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題名 議題涉入感對資訊處理策略影響之研究
作者 吳雯雯
貢獻者 鍾蔚文
日期 1991
上傳時間 2-五月-2016 16:58:42 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究旨在探討對某一議題涉入程度不同的個人,對於相關新聞報導所採用的「資訊處理策略」有何差異。
參考文獻 參考書目
     Allen , R. C. (1990). The rediscovery of audience in
     television strdies. Paper presented to a symposium on
     “Screen and monitor: A critical investigation of image
     culture" .
     Batra , R. , & Ray M. (1984). How advertising works at
     contact. In L. Alwitt & A. Mitchell (Eds.) , Psychological
     processes and advertising effects: Theory , research and
     applications. Hillsdale , NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
     Blumler, J. G. (1979). The role of theory in uses and
     gratifications studies. Communication Research , 6 , 9-36.
     Bogart , L. (1981). Public and press. Hillisale, NJ: Lawrence
     Erlbaum Associates.
     Chaffee.S. H., & Miyo , Y. (1983). Selective exposure and
     the reinforcement hypothesis: An intergenerationalnal panel
     study of the 1980 presidential campaign. Communication
     Research , 10(1) , 3-36.
     Chaffee , S. H. , & Roser C. (1986). Involvement and the
     consistency of knowledge , attitudes , and behaviors.
     Communication Research , 13(3) , 373-399.
     Chaiken , S. (1980). Heuristic versus systematic information
     processing and the uses of source versus message cues in
     persuasion. Journal of personality and Social Psychology,
     39 , 752-766.
     Craik,F.I.M., & Lockhart, R. S. (1972). Levels of
     processing: A framework for memory research. Journal of
     Verbal Learninq and Verbal Behavior , 11 , 671-684.
     Crailk,F.I.M. , & Tulving , E. (1975). Depth of processing
     and the retention of words in episodic memory. Journal of
     Experimental Psychology: General, 104 , 268-294.
     Delia , J. (1977). Constructivism and the study of human
     communication. Quarterly Journal of Speech , 63 , 66-83.
     Eagly, A. H. (1967). Involvement as a determinant of
     response to favorable and unfavorable information.. Journal
     of Personality and Social Psγchologγ Monograph , 7 ( 3 , pt. 2 ) .
     Ettema , J. S. , & Kline , F. G. (1977). Deficits , differences
     and ceilings: Contingent conditions for understanding the
     knowledge gap. Communication Research ,4, 179-202.
     Gans , H. J. (1980). The audience for television - and in
     television research. In S. B. withey & R. P. Abeles (Eds.) ,
     Television and social behavior: Beyond violence and
     children. Hillsdale , NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
     Greenwald , A. G. , & Leavitt , C. (1984). Audience involvement
     in advertising: Four levels. Journal of Consumer Research ,
     11, 581-592.
     Hawkins , R. P. , & Daly , J. (1988). Gognition and
     communication. In D. Zillmann & J. Bryant (Eds.) , Selective
     exposure to communication . Hillsdale , NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
     Howard-Pitney , B. , Borgida , E. , & Omoto A. M. (1986).
     Personal Involvement: An examination of processing
     differences. social Cognition , 4(1) , 39-57.
     Katz , E. , Blumler , J. G. , & Gurevitch M. (1974). Utilization
     of mass communication by the individual. In J. G. Blumler &
     E. Katz (Eds.) , The uses of mass communications: Current
     perspectives on gratifications research. Beverly Hills , CA:
     Sage Publication.
     Kepplinger , H. M. (1989). Content analysis and reception
     analysis. American Behavior Scientist , 33(2) , 175-182.
     Kintsch , W. , & van Dijk, T. A.(1978). Toward a model of text
     comprehension and production. psychological Review , 85 , 363-
     Kosicki, G. M. , McLeod , J. M. , & Amor D. L. (1988).
     Processing strategies for mass media information: Selecting ,
     integrating and making sense of political news. Draft.
