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題名 海上貨物運送人契約責任危險之研究 作者 陳錫宗 貢獻者 張新平
陳錫宗日期 1990
1989上傳時間 3-May-2016 14:15:52 (UTC+8) 參考文獻 參考文獻壹、中文部分1.歐陽勛著:經濟學原理,台北:三民書局,七十三年十月,改訂修版。2.吳榮清著:產物保險(全),台北:華視出版社,七十六年八月,第三次增訂。3.袁宗蔚著:保險學,台北:合作經濟月刊社,七十七年七月,廿八版。4.陽肇昌著:保險之運用經營與管理,台北:作者自印,七十六年元月出版。5.國立中興大學法律研究所主譯:美國統一商法典及其譯註,台北:台灣銀行經濟研究室,七十五年十月三版。6.姚玉麟著:一九八三年協會船舶保險條款,台北:作者自印,七十四年六月初版。7.宋明哲著:一九八三年風險管理準則釋論,台北:團財法人保險事業發展中心,七十八年九月。8.張加恩著:風險管理管簡論,台北:財團法人保險事業發展中心,七十八年三月。9.鄭燦堂著:企業風險管理之研究,產險季刊,第五三期,七十三年十二月。10.李維倫著:專屬保險及其目前面臨之問題與展望,產險季刊,第五十三期,七十三年十二月。11.楊仁壽著:海商法論,台北:作者自印,七十五年三月,三版。12.鄭玉波著:民法債篇各論,台北:三民書局,七十二年八月,七版。13.張天欽著:海事運送舉證責任,政大法律評論,第二十六期,七十二年十二月。14.李義仁著:從實務觀點剖析「甲板裝載」之研究,交通建設,三十三卷十期,七十三年十月十五日。15.曾武仁著:論海上貨物運送契約之船東疏忽責任,產險季刊,第四十七期,七十二年六月。16.應式文著:從沿革和法理研討海商法中運送人免責條款,保險專刊,第五輯,七十五年九月。17.王衛恥著:海上保險的理論與實務,台北:文笙書局,七十一年十月再版。18.孫堂福著:海上保險的責任,保險季刊,五卷一期。19.雲大楠著:海上保險入門,台北:荿昌圖書有限公司,七十三年八月。20.Mr. Peter E. Spend1ove著. 杜岳生譯:如何防止及減輕貨損索賠-P&I C1ub對船東及船長的建議(上),產險季刊,第五十二期,七十三年九月。21.羅漢文,海上貨物船舶保險條款釋論,台北:作者自印,七十八年三月初版。貳、英文部分1.Athearn & Pritchett, Risk and Insurance, St. Paul: West Publishing Company, fifth edition.2.S. S. Huebner, Kenneth Black J R & Roberts, Cline, Property and Liability Insurance, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., third edition3.R. H. Brown, Analysis of Marine Insurance Clauses Book 2:The Institute Time Clauses-Hulls, London: Witherby & Co. Ltd., f983 , first edition4.James L. Athearn & S.Traives Pritchett, Risk and Insurance (New York: West Publishing Company, fifth edition, lst reprint-19845.C Arthur Williams, Jr. Richard & M. Heins, Risk Management and Insurance (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1st Printing, 1985, fifth edition.6.Robert I. Mehr, Emerson Cammack & Terry Rose, Principles of Insurance, Homewood, Illionis: Richard D. Irnin ,INC., eighth edition, 19857.Robert I. Mehr and Bob,A. Hedges, Risk Management Concepts and Application, Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irnin, Inc., eighth edition, 19748.Mark, R. Green & James S. Trieschmann, Risk & Insurance, Cincinnati, Ohio; South-Western publishing Co., 1984, sixth edition.9.C. F. H. Cufley, Ocean Freights and chartering, London Staples Press, 197010.Raoul Colinvoux, Carver`s Carriage by Sea, London: Stevens & Son. 1982, thirteenth edition11.Sir A. A. Mocatta M. J. Mustill and S.C. Boyd, Scrutton on Charter Party and Bill of Lading, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1977, 18th ed.12.Lucienne Carasso Bulow, "Dangerous" cargos: the responsibilities and liability of the various parties, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, Aug. 198913.William Tetley, Q. C., Marine Cargo Claims, Toronto: But terworths, 2nd edition, 197814.Jasper Ridley, The Law of the Carriage of Goods by Land, Sea & Air, London: Show and Sons Litimed, 1978, 5th ed.15. W. E. Astle. International