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題名 葛蘭西的霸權與民主理論
作者 黃富國
貢獻者 張明貴
日期 1990
上傳時間 3-May-2016 14:20:41 (UTC+8)
參考文獻 參考書目
     墨子刻(Metzger T.),從約翰彌爾民主理論看臺灣政治言論,(當代,24期,1988,
     I、Gramsci`s Writings
     Gramsci A ., History. Phiosophy and Culture in the Young Gramsci. ed. P. Cavalcanti and Piccone. (St. Louis: TELOS Press. 1975a)
     ---------- Letters from Prison. Thirty. Bedford Square. (London:Jonathan Cape, 1975)
     ---------- The Modern Prince & other Writings, trans . with an introduction by L. Harks. (New York: International Publishers. 1957)
     ---------- The Open Marxism of Antonio Gramsci, trans , and annotated by C. Marzani. (New York: Camern Associates. 1957a)
     ---------- Science Cond Scientific ideologies. (TELOS. no.41. 1979)
     ---------- Selection from Cultural Writings, ed. and introduced by D. Forgacs and G. Nonwellsmith. trans. by Boelhower. (Cambridge,Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 1985)
     ----------. Selection from Political Writings. 1921 - 1926. trans. and ed. Q. Hoare. (New York: International Publishers. 1978)
     ----------, Selection from Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci. trans .,ed. and annotated Q. Hoare and G. N. Smith. (New York: International Publishers. 1971)
     ---------- Selection from Political Writings, 1910 - 1920. trans.J. Mathews and ed. Q. Hoare. (New York: International Publishers. 1977)
     II、 Books and Articles on Gramsci and Other Sources:
     Adamson W.L., Hegemony and Revolution -- A Study of Antonio Gramsci Political and Cultural Theory. (Berkeley. Los Angels. London: University of California Press. 1980)
     Adler F ., Factory Councils. Gramsci and the Industrialist. (TELOS. no.31, 1977)
     Almond G.A. and Powell G.B ., Comparative Politics: System. Process,Policy. (Boston. Toronto: Little Brown and Company. 1978)
     Almond G.A. and Verba S ., The Civic Culture. (Princeton. N.J.: Princeton University Press. 1963)
     Anderson P ., Considerations on Western Marxism. (London: Verso. 1979)
     Anderson P ., The Antinomies of Antonio Gramsci. (New Left View. 100,Nov.1976 - Jan. 1977)
     Andrew C ., Furlong P. and Page E ., Power in Capitalist Society. (Harvester Press. 1985)
     Aronowitz S ., Technocratic Rationality and Politics of the School,(Social Practice, Spring 1980)
     Bates T. R., Gramsci and the Theory of Hegemony. (Journal of the History of Idea. 36. 1975)
     Bates T. R ., Antonio Gramsci and the Soviet Experiment in Italy, (Societas. 4. winter 1974)
     Bocock R ., Hegemony (London and New York: Tavistock Publications and Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1986)
     Boggs C ., Gramsci`s Prison Notebooks, Part I, (Socialist Revolution, Vol .11. 1972)
     Boggs C ., Gramsci`s Prison Notebooks, Part II, (Socialist Revolution,Vol .12. 1972)
     Boggs C ., Gramsci`s Marxism. (London: Pluto Press. 1976)
     Boggs C., Gramsci`s Theory of the Factory Councils: Nucleus of the Socialist State. (Berkeley Journal of Sociology. 19, winter 1974 -75)
     Callinicos A ., Is There a Future for Marxism? (London: Had1ill an Press,1982 )
     Calzolari A., Structure and Super-structure in Gramsci. (TELOS. Vol.2,No.1. 1969)
     Cammett J: M ., Antonio Gramsci and the Origins of Italian Communism. (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press .1967)
     Caroney M., The State & Political Theory. (Princeton. New Jersey:Princeton University Press, 1984)
     Caserta E. G ., Croce and Marxism. (Journal of the History of Idea, Vol. 44. No. 1, 1983)
     Clark M ., Antonio Gramsci and the Revolution That Failed. (New Heaven and the London: Yale University Press, 1977)
