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題名 上市公司發行可轉換公司債之研究
作者 陳建志
貢獻者 陳隆麒
日期 1991
上傳時間 2-May-2016 16:59:25 (UTC+8)
參考文獻 中文部份
1. 方世杰,選擇權期貨交易,台北,書泉出版社,民國七十七年十二月。
2. 王文淵,從選擇權之觀念衡量可轉換公司債之價值,東海大學企業管理研究所未出版碩士論文,民國七十八年六月
3. 王文淵,轉換公司債的設計-統一企業,統一證券月刊,民國七十九年四月。
4. 朱順和,企業籌措長期資金新寵-可轉換公司債,產業金融,三十七期,民國七十九年六月。
5. 朱富春,轉換公司債的特色與發行手續(一),證交資料,167,民國六十五年三月。
6. 李存修,可轉換公司債之評價~兼談永豐餘造紙公司實例,證券管理,第七卷,第七期,第八期,民國七十八年七月、八月。
7. 李存修,認股權證之性質、評價模式與發行計劃,證券管理,第七卷、第十一期,民國七十八年十一月。
8. 周建新,股市新寵-可轉換公司債,大順證券投資月刊,民國七十九年五月。
9. 沈森永,可轉換公司債之評價,台灣工業技術學院未出版碩士論文,民國七十七年六月。
10. 陳隆麒,財務規劃-理論、實務與應用,台北,華泰書局,民國七十九年二月。
16.溫芳郁,多元資本市場更富籌資空間──企業長期資金等措之道,會計研究月刊,第54 期,民國七十九年三月。
19. 趙榮琳,海外可轉換公司債真能無往不利,工商人周刊87 期,民國七十九年三月十號。
20. 顏月珠,實用統計方法,一版,台北,自印,民國七十六年十月
21. 編輯部,轉換公司債問題之探討,產業經濟112 期,民國七十九年十一月。
22. 財政部證券管理委員會,發行人募集與發行有價證券處理準則,民國八十年。
23. 財政部證券管理委員會編印,證券統計要覽第十七輯到第二十輯,民國七十五年到民國七十八年

1.Alexander, G. J., and Stover, D. R. "The Effect of Forced Conversions on Common Stock Prices" , Journal of Financial Management 1980, Vol:9(1).
2.Alexander, G. J. and Stover, R. D., "Pricing in the New Isssue Convertible Debt Market" , Journal of Financial Management, Vol:6(3), 1977.
3.Alexander G.J., Stover, R.D. and Kuhanu, D.B. Market Timing Strategies in Convertible Debt Financing" , Journal of Finance 34 (March, 1979),? P.143~55.
4.Altman, Fdward I., "The Convertible Debt Market: are Retturns Worth the Risk" Financial Analysts Journal, (July-August, 1989).
5.Bacon, P.W. and Winn, E.L., "The Impact of Forced Conversion on Stock Prices," Journal of Finance (December 1969).
6.Biennan,M.I. and Schwartz, E.S., "The Case for Convertible" , Chase Financial quartely, 1982.
7.Black, F. and Scholes, M., "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities" Journal of Political Economy, 81, (May-June, 1973).
8.Brennan, Michael and Schwartz, E., "Analyzing Convertible Bonds" , Journal of financial and Quantitative Analysis Vol:15 (November 1980), PP. 907-929.
9.Brennan,M.J., and Schwartz, E.S., "The Case for Convertible” , Chase Financial Quartely, 1982.
10.Brennan, M.J. and Schwartz, E.S., "Convertible Bonds: Valuation and Optimal Stratigies for Call and Convversion, Journal of Finance Vol:32,1977.
11.Brigham, E.F., "An Analysis of Convertible Debentures: Theory and Some Emperical Evidence” , Journal of Finance Vol:21(1),1966.
12.Constantinedes G.M., and Grundy, B.D., "Call and Conversion of Convertible Corporate Bonds: Theory and Evidence," Working paper(University of Chicago, IL), 1985.
