen. HcGuire,V.J. (1969). The nature of attitudes and attitude change. In G.Lindzey & E. Aronson(Eds.), The handbook of social psychologY(2nd ed., Vol.3,pp. 136-314). Reading,HA:Addison-Vesley. McGuire,V.J. (1985). Attitudes and attitude change. In G. Lindzey, & E.Aronson (Eds) ,The handbQok of sQcial psychQloRY(Vol.2, pp.223-346).New York:Random House. Millar,H.G. ,& Hillar.K.U. (1990). Attitude change as a function of attitude type and argument type. JQurnal Qf PersQnality and SQcial Psychology,59. 217-228. Millar.M.G .• & Tesser,A. (1986). Effects of affective and cognitive focus on the attitude-behavior relation.JQurnal Qf PersQnality and Social Psycho-logy,51, 270-276. Norman,R. (1975). Affective-cognition consistence attitudes,conformity,and behavior.JQurnal Qf PersQnality and Social Psychology,32,83-91. Ostermeier,T.h. (1967). Effects of type and frequency of reference upon perceived sourcecridiblity and attitude change. Speech Honographs,34,137- 144. Ostrom,T.M. (1969). The relationship between the affectiv8,behavioral and cognitive componentsof attitude. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology ,5,12-30. Petty,R.E. ,& Cacioppo,J.T. (1984). The effect of involvement on responses to argument quantity and quality:Central and peripheral routes to persuasion. Journal of Personal ityand Social Psychology,46,69-81 Petty,R.E. ,Cacioppo,J.T. (1986). The elaborationlikelihood model of persuasion .In L.Berkowitz(Ed.),Adyances in experimental social psychology.Vol.19;123 -205.HY:Academic Press. Pittman,T.S. ,& Heller,J.F. 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心理學系資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 顏乃欣 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor YAN, NAI-XIN en_US (Authors) 王志全 zh_TW (Authors) WANG, ZHI-QUAN en_US dc.creator (作者) 王志全 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) WANG, ZHI-QUAN en_US (日期) 1992 en_US (日期) 1991 en_US 2-May-2016 15:21:19 (UTC+8) - 2-May-2016 15:21:19 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 2-May-2016 15:21:19 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002004509 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 心理學系 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 說服的形式,主要是由說服訊息引起態度評價的改變而造成說服效果。近來,由於受 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章緒論----------1 第一節文獻探討----------1 第二節研究假設----------26 第二章研究方法----------31 第一節研究對象----------31 第二節實驗設計----------32 第三節實驗工具----------35 第四節實施程序----------38 第三章研究結果----------42 第一節操弄檢驗----------42 第二節依變項分析----------44 第三節相關分析----------65 第四章討論與結論----------68 第一節討論與結論----------68 第二節實驗檢討與未來研究建議----------80 參考文獻----------82 附錄----------89 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 說服效果 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 說服訊息 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 突顯態度 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 說服 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 情緒 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) PRESUADE en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) MOTION en_US dc.title (題名) 態度形成方式、突顯態度成份與說服訊息類型之說服效果 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一.中文部分: 吳正桓。 (民78 年) 。態度形成方式與論點數量對說服的影響。「中華心理學刊」 ,卷3 1, 7-18 。 張滿吟。(民79年) 。立論基礎、傳播者身份與內容呈現方式之說服效果。國立政 治大學心理研究所未發表之碩士論文。 彭榮仁。(民80年)。直接經驗對態度的認知及情感的影響。私立中原大學心理研 究所未發表之碩士論文。 按驗委員會。(民77年) 。洋芋片的食鹽及油脂含量。「消費者報導」, 88 , 34-41 。 二.英文部分: Abelson.R.P. ,Kinder,D.R .. Peter.H.D .. and Fiske.S.T. (1982). Affective and semantic componentsin political person perception. Journal of Personality and Social Psycbology.1Z.619-630. Ajzen.I.(1974). Attitudes. R.J.Corsini(Ed.),In Wiley Encyclopedia of Psvchology( 1:99-100).New York:Wiley. Ajzen. I .. & Fishbein.H. (1977). Attitude-behavior relations:A theoretical analysis and reviewof empirical reserch. Psychological Bulletin.