     Clegg S., Dunkerley D ., Organization. Class and Control ,(London. Boston. Melhourn and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980)
     Costello D ., Antonio Gramsci and the Recasting of Marxist. Strategy. (Theoretical Review, 31. Jun. 1983)
     Davidson A.B ., Antonio Gramsci: Towards an intellectual Biography,(London: Merlin Press. 1977)
     Davidson A.B ., Gramsci and Rending Machiavelli, (Science and Society,37: 1. Spring 1973)
     Davidson A.B ., Theory and Practice of Italian Communism. (London: Merlin Press, 1982
     Davis J ., Gramsci and Italy`s Passive Revolution, (London: Croom Helm Ltd ., 1979)
     Denitch B. (ed.), Legistimation of Regeimes: International Frameworks for Analysis. (International Sociological Association/ISA. 1979)
     Dimitrakas D. P., Gramsci and the Contemporary Debate on Marxism. (Philosophy of Social Science. 16. 1986)
     Easton D. and Dennis J., Children in the Political System: Origins of Political Legitimacy, (McGraw-Hill. 1969)
     Eley G ., Reading Gramsci in English, (University of Michigan. March 1984 )
     Entwistle H., Antonio Gramsci -- Conservative Schooling, (London. Boston, Melhourn and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1979)
     Femia J. V ., Gramsci`s Political Thought: Hegemony. Consciousness, and the Revolutionary Process. (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1987)
     Femia J. V., Gramsci. the Via Italiana, and the Classical Marxist Leninist Approach to Revolution. (Government and Opposition. Vol.14,Nov.1,Winter 1979)
     Finocchiaro M. A ., Gramsci`s Crocean Marxism. (TELOS. No.41. 1979)
     Fiori G ., Antonio Gramsci. Life of Revolutionary, (London: New Left Books. 1970)
     Giddens A ., Central Problems in Social Theory -- Action, Structure. And Contradiction in Social Analysis, (Berkley and Los Angels: University of California Press. 1979)
     Gitlin T., Prime Time Ideology : The Hegemonic Process in Television Entertainment, (Social Problems, Vol.26. No.3, Feb. 1979)
     Golden M.A., Historical Memory and Ideological Orientations in the Italian Worker `s Movement, (Politics & Society. Vol. 16, No.l. March 1988 )
     Gorman R. A .. Neo-Marxism -- the Meaning of Modern Radicalism. (U.S.A.:Greenwood Press. 1982)
     Gottlieb R. S. (ed.). An Anthology of Western Marxism: From Lukacs and Gramsci to Socialist Peminism. (New York: Oxford University Press ,1989)
     Goran Therborn, What Does the Ruling Class Do, When It Rules – State Apparatuses and State Power under feadulism. Capitalism and Socialism,(London: Verso, 1980)
     Hall S., Popular-Democratic v.s. Anthoritarian Populism: Two Ways of Taking Democracy Seriously. in Marxism and Democracy, (U.S.A.: Lawrence and Wishart, 1980)
     Hibbin S ., Politics. Ideology and the State, (London: Lawrence and Wishart. 1978)
     Howard D., The Marxian Legacy. (New York: Urizen Books, 1977)
     Hunt A. (ed.), Marxism and Democracy, (London: Lawrence and Wishart,1980)
     Jacobitti E. E., Hegemony Before Gramsci: The Case of Benedetto Croce,(Journal of the History of Idea, Vol.52, No.2. 1980)
     Jacobitti E. E., Revolutionary Humanism and Historicism in Modern Italy,(New Heaven. Connecticut: Yale University Press , 1981)
     Jay M. , Marxism and Totality -- The Adventures of a Concept from Lukacs to Habermas. (Berkeley and Los Angels: University of California Press,1984)
     Jessop B., The Capitalist State: Marxist Theories and Methods, (Oxford:Basil Blackwell.1982)
     Johnston L., Marxism, Class Analysis. and Socialist Pluralism. (London:Allen & Unwin Publishers Ltd., 1986)
     Joll J., Gramsci, (Great Britan: Fontana Paper books, 1977)
     Karabel J., Revolutionary Contradictions Antonio Gramsci and the Problem of intellectuals. (Politics & Society, 6, 1976)
