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題名 我國經貿外交之研究
作者 陳素敏
貢獻者 毛維凌
日期 1990
上傳時間 2-May-2016 17:13:20 (UTC+8)
參考文獻 參考書目
     49陳明、劉泰英、吳榮義,「評估太平洋邊緣國家經合組織構想」, 11卷2期,民國七十八年八月,頁4~11。
     (一) Books
     1 Baldwin, David A. Economic Statecraft New York: Princeton University Press,1985.
     2 Black, eugene R. The Diplomacy of Economic Development Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961.
     3 Carter, Charles The Economics of International Integration. London: George. Allen and Unwin, 1980.
     4 Snape, R. H. ed. Issues in World Trade Policy. New York: St. Martin`s Press, Ltd., 1986.
     5 Chang, King-yuh ed. ROC-US Relation under the Taiwan Relation Act: Practice and Prospects. Taipei: Relation Act: Practice and Prospects. Taipei: Institute of International Relations, 1988.
     6 Frank, Isaiah Foreign Enterprise in Developing Countries. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,1980
     7 Fisher, Roger and Ury, William Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In. New York: Penguin Group, 1981.
     8 Hodges, Michael and Wallace, William ed. Economic divergence in the European Community. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1981.
     9 U.S. Power and the Multinational Corporation. New York: Basic Books, Inc.,1975.
     10 Gilpin, Robert War and Change in World Politics. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981.
     11 The Political Economy of International Relations. Princeton Princeton University Press, 1987.
     12 Hathaway, Dale E. Agriculture and the GATT: Rewriting the Rule. Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1987.
     13 Hewett, Robert B. ed. Political Change and the Economic Future of East Asia. Hono lulu: the University Press of Hawaii, 1981.
     14 Hufbauer, Cary Clyde & Scott, Jeffrey J. Trading for Growth: the Next Round of Trade Negotiations. Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1985.
     15 Kindleberger, Charles P. Power and Money. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1970.
     16---Multinational Excursions. Massachusetts: the MIT Press., 1984.
     17 Knorr, Klaus The Power of Nation. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1975.
     18 Kousoulas, D.G .. Power and Influence. Wad: Sworth, Inc., 1985.
     19 Koehane, Robert O. and Nye, Joseph S. Power and Interdependence. Boston: Little Brown and Company, 1977.
     20 Langhammer, Polf J. and Sapir, And`re. Economic Impact of Generalized Tariff Preferences. London: the Trade Policy Research centre, 1987.
     21 Robinson, Richard D. Internationalization of Business. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1984.
     22 Sato, Ryuzo and Wachtel, Paul ed. Trade Friction and Economic Policy: Problem and Prospects for Japan and the United States. Cambridge: Cambridge University
     Press, 1987.
     23 Saunders,C.T. ed. East-West Cooperation in Business: Inter-firm Studies. Springer: Verlag, 1977.
     24 Scaapino, Robert A.; Sato, Seizaburo; and Wanandi, Jusuf ed. Asian Economic Development-Present and Futher. Berkeley: University of California, 1985.
     25 Shlain, Avi and Yannopoulos G.N. ed. The EEC and Eastern Europe. Cambridge University Press, 1978.
     26 Singer, Marshall R. Weak States in a World of Powers. The Free Press, 1972.
     27 Spero, Joan Edelman The Politics of International Economic Relation. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1977.
     28 Strange, Suzan States and Markets. London: Printer Publishers Limited, 1988 .
     29 Tan, Augustine H. and Kapur, Basant ed. Pacific Growth and financial Interdependence. Winchester: Allen& Unwin Inc., 1986.
     30 Yochelson, John ed. Keeping Pace: U.S. Policies and Global Economic Change. Cambridge: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1988.
     (二) Periodicals
     1 Aslund, Andels, "The new Soviet policy towards international economic organizations" World Today Vol.44 No.2 (Feb. 1988), PP. 27-30.
     2 Bornschier, Volker, "The Role of MNCS in Economic Growth" Journal of Conflict Resolution Vol .28, No.1 (March 1984), PP.157-164.
     3 Chan, Steve, "The Mouse That Roared-Taiwan`s Management of Trade Relations With the United States" Comparative Political Studies Vol.20, No.3 (October 1987), PP.251-292 .
     4 Cooper, Richard N., "Trade Policy in Foreign Policy" Foreign Policy 9 (Winter 1972-73), PP.18-36.
     5 Dunning, John H, and Robson, Peter, "Multinational Corporate Integration and Regional Economic Integration" Journal of Common Market Studies Volume XV I, No.2
     (December 1987), PP.I03-125. ?
     6 Ho, Szu-yin, The Republic of China` Policy Toward the United States, 1979-1989" Institute of International Relations, PP.1-33.
     7 Hollist, W. Ladd, and Caporaso, James A, "International Political Economy Research: What Is It and Where do We Turn for Concepts and Theory?" International Plitical Economy Yearbook I (1985), PP.27-49.