     Krugman , H. E. (1965). The impact of television advertising:
     Learning without involvement. Public Opinion Quarterly , 29,
     Krugman , H. E. (1966). The measurement of advertising
     involvement. Public Opinion Quarterly , 30 , 583-596.
     Lemish , D. (1985). Soap opera viewing in college: A
     naturalistic inquiry. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic
     Media , 29 , 275-293.
     Levy , M. R. (1979). Watching television as para-social
     interaction. Journal of Broadcasting , 23 , 69-80.
     Levy , M. R. , & Windahl , S. (1985). The concept of audience
     activity. In K. E. Rosengren , L. A. Wenner & P. Palmgreen
     (Eds. ), Media gratifications research: Current perspectives.
     Beverly Hills , CA: Sage.
     Lodge , M. , & Hamill , R. (1986). A partisan schema for
     Political information processing. American political Science
     Review,80(2), 505-519.
     McGuire , W. J. (1969). The nature of attitude and attitude
     change. 工n G. Lindzey & E. Aronson (Eds.) , The handbook of
     social psychology (2nd ed. , Vol.3). Reading , MA: AddisonWesley.
     McLeod , J. M. , & McDonald , D. G. (1985). Beyond simple
     exposure: Media orientations and their impact on political
     processes. Communication Research , 12 , 3-34.
     McLeod , J. M. , Pan , Z. , & Rucinski , D. M. (1989). Framing a
     complex issue: A case of social construction of meaning.
     Paper presented to the Mass Communication Division ,ICA
     Conference May 1989 , San Francisco.
     Meyer , B. J. F. , Brandt , D. M. , & Bluth , G. J. (1980). Use
     of top-level structure in text: Key for reading
     comprehension of ninth-grade students. Reading Research
     Quarterly,16, 72-103.
     Meyer , B. J. F. , & Rice , G. E. (1981). Information recalled
     from prose by young , middle , and old adult readers.
     Experimental Aging Research , 7(3) ,
     Meyer , B. J. F. , & Rice , G. E. (1982). The interaction of
     reader strategies and the organization of text. Text, 2(1-
     3 ) ,155-192.
     Miller , R. L. , Brickman P. , & Bolen , D. (1975). Attribution
     versus persuasion as a means for modifying behavior. Journal
     of Personalitγ and Social psychology , 31 , 430-441.
     pallak, M. S. , Mueller , M. , Dollar , K. , & Pallak, J. (1972).
     Effect of commitment on responsiveness to an extreme
     consonant communication. J?urnal of Personality and Social
     psychology , 23 , 429-436.
     Perse , E. M. (1990). Cultivation and involvement with local
     television News. In N. Signorelli & M. Morgan (Eds.) ,
     Cultivation analysis: New direction in media effects
     research. Newbury park , CA: Sage.
     petty , R. E. , Cacioppo , J. T. , & Goldman R. (1981). Personal
     involvement as a determinant of argument-based persuasion.
     Journal of Personality and Social psychology , 41, 847-855.
     Petty , R. E. , & Cacioppo , J. T. (1979) .Issue-involvement
     can increase or decrease persuasion by enhancing message
     -relevant cognitive responses. Journal of personality and
     Social Psychology , 37 , 1915-1926.
     petty , R. E. , Cacioppo , J. T. , & Schumann , D. (1983) .
     Central and peripheral routes to advertising effectiveness:
     The moderating role of involvement. Journal of Consumer
     Research , 10 ,135-146.
     Petty , R. E. , & Cacioppo , J. T. (1984). The effects of
     involvement on responses to argument quantity and quality:
     Central and Peripheral routes to persuasion. Journal of
     Personality and Social psychology , 46 , 69-81.
     Petty , R. E. , Ostrom , T. M. , & Brock, T. (1981). Historical
     foundations of the cognitive response approach to attitudes
     and persuasion. In R. E. Petty , T. M. , Ostrom & T. Brock
     (Eds. ), Cognitive responses in persuasion. Hillsdale , NJ:
     Lawrence Erlbaum.