Cargo Carrier`s Liabilities, London: Fairplay Publications16.Charles G. C. H. Backer and Paul David, The Politically unsafe port, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commerical Law quarterly, Feb. 198617.Lewls Herman and steven E. Goldman. The master`s megligence and charter`s warranty of safe port / berth,L. M. C. L. Q Nov.1983.18.J.Bes, Chartering and Shipping Terms, New York: Barrker&-Howard Ltd, 1977, lOth edition19.Demis Badger and Geoffrery Whitehead, Elements of Cargo Insurance, Woodhead-Faulkner, Cambridge: St. Edmundsbury press, 1983, 1st ed.20.Chorley and Giles, Shipping Law, London: Pitman Book Ltd., 1981, seventh edition21.William D. Winter, Marine Insurance-Its Principles and Practice, London: McGraw-Hill Book Co. , 1952, 3rd ed.22.H. Holman, A Handbook for shipowners and Masters, London:John Adams Printers Ltd., 1964, 16th ed.23.Captain L. F. H. Stanton, The Law and Practice of Sea Transport, Gt.Yarmouth: Navical press Ltd., 1978, 1st ed. revised24.W. E. Astle, Shipowners` Cargo Liabilities and Immunities, London: Witherby, 196725.John Cole, For the student: Unseaworthiness, Management and Navigation, Care of Cargo under COGSA, Cargo Clams Analysis, Vol. 3 Issue No.10, Nov.1986.26.Russel W. Pritchett, The implied Warranty of Seaworthiness in Time Policies: The American View, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commercial Law, quarterly May 1983.27.Dr. Malcolm Clarke, Seaworthiness in Time charters, Lloyd,s Maritime and Commercial Law, Nov, 197728.George Applebey, L. L. B., M. C. L., "Hong Kong Fir" revisited: The House of Lords and certainty in contract,Lloyd`s Maritime and Commeraial Law Quarterly, Nov.1982.29.Raoul Colinvaux, the Law of Insurance, London, sweet & Maxwell, 1984, fifth ed.30.Dr. Malcolm, Clarke, Fundamental Breach of charterparty, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commercial law Quarterly, Aug. 197931.F. D. Rose, M. A., B. C. L., A Fundam ental breach of duty,LMCLQ, Nov. 1980.32.C .P. Mills, B. A. (Kent), M.A., The future of deviation in the law of the carriage of goods, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commercial Law33.S. T. Tabbush, arrest of ship owned by charters, Lloyd`s Maritime and CommerwilLaw Quarterly, Nov. 1982.34.N. E. Palmer, Negligence and exclusion clauses again, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, Nov. 1983 .34.The Himalaya Clause, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commerce Law quarterly, Nov.198335.The Himalaya Clause, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commerce Law quarterly, Aug, 1979.36.Victor Dover, A Handbook to Marine Insurance, London: Witherby & Co. Ltd. 1983.37.Christopher Hill,Bill Robertson & Steven J. Hazel Wood,An Introducton to P & I, London: Lloyd`s of London Press Ltd.,1988.38.Sir Michael J, Mustill & Jonathan C. B. Gilman,Arnould`s Law of Marine Insurance and Average, London: Stevens & Son,1981, Sixteenth edition.39.E. R Ivamy, Marine Insurance, London, Butterworths, 1985, fourth edition.40.E. R Hardy Ivamy, Chalmer`s Marine Insurance Act 1906,London: Butterworths, 1983, ninth edition.41.Keith Michel, Direct Recovery form P.