     8 Hood, Neil, and Young, Stephen, "Inward Investment and the EC: UK Evidence on Corporate Integration Strategies" Journal of Common Market Studies Volume XXVI, No.2(December 1987), PP.193-206.
     9 Huntington, Samuel P., "Foreign Aid: For What and For Whom?" Foreign Policy No.1&2 (Winter & Spring 1970-71), PP.161-189, 114-134.
     10---,"Trade, Technology and Leverage" Foreign Policy, No.32 Fall 1978), PP.63-79.
     11 Kriger, Mark P., and Rich, Patrick J.J. "Strategic Governance: Why and How MNCs are Using Boards of Directors in Foreign Subsidiaries" The Columbia Journal of World Business Vol . XXII , No.4 (Winter 1987), PP.39-45.
     12 Kudrle, Robert T., "The Several Faces of the Multinational Corporation: Political Reaction and Policy Response" International Political Economy Yearbook 1, (1985), PP.175-197.
     13 Kumar, Krishna, and Kim, Kee Young, "The Korean Manufacturing Multinationals" Journal of International Business Studies, (Spring/Summer 1984), PP.45-61.
     14 Lecraw, Donald J, "Bargaining Power, Ownership, and profitability of Transnational Corporations in Developing Countries" Journal of International Business Studies, (Spring/Summer 1984), PP.27-43.
     15 Marcus, Jonathan, "Creating a Single European Market: a British view" World Today Volume 44, No.3 (March 1988), PP.38-42.
     16 Nicolaides, Phedon, "Trade Warfare: the Guest for fair trade" The World Today, (July 1988), PP.119-122.
     17 Rabino, Samuel, and Shah, Kirit, "Countertrade And Penetration of LDC`s Markets" The Columbia Journal of World Business Vol. XXII, No.4 (Winter 1987), PP.31-37.
     18 Shape, Richard H, and Sampson, Gary P. "Identifying the Issues in Trade Services" The world Economy, (June 1985), PP.171-181.
     19 Strange, Su san, "Protectionism and World Politics" International Organization Vol.39, No.2 (Spring 1985), PP. 233-259.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 毛維凌zh_TW (Authors) 陳素敏zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 陳素敏zh_TW (日期) 1990en_US (日期) 1989en_US 2-May-2016 17:13:20 (UTC+8)- 2-May-2016 17:13:20 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 2-May-2016 17:13:20 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002005192en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 外交學系zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
     第三節經濟策略與政策策略之研究………………19 第三章國際投資………………31 第一節國際投資之爭議及其遠景………………32 第二節我國經驗、經合基金內容與民代態度………………37 第三節經濟策略與政治策略之研究………………42
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 我國經貿外交之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目
     49陳明、劉泰英、吳榮義,「評估太平洋邊緣國家經合組織構想」, 11卷2期,民國七十八年八月,頁4~11。
     (一) Books
     1 Baldwin, David A. Economic Statecraft New York: Princeton University Press,1985.
     2 Black, eugene R. The Diplomacy of Economic Development Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1961.
     3 Carter, Charles The Economics of International Integration. London: George. Allen and Unwin, 1980.
     4 Snape, R. H. ed. Issues in World Trade Policy. New York: St. Martin`s Press, Ltd., 1986.
     5 Chang, King-yuh ed. ROC-US Relation under the Taiwan Relation Act: Practice and Prospects. Taipei: Relation Act: Practice and Prospects. Taipei: Institute of International Relations, 1988.
     6 Frank, Isaiah Foreign Enterprise in Developing Countries. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press,1980
     7 Fisher, Roger and Ury, William Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement without Giving In. New York: Penguin Group, 1981.
     8 Hodges, Michael and Wallace, William ed. Economic divergence in the European Community. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd., 1981.
     9 U.S. Power and the Multinational Corporation. New York: Basic Books, Inc.,1975.
     10 Gilpin, Robert War and Change in World Politics. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1981.
     11 The Political Economy of International Relations. Princeton Princeton University Press, 1987.
     12 Hathaway, Dale E. Agriculture and the GATT: Rewriting the Rule. Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1987.
     13 Hewett, Robert B. ed. Political Change and the Economic Future of East Asia. Hono lulu: the University Press of Hawaii, 1981.
     14 Hufbauer, Cary Clyde & Scott, Jeffrey J. Trading for Growth: the Next Round of Trade Negotiations. Washington, D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 1985.
     15 Kindleberger, Charles P. Power and Money. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1970.
     16---Multinational Excursions. Massachusetts: the MIT Press., 1984.
     17 Knorr, Klaus The Power of Nation. New York: Basic Books, Inc., 1975.
     18 Kousoulas, D.G .. Power and Influence. Wad: Sworth, Inc., 1985.
     19 Koehane, Robert O. and Nye, Joseph S. Power and Interdependence. Boston: Little Brown and Company, 1977.
     20 Langhammer, Polf J. and Sapir, And`re. Economic Impact of Generalized Tariff Preferences. London: the Trade Policy Research centre, 1987.