     Ray , M. L. , Sawyer , A. G. , Rothschild , M. L. , Heeler , R. M. ,
     Strong , E. C. , & Reed J. B. (1973). Marketing communication
     and the hierarchy of effects. 工n P. Clarke (Ed.) , New models
     for mass communication research (Vol. 2). Beverly Hills , CA:
     Rogers , T. B. , Kuiper , N. A. & Kirker , W. S. (1977). Self-
     reference and the encoding of personal information. Journal
     of Personality and Social psychology , 35 , 677-688.
     Rosengren , K. E. , & Windahl , S. (1972). Mass media
     consumption as a functional alternative. In D. Mcquail
     (Ed. ), Sociologγ of mass communications. Harmondsworth ,
     England: Penguin.
     Rothschild , M. L. , & Ray , M. L. (1974). Involvement and
     political advertising effect: An exploratory experiment.
     Communication Research , 1 , 264-283.
     Rubin , A. M. , & Perse , E. M. (1987). Audience activity and
     soap opera involvement: A uses and effects investigation.
     Human Communication Research , 14 , 246-268.
     Rubin , A. M. , Perse , E. M. , & Powell , R. A. (1985).
     Loneliness , parasocial interaction , and local television
     news viewing. Human Communication Research , 12 , 155-180.
     Salmon , C. T. (1986). Perspectives on involvement in
     consumer and communication research. In B. Dervin & M. J.
     voigt (Eds.) , Progress in communication sciences (Vol. 7 ) .
     Norweod , NJ: Ablex.
     Sherif , C. W. , Sherif , M. , & Nebergall, R. E. (1965).
     Attitude and attitude change. Philadelphia: Saunders.
     Shoemaker , P. J. , Schoojer , C. , & Danielson W. A. (1987).
     Involvement with the media: Recall versus recognition of
     election information. Draft.
     Swanson , D. L. (1979). Political communication research and
     the uses and gratifications model: A critique. Communication
     Research , 6 , 37-53.
     Tagg , P. (1981). The analysis of title music as a method of
     decoding implicit ideological message on TV. In G. Andren &.
     H. Strand (Eds.) , Mass communication and culture. Stockholm:
     University of Stockholm.
     Taylor , S. E. (1981). The interface of cognitive and social
     psychology. 工n J. H. Harvey (Ed.) ,Cognition , social
     behavior , and the environment. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
     Erlbaum Associates.
     Tichenor , P. E. , Donohue , G. A. , &. Olien C. N. (1970). Mass
     media flow and differential growth in knowledge. public
     Opinion Quarterly, 34 , 159-170.
     Turner , A. , &. Greene , E. (1978). The construction and use of
     a propositional text base. Technical report.
     van Dijk , T. A. (1980). Macrostructure. Hillsdale , NJ:
     Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
     van Dijk , T. A. (1983). Discourse analysis: Its development
     and applicaiton to the structure of news. Journal of
     Communication , 33 , 20-43.
     van Dijk , T. A.(1985). Handbook of Discourse Analysis. 4
     vols. London: Academic Press.
     van Dijk , T. A. (1988) News as Discourse. Hillsdale , NJ:
     Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
     van Dijk , T. A. , & Kintsch , W. (1983). Strateqies of
     discourse comprehension. New York: Academic Press.
     Zaichkowsky , J. L. (1986). Conceptualizing Involvement.
     Journal of Advertising , 15(2) , 4-14.