     Kearney R., Modern Movements in European Philosophy. (臺北:森大圖書有限公司,1987)
     Keane J. (ed.), Civil Society and the State. (London. New York: Verso,1988)
     Kiros T ., Toward the Construction of a theory of political action:Antonio Gramsci -- Consciousness. Participation, and Hegemony, (Lanham,New York. London: University Press of America. 1985)
     Laclau E. and Mouffe C ., Hegemony and Socialist Strategy. (London: Verso, 1985)
     Larrain J ., Marxism and Ideology, (Great Britan: MacMillan Press. 1983)
     Larrain J., The Concept of Ideology. (London: Hutshinson of London,1979)
     Lenin V. I ., What Is To Be Done? (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1967)
     Lukacs G ., History and Class Cociousness -- Studies in Marxist
     Dialectics. trans. Rodney Livingstone. (London: Merlin Press. 1971)
     Luxemburg R., The Russian Revolution and Leninism or Marxism? (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 1961)
     Martinelli R., Antonio Gramsci`s Internationalism. (World Marxist Review, 30. Apr. 1987)
     Martinelli R ., In Defense of the Dlalectic: Antonio Gramsci`s Theory of Revolution. (Berkeley Journal of Sociology. 13. 1968)
     Marx K ., Economic and Philosophy Manuscripts of 1844. (New York: International Publishers. 1975)
     Marx K. and Engels F .. The Communist Manifesto. (New York: International Publishers. 1988)
     Mathews B. (ed.). Marx: A Hundred Years on, (London: Lawrence and Wishart. 1983)
     McLellan D ., Marxism After Marx, (London: MacHillan. 1979)
     Herrington J ., Theory and Practice in Gramsci`s Marxism. (Socialist Register. 1969)
     Meszaros I.. Philosophy. Ideology and Social Science. (Great Britan:Wheatsheaf Books, 1986)
     Miller J., History and Human Existence: From Marx to Merlean-Ponty,(Berkley. Los Angels. London: University of California Press.1976)
     Molyneux J ., Marxism and the Party. (London: Pluto Press. 1978)
     Mouffe C ., Gramsci and Marxist Theory. (London. Boston And Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1979)
     Mouffe C. and Sassoon A. S ., Gramsci. in France and Italy -- A Review, of the Literature. (Economy and Society, Vol.6. No.1. 1977)
     Nelson C. and Grossberg L. (ed.). Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, (Urhana and Chicago: University of Illnois Press. 1988)
     Nemth T ., Gramsci`s Philosophy -- a Critical Study. (New Jersey:Humanities Press.1980)
     Paggi. Gramsci General Theory of Marxism. (TELOS. Ho.36, 1978)
     Patterson J., Notes on the Historical Application of Marxist Cultural Theory. (Science and Society, Vol.39, Ho.3, 1975)
     Pellicani L ., Gramsci: An Alternative Communism? (Hoover Institution,
     Piccone p ., Gramsci`s Hegelian Marxism. (Political Theory, Vol.12,No.1, 1974)
     Piccone P ., From Spaventa to Grnmsci, (TELOS. No.31. 1977)
     Pierson C., Marxist Theory and Democratic Politics. (Oxford: Polity Press, 1986)
     PouJantazas N., Fascism and Dictatorship. (London: Verso. 1970)
     Pozzolini A ., Antonio Gramsci: An Introduction to His Thought. (London:Pluto Press.1968)
     Resnick S. A. and Wolff R. D., Knowledge and the Class: A Marxism Critique of Political Economy. (Chicago. London: University of Chicago Press.1987)
     Robertson D., A Dictionary of Modern Politics, (London: Europa Publications Ltd ., 1985)
     Rutigliano E., The Ideology of Labour and Capitalist Rationality in Gramsci,(TELOS,No.31, 1977)
     Salmini L. The Sociology Of Political Praxis: An Introduction to Gramsci`s Theory. (London, Boston, Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul,1981)