& I. Associoation,Lloyd`s Maritime and Commerical Law Quarterly, Nov.1987.42.R. C. Springall, The transport of goods in refrigerated contaxiners: An Australian perspective, LMCLQ, May,1987.43.陳繼堯, Effective Loss Prevention & Loss Control, 產險季刊,第五十四期,七十四年三月,頁五。 描述 碩士
風險管理與保險研究所資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 張新平 zh_TW (Authors) 陳錫宗 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 陳錫宗 zh_TW (日期) 1990 en_US (日期) 1989 en_US 3-May-2016 14:15:52 (UTC+8) - 3-May-2016 14:15:52 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 3-May-2016 14:15:52 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002005297 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 風險管理與保險研究所 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄第一章 緒論第一節 研究緣起動機與目的………1第二節 研究範圍與研究大綱………2第二章 危險責任危險與危險管理第一節 危險之意義………6第二節 責任危險之分析………10壹、何謂責任危險………10貳、責任危險之特徵與趨勢………10參、責任危險之來源………12肆、責任危險之處理方式………15第三節 危險管理之主要步驟………17壹、建立目標………17貳、制定政策………18參、認識危險………20肆、衡量危險………21伍、選擇對策………22註釋………27第三章 危險之認識(一):基本責任危險第一節 總說………31壹、不適用海牙規則時之責任危險………31貳、適用海牙規則時之責任危險………37第二節 分說………40壹、運送人於貨物裝載前之義務………41貳、運送人之裝載義務………45參、運送人之發航義務………48肆、運送船舶停泊於卸載地點之義務………49伍、卸載之義務………49陸、交付貨物於受貨人之義務………51柒、提存貨物之義務………52註釋………53第四章 危險之認識(二):加重責任危險第一節 運送人之過失行為………64第二節 船舶適航性………65壹、適航性之標準………66貳、適航性之適用範圍………67參、舉證責任………70第三節 偏航………71壹、偏航之意義………71貳、偏航之要件………72參、免責事由………74肆、偏航之效力及舉證責任………76第四節 適航性及不得偏航義務之性質與效力………77壹、對The Tregenna案之質疑………77貳、重大違約與條件在效力上之比較………81參、重大違約與條件在本質上之差異………81肆、法規之佐證及結論………84伍、違反船舶適航及不得偏航義務之效力………86第五節 甲板貨物………89註釋………93第五章 危險之衡量第一節 航程之失效………104壹、航程失效之意義………104貳、航程失效之法律基礎………106參、是否以事故發生之預見為必要………110肆、合理期待………112伍、法律問題或事實問題………114陸、除外條款之問題………115第二節 運送人之損害賠償範圍………116壹、損害賠償之基本原則………116貳、各種損害賠償之內容………118註釋………123第六章 對策之選擇(一):危險之避免(除外條款)第一節 判例法上之除外條款………130第二節 運送契約及海牙規則之除外事項………134第三節 過失責任之免除………145註釋………152第七章 對策之選擇(二):危險之轉嫁控制與預防第一節 危險之轉嫁-責任保險壹、概說貳、運送人契約責任之承保範圍及理賠限制………168第二節 危險之限制………173壹、概說………173貳、P&I協會於訴訟處理上之功能及其程序………175第三節 危險之預防………180註釋………187第八章 結論與建議………191 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.title (題名) 海上貨物運送人契約責任危險之研究 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考文獻壹、中文部分1.歐陽勛著:經濟學原理,台北:三民書局,七十三年十月,改訂修版。2.吳榮清著:產物保險(全),台北:華視出版社,七十六年八月,第三次增訂。3.袁宗蔚著:保險學,台北:合作經濟月刊社,七十七年七月,廿八版。4.陽肇昌著:保險之運用經營與管理,台北:作者自印,七十六年元月出版。5.國立中興大學法律研究所主譯:美國統一商法典及其譯註,台北:台灣銀行經濟研究室,七十五年十月三版。6.姚玉麟著:一九八三年協會船舶保險條款,台北:作者自印,七十四年六月初版。7.宋明哲著:一九八三年風險管理準則釋論,台北:團財法人保險事業發展中心,七十八年九月。8.張加恩著:風險管理管簡論,台北:財團法人保險事業發展中心,七十八年三月。9.鄭燦堂著:企業風險管理之研究,產險季刊,第五三期,七十三年十二月。10.李維倫著:專屬保險及其目前面臨之問題與展望,產險季刊,第五十三期,七十三年十二月。11.