描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002005049
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 鍾蔚文zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (作者) 吳雯雯zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 吳雯雯zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 1991en_US
dc.date (日期) 1990en_US
dc.date.accessioned 2-五月-2016 16:58:42 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 2-五月-2016 16:58:42 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 2-五月-2016 16:58:42 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (其他 識別碼) B2002005049en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/89535-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 新聞學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究旨在探討對某一議題涉入程度不同的個人,對於相關新聞報導所採用的「資訊處理策略」有何差異。zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
     第一章 研究動機與目的--------------------1 
     第二章 文獻探討--------------------6
     第一節 涉入感--------------------6
     第二節 資訊處理策略--------------------13
     第三節 涉入感對資訊處理策略之影響--------------------20
     第四節 研究架構--------------------28
     第三章 研究方法--------------------31
     第一節 方法簡介--------------------31
     第二節 新聞事件簡介--------------------33
     第三節 抽樣計劃與資料搜集--------------------36
     第四節 問卷設計--------------------39
     第五節 新聞言說分析--------------------46
     第六節 受訪者言說分析--------------------52
     第四章 資料分析--------------------69
     第一節 涉入感與「行為層面」資訊處理策略之關聯--------------------70
     第二節 涉入感與「認知層面」資訊處理策略之關聯--------------------82
     第三節 涉入感與人口變項、傳播行為之間聯--------------------93
     第五章 結論--------------------98
     第一節 重要發現與討論--------------------99
     第二節 研究限制與建議--------------------107
     三、歸因角度過錄表-------------------- 156
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#B2002005049en_US
dc.title (題名) 議題涉入感對資訊處理策略影響之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目
     Allen , R. C. (1990). The rediscovery of audience in
     television strdies. Paper presented to a symposium on
     “Screen and monitor: A critical investigation of image
     culture" .
     Batra , R. , & Ray M. (1984). How advertising works at
     contact. In L. Alwitt & A. Mitchell (Eds.) , Psychological
     processes and advertising effects: Theory , research and
     applications. Hillsdale , NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
     Blumler, J. G. (1979). The role of theory in uses and
     gratifications studies. Communication Research , 6 , 9-36.
     Bogart , L. (1981). Public and press. Hillisale, NJ: Lawrence
     Erlbaum Associates.
     Chaffee.S. H., & Miyo , Y. (1983). Selective exposure and
     the reinforcement hypothesis: An intergenerationalnal panel
     study of the 1980 presidential campaign. Communication
     Research , 10(1) , 3-36.
     Chaffee , S. H. , & Roser C. (1986). Involvement and the
     consistency of knowledge , attitudes , and behaviors.
     Communication Research , 13(3) , 373-399.
     Chaiken , S. (1980). Heuristic versus systematic information
     processing and the uses of source versus message cues in
     persuasion. Journal of personality and Social Psychology,
     39 , 752-766.
     Craik,F.I.M., & Lockhart, R. S. (1972). Levels of
     processing: A framework for memory research. Journal of
     Verbal Learninq and Verbal Behavior , 11 , 671-684.
     Crailk,F.I.M. , & Tulving , E. (1975). Depth of processing
     and the retention of words in episodic memory. Journal of
     Experimental Psychology: General, 104 , 268-294.
     Delia , J. (1977). Constructivism and the study of human
     communication. Quarterly Journal of Speech , 63 , 66-83.
     Eagly, A. H. (1967). Involvement as a determinant of
     response to favorable and unfavorable information.. Journal
     of Personality and Social Psγchologγ Monograph , 7 ( 3 , pt. 2 ) .
     Ettema , J. S. , & Kline , F. G. (1977). Deficits , differences
     and ceilings: Contingent conditions for understanding the
     knowledge gap. Communication Research ,4, 179-202.
     Gans , H. J. (1980). The audience for television - and in
     television research. In S. B. withey & R. P. Abeles (Eds.) ,
     Television and social behavior: Beyond violence and
     children. Hillsdale , NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
     Greenwald , A. G. , & Leavitt , C. (1984). Audience involvement
     in advertising: Four levels. Journal of Consumer Research ,
     11, 581-592.
     Hawkins , R. P. , & Daly , J. (1988). Gognition and
     communication. In D. Zillmann & J. Bryant (Eds.) , Selective
     exposure to communication . Hillsdale , NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
     Howard-Pitney , B. , Borgida , E. , & Omoto A. M. (1986).