13.Cox, Ross, "The Valuation of Options for Alternative stochastic process. " ,JournaI of Financial Economics, (March 1976)
14.Cox, J.C. Ross, S.A., and Pubinstein, Mark, "Option Pricing: A Simplified Approach.: Journal of Financial Economics, Vol:7 (September 1979).
15.Cretien, P., "Convertible Bond Premiums:the Effect of Straight Debt Value Variability and Call Provisions",Financial Management Association Convention.
16.Dunn, K.B. and Eades, K.M. "Voluntary conversion of Convertible Preterred Stock and the Optional Call Strategy " , UnpubIished Manuscript (Carneqie-Mellon -University, Pittsburgh, PA),1984.
17.Geske, R. "The Valuation of Compound Option" Journal of Financial Economics, Vol:7,(Jul. 1979).
18.Harris, M. and Raviv, A., "A Sequential Signaling Model of Convertible Debt Call Policy" , Journal of Finance Vol:40,1985.
19.Hoffmeister, J.R., Hays, P.A. and Kelley, G.D.," Conditions Affecting the Timing of Convertible Bond Sales " , Journal of Bussiness Research 15.
20.Holl White, " The Pricing of Option on Assets with Stochastic Volatilities" , Journal of Finance, Vol:42,1987.
21. Ingersoll , Jr. J. E. “ A Contingent Claims Valuation of Convertible Securities" , Journal of Financial Economics Vol:4(May. 1977).
22. lngersoll, Jr. J. E . , "An Examination of Corporate Call Plicies on Convertible Securities" , Joural of Finance, Vo 1: 32(May 1977).
23.Jaffee, D. and Shleifer, A., "Costs of Financial Distress, Delayed Calls of Convertible Bonds and the Role of Investment Banks" , journal of Business Vol:63(1),1980.
24.Lewellen, G.G. and Racette, G.A., "Convertible Debt Financing, " Journal of Financial and Quantitative Aralysis, 1973.
25.Marr, M.W. and Thompson, G. R., "The Pricing of New Convertible Bond Issues", Financial Management, Vol : 13 (2),1984.
26. Margrabe, William "The Valuation of an Option to Exchange One Asset for Another" , Journal of Finance, Vol .33, (Mar 1978).
27.Masulis, R.W., "The Effect of Capital Structure on Security Price" , journal of Financial Economics Vol:8 (June,1980).
28.McDaniel, W. R. , "Convertible Bonds In Perfect and Imperfect Market" , Journal of Financial research , Vol: 6(1), 1983.
29.Mikkelson, W.H., "Convertible Calls and Security Returns " Journal of Financial Economics Vol:9 (September 1981) ,PP.
30.Miller, M.H. "The Modigliani-Miller Propositions",Journal of Economic Perspective Vol:2(4),1988.
31.Modigiliani, F. and M.H.Miller., “The Cost of capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment”, American Economic review, Vol:48(June 1958).
32. Ofer, A.R. and Natarajan, A., "Convertibie Call Policies: An emperical Analysis of an Information- Signaling Hypothesis". Journal of financial Economics 19 (1987).
33. Stulz, Johnson, "the Pricing of Option with Default Risk, " Journal of Finance, Vol:42, 1987.
34.Vinson, C.E., "Pricing Practice in The Primary Convertible Bond Market" , Quartery Review of Economics and Business (Summer, 1970). (Summer, 1970).
35.Weil, Jr., R.L., J. E. Sepqall, and Green, Jr., D. " Premium on Convertible Bonds" , Journal of Finance Vol :23(June 1968).