楊仁壽著:海商法論,台北:作者自印,七十五年三月,三版。12.鄭玉波著:民法債篇各論,台北:三民書局,七十二年八月,七版。13.張天欽著:海事運送舉證責任,政大法律評論,第二十六期,七十二年十二月。14.李義仁著:從實務觀點剖析「甲板裝載」之研究,交通建設,三十三卷十期,七十三年十月十五日。15.曾武仁著:論海上貨物運送契約之船東疏忽責任,產險季刊,第四十七期,七十二年六月。16.應式文著:從沿革和法理研討海商法中運送人免責條款,保險專刊,第五輯,七十五年九月。17.王衛恥著:海上保險的理論與實務,台北:文笙書局,七十一年十月再版。18.孫堂福著:海上保險的責任,保險季刊,五卷一期。19.雲大楠著:海上保險入門,台北:荿昌圖書有限公司,七十三年八月。20.Mr. Peter E. Spend1ove著. 杜岳生譯:如何防止及減輕貨損索賠-P&I C1ub對船東及船長的建議(上),產險季刊,第五十二期,七十三年九月。21.羅漢文,海上貨物船舶保險條款釋論,台北:作者自印,七十八年三月初版。貳、英文部分1.Athearn & Pritchett, Risk and Insurance, St. Paul: West Publishing Company, fifth edition.2.S. S. Huebner, Kenneth Black J R & Roberts, Cline, Property and Liability Insurance, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, Inc., third edition3.R. H. Brown, Analysis of Marine Insurance Clauses Book 2:The Institute Time Clauses-Hulls, London: Witherby & Co. Ltd., f983 , first edition4.James L. Athearn & S.Traives Pritchett, Risk and Insurance (New York: West Publishing Company, fifth edition, lst reprint-19845.C Arthur Williams, Jr. Richard & M. Heins, Risk Management and Insurance (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1st Printing, 1985, fifth edition.6.Robert I. Mehr, Emerson Cammack & Terry Rose, Principles of Insurance, Homewood, Illionis: Richard D. Irnin ,INC., eighth edition, 19857.Robert I. Mehr and Bob,A. Hedges, Risk Management Concepts and Application, Homewood, Illinois: Richard D. Irnin, Inc., eighth edition, 19748.Mark, R. Green & James S. Trieschmann, Risk & Insurance, Cincinnati, Ohio; South-Western publishing Co., 1984, sixth edition.9.C. F. H. Cufley, Ocean Freights and chartering, London Staples Press, 197010.Raoul Colinvoux, Carver`s Carriage by Sea, London: Stevens & Son. 1982, thirteenth edition11.Sir A. A. Mocatta M. J. Mustill and S.C. Boyd, Scrutton on Charter Party and Bill of Lading, London: Sweet & Maxwell, 1977, 18th ed.12.Lucienne Carasso Bulow, "Dangerous" cargos: the responsibilities and liability of the various parties, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, Aug. 198913.William Tetley, Q. C., Marine Cargo Claims, Toronto: But terworths, 2nd edition, 197814.Jasper Ridley, The Law of the Carriage of Goods by Land, Sea & Air, London: Show and Sons Litimed, 1978, 5th ed.15. W. E. Astle. International Cargo Carrier`s Liabilities, London: Fairplay Publications16.Charles G. C. H. Backer and Paul David, The Politically unsafe port, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commerical Law quarterly, Feb. 198617.Lewls Herman and steven E. Goldman. The master`s megligence and charter`s warranty of safe port / berth,L. M. C. L. Q Nov.1983.18.J.Bes, Chartering and Shipping Terms, New York: Barrker&-Howard Ltd, 1977, lOth edition19.Demis Badger and Geoffrery Whitehead, Elements of Cargo Insurance, Woodhead-Faulkner, Cambridge: St. Edmundsbury press, 1983, 1st ed.20.Chorley