     Personal Involvement: An examination of processing
     differences. social Cognition , 4(1) , 39-57.
     Katz , E. , Blumler , J. G. , & Gurevitch M. (1974). Utilization
     of mass communication by the individual. In J. G. Blumler &
     E. Katz (Eds.) , The uses of mass communications: Current
     perspectives on gratifications research. Beverly Hills , CA:
     Sage Publication.
     Kepplinger , H. M. (1989). Content analysis and reception
     analysis. American Behavior Scientist , 33(2) , 175-182.
     Kintsch , W. , & van Dijk, T. A.(1978). Toward a model of text
     comprehension and production. psychological Review , 85 , 363-
     Kosicki, G. M. , McLeod , J. M. , & Amor D. L. (1988).
     Processing strategies for mass media information: Selecting ,
     integrating and making sense of political news. Draft.
     Krugman , H. E. (1965). The impact of television advertising:
     Learning without involvement. Public Opinion Quarterly , 29,
     Krugman , H. E. (1966). The measurement of advertising
     involvement. Public Opinion Quarterly , 30 , 583-596.
     Lemish , D. (1985). Soap opera viewing in college: A
     naturalistic inquiry. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic
     Media , 29 , 275-293.
     Levy , M. R. (1979). Watching television as para-social
     interaction. Journal of Broadcasting , 23 , 69-80.
     Levy , M. R. , & Windahl , S. (1985). The concept of audience
     activity. In K. E. Rosengren , L. A. Wenner & P. Palmgreen
     (Eds. ), Media gratifications research: Current perspectives.
     Beverly Hills , CA: Sage.
     Lodge , M. , & Hamill , R. (1986). A partisan schema for
     Political information processing. American political Science
     Review,80(2), 505-519.
     McGuire , W. J. (1969). The nature of attitude and attitude
     change. 工n G. Lindzey & E. Aronson (Eds.) , The handbook of
     social psychology (2nd ed. , Vol.3). Reading , MA: AddisonWesley.
     McLeod , J. M. , & McDonald , D. G. (1985). Beyond simple
     exposure: Media orientations and their impact on political
     processes. Communication Research , 12 , 3-34.
     McLeod , J. M. , Pan , Z. , & Rucinski , D. M. (1989). Framing a
     complex issue: A case of social construction of meaning.
     Paper presented to the Mass Communication Division ,ICA
     Conference May 1989 , San Francisco.
     Meyer , B. J. F. , Brandt , D. M. , & Bluth , G. J. (1980). Use
     of top-level structure in text: Key for reading
     comprehension of ninth-grade students. Reading Research
     Quarterly,16, 72-103.
     Meyer , B. J. F. , & Rice , G. E. (1981). Information recalled
     from prose by young , middle , and old adult readers.
     Experimental Aging Research , 7(3) ,
     Meyer , B. J. F. , & Rice , G. E. (1982). The interaction of
     reader strategies and the organization of text. Text, 2(1-
     3 ) ,155-192.
     Miller , R. L. , Brickman P. , & Bolen , D. (1975). Attribution
     versus persuasion as a means for modifying behavior. Journal
     of Personalitγ and Social psychology , 31 , 430-441.
     pallak, M. S. , Mueller , M. , Dollar , K. , & Pallak, J. (1972).
     Effect of commitment on responsiveness to an extreme
     consonant communication. J?urnal of Personality and Social
     psychology , 23 , 429-436.
     Perse , E. M. (1990). Cultivation and involvement with local
     television News. In N. Signorelli & M. Morgan (Eds.) ,
     Cultivation analysis: New direction in media effects
     research. Newbury park , CA: Sage.
     petty , R. E. , Cacioppo , J. T. , & Goldman R. (1981). Personal
     involvement as a determinant of argument-based persuasion.
     Journal of Personality and Social psychology , 41, 847-855.