&1.888-918. Anderson.N.H. (1965). Averaging versus adding as a stimulus-combination rule in impress ionformation.Journal of Experimental Psychology.1Q.394-400. Anderson.N.H. (1974). The problem of change-of-meaning(Tech.Rep. No. 42) .San Diege: Universityof California,Center for Human Information Precessing. Asch.S. (1946). Forming impressions of personality. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology.4.258-290. Bagozzi,R.P.,& Burnkrant,R.E. (1979). Attitude organization and the attitudebehavior relationship.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,37,913-927. Bagozzi,R.P.,& Burnkrant,R.E. (1985). Attitude organization and the attitudebehavior relation:A reply to Dillon and Kumar.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,49,47-57. Batra,R. ,& Ray,M.L. (1985). How adverstising works at contact. In L.F.Alwitt & A.A.Mitchell(Eds.),Psycbological processes and advertising effects (pp. 13- 43).Hillsdale,NY:Erlbaum. Bem.D.J. (1972). Self-perception theory. In L.Berkowitz(Eds.) ,Advances in experimental social psycholoKY.Vol.6,l-62.N.Y:Academic Press. Bentler,P.H. ,& Speckart,G. (1979). Models of attitude-behavior relations. Psychological Review,86.452-464. Bleckler,S.J. (1984). Empirical validation of affect,behavior,and cognition as distinctcomponents of attitude. JQurnal of Personality and Social Psvcho-logy, 47,1191-1205. Breckler.S.J .. & Wiggins,E.C. (1984). Cognitive response in pcrsuasion:Affective and evaluative determinants. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,27 ,180-200. Breckler,s.J.,& Wiggins,E.C. (1989). Affect versus evaluation in the structure of attitudes. Journal of Experimental Social Psycbology,25,253-271. Brock,T.C. (1965). Communicator-recipient similarity and decision change. Journal of Personality and Social Psvchology,1,650-654. Chaiken,S .. & Baldwin.M.W. (1981). Affective-cognitive consistency and the effects of salient behavioral information in the self perception of attitude.Journal of Personality andSocial Psychology,il,1-12. Chaiken,S .. & Eagly,A.H. (1973). Communication modal iity as a determinant of message persuasiveness and message comprehensibility.Journal of Personality and Social Psvchology.14.605-614. Dillon,W.R. ,Kumar,A. (1985). Attitude organization and the attitude-behavior relation: Acritique of bagozzi and Burnkrant`s reanalysis of Fishbein and Ajzen.Journal of Personality and Socjal Psychology,4a,33-46. Doob. I.W. (1947). The behaviors of attitudes. Psychological Review,54,135-156. Eagly,A.H.,& Chaiken,S. (1984).Cognitive theories of persuasion. In L.Berkowitz (Ed.),Adyances in Experimental Social PsYchology(Vol.17,pp.267-359). New York:AcademicPress. Eagly,A.H. ,& Warren,R. (1976). Intelligence,comprehension,and opinion change, Journal of Persooality,44,226-242. Edwards,K. (1990). The interplay of affection and cognition in attitude formation and change.Journal of Personality and Social PsychologY,59.202- 216. razio,R.H. ,Chen.J. ,HcDonnel.E. ,& Sherman,S.J. (1982). Attitude accessibility, attitude-behavior consistency, and the strength of the object-evaluation association.Journal of Experimental Social Psychology,la,339-357. Fazio,R.H.,& Zanna,H.P. (1978 a). Attitudinal qualities relating to the strength of the attitude-behavior relationship. Journal of Experimental Social PsychologY,11.398-408. Fazio,R.H .. & Zanna,H.P. (1978 b). On the predictive validity of attitudes:The roles .of direct experience and confidencn.Journal of Personality,46,228- 243. Fazio,R.H.,& Zanna,H.P. (1981). Direct experience and attitude-behavior consistency. In L.Berkowitz(Ed.),Adyances in Experimental Social Psychology (Vol.14,pp.161-202).New York:Academic Press. Fazio,R.H. ,Zanna,H.P. ,& Cooper,J. (1978).Direct experience and attitudebehavior consistency:An informaton processing analysis. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin,1,48-52. Fishbein,H. ,& Ajzen,I, (1975). Belief.attitude, Intention and Behavior: An Inroduction toTheory and Research. Reading,HA: Addison-Wesley.pp.578. Fiske,S.T.,& Pavelchake.M.A. (1986). Category-based vs. piecemeal-based affective responses:Developments in schema-triggered affect. In R.M.Sorrentino &E.T.Higgins(Eds.) ,Handbook of motivation and cognitjon. HY:Guiford Press. Fleming,D. (1967). Attitude: The history of a concept. Perspectjves in American History,l,287-365. Fredricks,A.J.,& Dossett,D.j. (1983). Attitude-behavior relations:A comparison of therishbein-Ajzen and the Bentler-Speckart models.Journal of Personality and Social Psycbology,45,501-512. Games,P.A. (1978). A three-factor model encompassing many possible statistical tests on independent groups. Psychological Bulletjn,85,168-182. Greenwald,A.G. (1982). Is anyone in charge? Pesonalysis versus the principle of personal unity.In J.Suls(Eds.) ,Psychological perspectives on the self, Vol.1,151-181.Hillsdale,NJ:Erlbaum. Hamilton,d.L. ,& Zanna,M.P. (1974). Context effects in impression formation: Changes inconnotative meanihg. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology ,29,649-654. Higgins,E.T. ,& Rholes,w.S. (1976). Impression formation and role fulfillnent: A "holistic reference" approach. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 11,422-435. Janis, I.L. ,Kaye,D. ,& Kirschner,P. (1965). Facilitation effects of `eating while reading" onresponsiveness to persuasive fommunications. Journal of Personality and Social PsYchology,1,181-186. Katz,D. ,Stotland,E. (1959). A preliminary statement to a theory of attitude structure and change. In S.Koch(Ed.),Psychology: A Study of a Science,3:423 -475. New York:McGraw-Hill. Katz,D. (1960). The functional approach to the study of attitude. Publ ic Qpioion Quarterly,ZA,163-204. Kothandapani,V. (1971). Validation of feeling,belief,and intention to act as three componentsof contraceptive behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psycbology,ia,321-333. Lazarus,R.S. (1984). On the primacy of cognition.American Psychologist,39,124- 129. Leventhal,H.A. (1970). Findings and theory in the study of fear communications . In L.Berkowitz(Ed.),Adyances in experimental social psycho]ogy(Vol.5,pp. 120-168).Orlando,FL:AcademicPress. Maddux,J.E. ,& Rogers,R.V. (1980). Effects of source expertness,physical attractiveness,andsupporting arguments on persuasion: A case of brains over beauty. Journal of Personalityand Social Psycho]ogy.3a,235-244. Matlin,M.V. (1971). Response competition,recognition,and affect.Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,ia,295-300. McOougall,V. (1908). An introduction to social psychology.London,Methnen. HcGuire,V.J. (1969). The nature of attitudes and attitude change. In G.Lindzey & E. Aronson(Eds.), The handbook of social psychologY(2nd ed., Vol.3,pp. 136-314). Reading,HA:Addison-Vesley. McGuire,V.J. (1985). Attitudes and attitude change. In G. Lindzey, & E.Aronson (Eds) ,The handbQok of sQcial psychQloRY(Vol.2, pp.223-346).New York:Random House. Millar,H.G. ,& Hillar.K.U. (1990). Attitude change as a function of attitude type and argument type. JQurnal Qf PersQnality and SQcial Psychology,59. 217-228. Millar.M.G .• & Tesser,A. (1986). Effects of affective and cognitive focus on the attitude-behavior relation.JQurnal Qf PersQnality and Social Psycho-logy,51, 270-276. Norman,R. (1975). 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