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 陳隆麒zh_TW (Authors) 陳建志zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 陳建志zh_TW (日期) 1991en_US (日期) 1990en_US 2-May-2016 16:59:25 (UTC+8)- 2-May-2016 16:59:25 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 2-May-2016 16:59:25 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002004847en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 企業管理學系zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 第1章 緒論...........................1
1-2 研究目的 ............................6
1-3 研究方法 ............................7
1-4 研究架構............................8
第2章 文獻探討............................10
2-1 可轉換公司債的特性............................10
2-2 可轉換公司債的價值、相關條款與價值影響因素............................16
2-3 可轉換公司債評價模式............................23
2-4 實證文獻............................27
第3章 研究設計............................50
3-1 抽樣方法與資料蒐集............................ 50
3-2 變數的定義與衡量............................ 51
3-3 統計分析............................ 52
3-4 研究假說............................57
第4 章 實證結果與發行決策............................ 61
4-1 問卷回收結果............................ 61
4-3 區別分析............................71
4-4 發行可轉換公司債的發展過程............................73
4-5 可轉換公司債的發展過程............................ 82
4-6 已發行可轉換公司債竹比較與說明............................. 85
4-7 可轉換公司債價值的敏感性分析............................91
第5 章結論與建議............................99
5-1 結論............................99
5-2 建議............................101
附錄1 問卷............................113
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 上市公司發行可轉換公司債之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部份
1. 方世杰,選擇權期貨交易,台北,書泉出版社,民國七十七年十二月。
2. 王文淵,從選擇權之觀念衡量可轉換公司債之價值,東海大學企業管理研究所未出版碩士論文,民國七十八年六月
3. 王文淵,轉換公司債的設計-統一企業,統一證券月刊,民國七十九年四月。
4. 朱順和,企業籌措長期資金新寵-可轉換公司債,產業金融,三十七期,民國七十九年六月。
5. 朱富春,轉換公司債的特色與發行手續(一),證交資料,167,民國六十五年三月。
6. 李存修,可轉換公司債之評價~兼談永豐餘造紙公司實例,證券管理,第七卷,第七期,第八期,民國七十八年七月、八月。
7. 李存修,認股權證之性質、評價模式與發行計劃,證券管理,第七卷、第十一期,民國七十八年十一月。
8. 周建新,股市新寵-可轉換公司債,大順證券投資月刊,民國七十九年五月。
9. 沈森永,可轉換公司債之評價,台灣工業技術學院未出版碩士論文,民國七十七年六月。
10. 陳隆麒,財務規劃-理論、實務與應用,台北,華泰書局,民國七十九年二月。
16.溫芳郁,多元資本市場更富籌資空間──企業長期資金等措之道,會計研究月刊,第54 期,民國七十九年三月。
19. 趙榮琳,海外可轉換公司債真能無往不利,工商人周刊87 期,民國七十九年三月十號。
20. 顏月珠,實用統計方法,一版,台北,自印,民國七十六年十月
21. 編輯部,轉換公司債問題之探討,產業經濟112 期,民國七十九年十一月。
22. 財政部證券管理委員會,發行人募集與發行有價證券處理準則,民國八十年。
23. 財政部證券管理委員會編印,證券統計要覽第十七輯到第二十輯,民國七十五年到民國七十八年

1.Alexander, G. J., and Stover, D. R. "The Effect of Forced Conversions on Common Stock Prices" , Journal of Financial Management 1980, Vol:9(1).
2.Alexander, G. J. and Stover, R. D., "Pricing in the New Isssue Convertible Debt Market" , Journal of Financial Management, Vol:6(3), 1977.
3.Alexander G.J., Stover, R.D. and Kuhanu, D.B. Market Timing Strategies in Convertible Debt Financing" , Journal of Finance 34 (March, 1979),? P.143~55.
4.Altman, Fdward I., "The Convertible Debt Market: are Retturns Worth the Risk" Financial Analysts Journal, (July-August, 1989).
5.Bacon, P.W. and Winn, E.L., "The Impact of Forced Conversion on Stock Prices," Journal of Finance (December 1969).
6.Biennan,M.I. and Schwartz, E.S., "The Case for Convertible" , Chase Financial quartely, 1982.
7.Black, F. and Scholes, M., "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities" Journal of Political Economy, 81, (May-June, 1973).
8.Brennan, Michael and Schwartz, E., "Analyzing Convertible Bonds" , Journal of financial and Quantitative Analysis Vol:15 (November 1980), PP. 907-929.
9.Brennan,M.J., and Schwartz, E.S., "The Case for Convertible” , Chase Financial Quartely, 1982.