and Giles, Shipping Law, London: Pitman Book Ltd., 1981, seventh edition21.William D. Winter, Marine Insurance-Its Principles and Practice, London: McGraw-Hill Book Co. , 1952, 3rd ed.22.H. Holman, A Handbook for shipowners and Masters, London:John Adams Printers Ltd., 1964, 16th ed.23.Captain L. F. H. Stanton, The Law and Practice of Sea Transport, Gt.Yarmouth: Navical press Ltd., 1978, 1st ed. revised24.W. E. Astle, Shipowners` Cargo Liabilities and Immunities, London: Witherby, 196725.John Cole, For the student: Unseaworthiness, Management and Navigation, Care of Cargo under COGSA, Cargo Clams Analysis, Vol. 3 Issue No.10, Nov.1986.26.Russel W. Pritchett, The implied Warranty of Seaworthiness in Time Policies: The American View, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commercial Law, quarterly May 1983.27.Dr. Malcolm Clarke, Seaworthiness in Time charters, Lloyd,s Maritime and Commercial Law, Nov, 197728.George Applebey, L. L. B., M. C. L., "Hong Kong Fir" revisited: The House of Lords and certainty in contract,Lloyd`s Maritime and Commeraial Law Quarterly, Nov.1982.29.Raoul Colinvaux, the Law of Insurance, London, sweet & Maxwell, 1984, fifth ed.30.Dr. Malcolm, Clarke, Fundamental Breach of charterparty, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commercial law Quarterly, Aug. 197931.F. D. Rose, M. A., B. C. L., A Fundam ental breach of duty,LMCLQ, Nov. 1980.32.C .P. Mills, B. A. (Kent), M.A., The future of deviation in the law of the carriage of goods, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commercial Law33.S. T. Tabbush, arrest of ship owned by charters, Lloyd`s Maritime and CommerwilLaw Quarterly, Nov. 1982.34.N. E. Palmer, Negligence and exclusion clauses again, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly, Nov. 1983 .34.The Himalaya Clause, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commerce Law quarterly, Nov.198335.The Himalaya Clause, Lloyd`s Maritime and Commerce Law quarterly, Aug, 1979.36.Victor Dover, A Handbook to Marine Insurance, London: Witherby & Co. Ltd. 1983.37.Christopher Hill,Bill Robertson & Steven J. Hazel Wood,An Introducton to P & I, London: Lloyd`s of London Press Ltd.,1988.38.Sir Michael J, Mustill & Jonathan C. B. Gilman,Arnould`s Law of Marine Insurance and Average, London: Stevens & Son,1981, Sixteenth edition.39.E. R Ivamy, Marine Insurance, London, Butterworths, 1985, fourth edition.40.E. R Hardy Ivamy, Chalmer`s Marine Insurance Act 1906,London: Butterworths, 1983, ninth edition.41.Keith Michel, Direct Recovery form P.& I. Associoation,Lloyd`s Maritime and Commerical Law Quarterly, Nov.1987.42.R. C. Springall, The transport of goods in refrigerated contaxiners: An Australian perspective, LMCLQ, May,1987.43.陳繼堯, Effective Loss Prevention & Loss Control, 產險季刊,第五十四期,七十四年三月,頁五。 zh_TW