     Petty , R. E. , & Cacioppo , J. T. (1979) .Issue-involvement
     can increase or decrease persuasion by enhancing message
     -relevant cognitive responses. Journal of personality and
     Social Psychology , 37 , 1915-1926.
     petty , R. E. , Cacioppo , J. T. , & Schumann , D. (1983) .
     Central and peripheral routes to advertising effectiveness:
     The moderating role of involvement. Journal of Consumer
     Research , 10 ,135-146.
     Petty , R. E. , & Cacioppo , J. T. (1984). The effects of
     involvement on responses to argument quantity and quality:
     Central and Peripheral routes to persuasion. Journal of
     Personality and Social psychology , 46 , 69-81.
     Petty , R. E. , Ostrom , T. M. , & Brock, T. (1981). Historical
     foundations of the cognitive response approach to attitudes
     and persuasion. In R. E. Petty , T. M. , Ostrom & T. Brock
     (Eds. ), Cognitive responses in persuasion. Hillsdale , NJ:
     Lawrence Erlbaum.
     Ray , M. L. , Sawyer , A. G. , Rothschild , M. L. , Heeler , R. M. ,
     Strong , E. C. , & Reed J. B. (1973). Marketing communication
     and the hierarchy of effects. 工n P. Clarke (Ed.) , New models
     for mass communication research (Vol. 2). Beverly Hills , CA:
     Rogers , T. B. , Kuiper , N. A. & Kirker , W. S. (1977). Self-
     reference and the encoding of personal information. Journal
     of Personality and Social psychology , 35 , 677-688.
     Rosengren , K. E. , & Windahl , S. (1972). Mass media
     consumption as a functional alternative. In D. Mcquail
     (Ed. ), Sociologγ of mass communications. Harmondsworth ,
     England: Penguin.
     Rothschild , M. L. , & Ray , M. L. (1974). Involvement and
     political advertising effect: An exploratory experiment.
     Communication Research , 1 , 264-283.
     Rubin , A. M. , & Perse , E. M. (1987). Audience activity and
     soap opera involvement: A uses and effects investigation.
     Human Communication Research , 14 , 246-268.
     Rubin , A. M. , Perse , E. M. , & Powell , R. A. (1985).
     Loneliness , parasocial interaction , and local television
     news viewing. Human Communication Research , 12 , 155-180.
     Salmon , C. T. (1986). Perspectives on involvement in
     consumer and communication research. In B. Dervin & M. J.
     voigt (Eds.) , Progress in communication sciences (Vol. 7 ) .
     Norweod , NJ: Ablex.
     Sherif , C. W. , Sherif , M. , & Nebergall, R. E. (1965).
     Attitude and attitude change. Philadelphia: Saunders.
     Shoemaker , P. J. , Schoojer , C. , & Danielson W. A. (1987).
     Involvement with the media: Recall versus recognition of
     election information. Draft.
     Swanson , D. L. (1979). Political communication research and
     the uses and gratifications model: A critique. Communication
     Research , 6 , 37-53.
     Tagg , P. (1981). The analysis of title music as a method of
     decoding implicit ideological message on TV. In G. Andren &.
     H. Strand (Eds.) , Mass communication and culture. Stockholm:
     University of Stockholm.
     Taylor , S. E. (1981). The interface of cognitive and social
     psychology. 工n J. H. Harvey (Ed.) ,Cognition , social
     behavior , and the environment. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence
     Erlbaum Associates.
     Tichenor , P. E. , Donohue , G. A. , &. Olien C. N. (1970). Mass
     media flow and differential growth in knowledge. public
     Opinion Quarterly, 34 , 159-170.
     Turner , A. , &. Greene , E. (1978). The construction and use of
     a propositional text base. Technical report.
     van Dijk , T. A. (1980). Macrostructure. Hillsdale , NJ:
     Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
     van Dijk , T. A. (1983). Discourse analysis: Its development
     and applicaiton to the structure of news. Journal of
     Communication , 33 , 20-43.
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