10.Brennan, M.J. and Schwartz, E.S., "Convertible Bonds: Valuation and Optimal Stratigies for Call and Convversion, Journal of Finance Vol:32,1977.
11.Brigham, E.F., "An Analysis of Convertible Debentures: Theory and Some Emperical Evidence” , Journal of Finance Vol:21(1),1966.
12.Constantinedes G.M., and Grundy, B.D., "Call and Conversion of Convertible Corporate Bonds: Theory and Evidence," Working paper(University of Chicago, IL), 1985.
13.Cox, Ross, "The Valuation of Options for Alternative stochastic process. " ,JournaI of Financial Economics, (March 1976)
14.Cox, J.C. Ross, S.A., and Pubinstein, Mark, "Option Pricing: A Simplified Approach.: Journal of Financial Economics, Vol:7 (September 1979).
15.Cretien, P., "Convertible Bond Premiums:the Effect of Straight Debt Value Variability and Call Provisions",Financial Management Association Convention.
16.Dunn, K.B. and Eades, K.M. "Voluntary conversion of Convertible Preterred Stock and the Optional Call Strategy " , UnpubIished Manuscript (Carneqie-Mellon -University, Pittsburgh, PA),1984.
17.Geske, R. "The Valuation of Compound Option" Journal of Financial Economics, Vol:7,(Jul. 1979).
18.Harris, M. and Raviv, A., "A Sequential Signaling Model of Convertible Debt Call Policy" , Journal of Finance Vol:40,1985.
19.Hoffmeister, J.R., Hays, P.A. and Kelley, G.D.," Conditions Affecting the Timing of Convertible Bond Sales " , Journal of Bussiness Research 15.
20.Holl White, " The Pricing of Option on Assets with Stochastic Volatilities" , Journal of Finance, Vol:42,1987.
21. Ingersoll , Jr. J. E. “ A Contingent Claims Valuation of Convertible Securities" , Journal of Financial Economics Vol:4(May. 1977).
22. lngersoll, Jr. J. E . , "An Examination of Corporate Call Plicies on Convertible Securities" , Joural of Finance, Vo 1: 32(May 1977).
23.Jaffee, D. and Shleifer, A., "Costs of Financial Distress, Delayed Calls of Convertible Bonds and the Role of Investment Banks" , journal of Business Vol:63(1),1980.
24.Lewellen, G.G. and Racette, G.A., "Convertible Debt Financing, " Journal of Financial and Quantitative Aralysis, 1973.
25.Marr, M.W. and Thompson, G. R., "The Pricing of New Convertible Bond Issues", Financial Management, Vol : 13 (2),1984.
26. Margrabe, William "The Valuation of an Option to Exchange One Asset for Another" , Journal of Finance, Vol .33, (Mar 1978).
27.Masulis, R.W., "The Effect of Capital Structure on Security Price" , journal of Financial Economics Vol:8 (June,1980).
28.McDaniel, W. R. , "Convertible Bonds In Perfect and Imperfect Market" , Journal of Financial research , Vol: 6(1), 1983.
29.Mikkelson, W.H., "Convertible Calls and Security Returns " Journal of Financial Economics Vol:9 (September 1981) ,PP.
30.Miller, M.H. "The Modigliani-Miller Propositions",Journal of Economic Perspective Vol:2(4),1988.
31.Modigiliani, F. and M.H.Miller., “The Cost of capital, Corporation Finance and the Theory of Investment”, American Economic review, Vol:48(June 1958).
32. Ofer, A.R. and Natarajan, A., "Convertibie Call Policies: An emperical Analysis of an Information- Signaling Hypothesis". Journal of financial Economics 19 (1987).
33. Stulz, Johnson, "the Pricing of Option with Default Risk, " Journal of Finance, Vol:42, 1987.
34.Vinson, C.E., "Pricing Practice in The Primary Convertible Bond Market" , Quartery Review of Economics and Business (Summer, 1970). (Summer, 1970).
35.Weil, Jr., R.L., J. E. Sepqall, and Green, Jr., D. " Premium on Convertible Bonds" , Journal of Finance Vol :23(June 1968).