     21 Robinson, Richard D. Internationalization of Business. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1984.
     22 Sato, Ryuzo and Wachtel, Paul ed. Trade Friction and Economic Policy: Problem and Prospects for Japan and the United States. Cambridge: Cambridge University
     Press, 1987.
     23 Saunders,C.T. ed. East-West Cooperation in Business: Inter-firm Studies. Springer: Verlag, 1977.
     24 Scaapino, Robert A.; Sato, Seizaburo; and Wanandi, Jusuf ed. Asian Economic Development-Present and Futher. Berkeley: University of California, 1985.
     25 Shlain, Avi and Yannopoulos G.N. ed. The EEC and Eastern Europe. Cambridge University Press, 1978.
     26 Singer, Marshall R. Weak States in a World of Powers. The Free Press, 1972.
     27 Spero, Joan Edelman The Politics of International Economic Relation. London: George Allen and Unwin, 1977.
     28 Strange, Suzan States and Markets. London: Printer Publishers Limited, 1988 .
     29 Tan, Augustine H. and Kapur, Basant ed. Pacific Growth and financial Interdependence. Winchester: Allen& Unwin Inc., 1986.
     30 Yochelson, John ed. Keeping Pace: U.S. Policies and Global Economic Change. Cambridge: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1988.
     (二) Periodicals
     1 Aslund, Andels, "The new Soviet policy towards international economic organizations" World Today Vol.44 No.2 (Feb. 1988), PP. 27-30.
     2 Bornschier, Volker, "The Role of MNCS in Economic Growth" Journal of Conflict Resolution Vol .28, No.1 (March 1984), PP.157-164.
     3 Chan, Steve, "The Mouse That Roared-Taiwan`s Management of Trade Relations With the United States" Comparative Political Studies Vol.20, No.3 (October 1987), PP.251-292 .
     4 Cooper, Richard N., "Trade Policy in Foreign Policy" Foreign Policy 9 (Winter 1972-73), PP.18-36.
     5 Dunning, John H, and Robson, Peter, "Multinational Corporate Integration and Regional Economic Integration" Journal of Common Market Studies Volume XV I, No.2
     (December 1987), PP.I03-125. ?
     6 Ho, Szu-yin, The Republic of China` Policy Toward the United States, 1979-1989" Institute of International Relations, PP.1-33.
     7 Hollist, W. Ladd, and Caporaso, James A, "International Political Economy Research: What Is It and Where do We Turn for Concepts and Theory?" International Plitical Economy Yearbook I (1985), PP.27-49.
     8 Hood, Neil, and Young, Stephen, "Inward Investment and the EC: UK Evidence on Corporate Integration Strategies" Journal of Common Market Studies Volume XXVI, No.2(December 1987), PP.193-206.
     9 Huntington, Samuel P., "Foreign Aid: For What and For Whom?" Foreign Policy No.1&2 (Winter & Spring 1970-71), PP.161-189, 114-134.
     10---,"Trade, Technology and Leverage" Foreign Policy, No.32 Fall 1978), PP.63-79.
     11 Kriger, Mark P., and Rich, Patrick J.J. "Strategic Governance: Why and How MNCs are Using Boards of Directors in Foreign Subsidiaries" The Columbia Journal of World Business Vol . XXII , No.4 (Winter 1987), PP.39-45.
     12 Kudrle, Robert T., "The Several Faces of the Multinational Corporation: Political Reaction and Policy Response" International Political Economy Yearbook 1, (1985), PP.175-197.
     13 Kumar, Krishna, and Kim, Kee Young, "The Korean Manufacturing Multinationals" Journal of International Business Studies, (Spring/Summer 1984), PP.45-61.
     14 Lecraw, Donald J, "Bargaining Power, Ownership, and profitability of Transnational Corporations in Developing Countries" Journal of International Business Studies, (Spring/Summer 1984), PP.27-43.
     15 Marcus, Jonathan, "Creating a Single European Market: a British view" World Today Volume 44, No.3 (March 1988), PP.38-42.
     16 Nicolaides, Phedon, "Trade Warfare: the Guest for fair trade" The World Today, (July 1988), PP.119-122.
     17 Rabino, Samuel, and Shah, Kirit, "Countertrade And Penetration of LDC`s Markets" The Columbia Journal of World Business Vol. XXII, No.4 (Winter 1987), PP.31-37.
     18 Shape, Richard H, and Sampson, Gary P. "Identifying the Issues in Trade Services" The world Economy, (June 1985), PP.171-181.
     19 Strange, Su san, "Protectionism and World Politics" International Organization Vol.39, No.2 (Spring 1985), PP. 233-259.