     Saldanha D., Antonio Gramsci and the Analysis of Class Consciousness --Some Methodlogical Considerations. (Economic and Political Weekley,Vol.23, No.5,1988)
     Sartori G ., The Theory of Democracy Revisited, (Chaham, New Jersey:Chaham House Publishers, 1987)
     Sarup S ., Marxism/Structualism/ Education. (London, New York: Falmer Press, 1983)
     Sassoon A. S. (ed.). Approaches to Gramsci, (London: Writers and Readers,1982)
     Sassoon A. S., Gramsci`s Politics. (New York: S.T. Martin`s Press,1980)
     Schmidt A. History and Structure. (Cambridge, Massachusetts, London,England: The MIT Press. 1982)
     Scruton R ., A Dictionary of Political Thought , (Great Britan:MacMillan Press. 1982)
     Simon R. Gramsci`s Political Thought -- An Introduction. (London:
     Lawrence and Wishart Press. 1982)
     Spriano P ., Antonio Gramsci and the Party: The Prison Years, (London:Lawrence and Wishart Press,1979)
     Tiersky R ., Ordinary Stalinism. (Boston: George Allen & Uwin. 1985)
     Todd N ., Ideological Superstructure in Gramsci and Mao Tse-Tung. (Journal of the History of Idea. Vol.35. No.1, 1975)
     Vincent A ., The Theories of the State. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1987)
     Warren S ., the Emergence of Dialectical Theory: Philosophy and Political Inquiry, (Chicago. London: University of Chicago Press . 1984)
     Williams G. A., The Concept of `Egemonia` in the Thought of Antonio Gramsci: Some Notes on Interpretation. (Journal of the History of Idea ,21, 1960)
     Williams G. A., Proletarian Order: Antonio Gramsci, Pac tory Councils and the Origins of Italian Communism 1911 - 1921. (London: Pluto Press,1975)
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 張明貴zh_TW (Authors) 黃富國zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 黃富國zh_TW (日期) 1990en_US (日期) 1989en_US 3-May-2016 14:20:41 (UTC+8)- 3-May-2016 14:20:41 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 3-May-2016 14:20:41 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002005316en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 政治學系zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章概論............................1
     第二節義大利布爾喬亞消極性過渡(Passive transition)或消極革命(Passive revolution).........................................176
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 葛蘭西的霸權與民主理論zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目
     墨子刻(Metzger T.),從約翰彌爾民主理論看臺灣政治言論,(當代,24期,1988,
     I、Gramsci`s Writings
     Gramsci A ., History. Phiosophy and Culture in the Young Gramsci. ed. P. Cavalcanti and Piccone. (St. Louis: TELOS Press. 1975a)
     ---------- Letters from Prison. Thirty. Bedford Square. (London:Jonathan Cape, 1975)
     ---------- The Modern Prince & other Writings, trans . with an introduction by L. Harks. (New York: International Publishers. 1957)
     ---------- The Open Marxism of Antonio Gramsci, trans , and annotated by C. Marzani. (New York: Camern Associates. 1957a)
     ---------- Science Cond Scientific ideologies. (TELOS. no.41. 1979)
     ---------- Selection from Cultural Writings, ed. and introduced by D. Forgacs and G. Nonwellsmith. trans. by Boelhower. (Cambridge,Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. 1985)
     ----------. Selection from Political Writings. 1921 - 1926. trans. and ed. Q. Hoare. (New York: International Publishers. 1978)
     ----------, Selection from Prison Notebooks of Antonio Gramsci. trans .,ed. and annotated Q. Hoare and G. N. Smith. (New York: International Publishers. 1971)
     ---------- Selection from Political Writings, 1910 - 1920. trans.J. Mathews and ed. Q. Hoare. (New York: International Publishers. 1977)
     II、 Books and Articles on Gramsci and Other Sources:
     Adamson W.L., Hegemony and Revolution -- A Study of Antonio Gramsci Political and Cultural Theory. (Berkeley. Los Angels. London: University of California Press. 1980)
     Adler F ., Factory Councils. Gramsci and the Industrialist. (TELOS. no.31, 1977)
     Almond G.A. and Powell G.B ., Comparative Politics: System. Process,Policy. (Boston. Toronto: Little Brown and Company. 1978)
     Almond G.A. and Verba S ., The Civic Culture. (Princeton. N.J.: Princeton University Press. 1963)
     Anderson P ., Considerations on Western Marxism. (London: Verso. 1979)
     Anderson P ., The Antinomies of Antonio Gramsci. (New Left View. 100,Nov.1976 - Jan. 1977)
     Andrew C ., Furlong P. and Page E ., Power in Capitalist Society. (Harvester Press. 1985)
     Aronowitz S ., Technocratic Rationality and Politics of the School,(Social Practice, Spring 1980)
     Bates T. R., Gramsci and the Theory of Hegemony. (Journal of the History of Idea. 36. 1975)
     Bates T. R ., Antonio Gramsci and the Soviet Experiment in Italy, (Societas. 4. winter 1974)
     Bocock R ., Hegemony (London and New York: Tavistock Publications and Ellis Horwood Ltd., 1986)
     Boggs C ., Gramsci`s Prison Notebooks, Part I, (Socialist Revolution, Vol .11. 1972)
     Boggs C ., Gramsci`s Prison Notebooks, Part II, (Socialist Revolution,Vol .12. 1972)
     Boggs C ., Gramsci`s Marxism. (London: Pluto Press. 1976)
     Boggs C., Gramsci`s Theory of the Factory Councils: Nucleus of the Socialist State. (Berkeley Journal of Sociology. 19, winter 1974 -75)
     Callinicos A ., Is There a Future for Marxism? (London: Had1ill an Press,1982 )
     Calzolari A., Structure and Super-structure in Gramsci. (TELOS. Vol.2,No.1. 1969)
     Cammett J: M ., Antonio Gramsci and the Origins of Italian Communism. (Stanford, California: Stanford University Press .1967)
     Caroney M., The State & Political Theory. (Princeton. New Jersey:Princeton University Press, 1984)
     Caserta E. G ., Croce and Marxism. (Journal of the History of Idea, Vol. 44. No. 1, 1983)
     Clark M ., Antonio Gramsci and the Revolution That Failed. (New Heaven and the London: Yale University Press, 1977)
     Clegg S., Dunkerley D ., Organization. Class and Control ,(London. Boston. Melhourn and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980)
     Costello D ., Antonio Gramsci and the Recasting of Marxist. Strategy. (Theoretical Review, 31. Jun. 1983)
     Davidson A.B ., Antonio Gramsci: Towards an intellectual Biography,(London: Merlin Press. 1977)
     Davidson A.B ., Gramsci and Rending Machiavelli, (Science and Society,37: 1. Spring 1973)
     Davidson A.B ., Theory and Practice of Italian Communism. (London: Merlin Press, 1982
     Davis J ., Gramsci and Italy`s Passive Revolution, (London: Croom Helm Ltd ., 1979)
     Denitch B. (ed.), Legistimation of Regeimes: International Frameworks for Analysis. (International Sociological Association/ISA. 1979)
     Dimitrakas D. P., Gramsci and the Contemporary Debate on Marxism. (Philosophy of Social Science. 16. 1986)
     Easton D. and Dennis J., Children in the Political System: Origins of Political Legitimacy, (McGraw-Hill. 1969)
     Eley G ., Reading Gramsci in English, (University of Michigan. March 1984 )
     Entwistle H., Antonio Gramsci -- Conservative Schooling, (London. Boston, Melhourn and Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1979)
     Femia J. V ., Gramsci`s Political Thought: Hegemony. Consciousness, and the Revolutionary Process. (Oxford: Clarendon Press. 1987)
     Femia J. V., Gramsci. the Via Italiana, and the Classical Marxist Leninist Approach to Revolution. (Government and Opposition. Vol.14,Nov.1,Winter 1979)
     Finocchiaro M. A ., Gramsci`s Crocean Marxism. (TELOS. No.41. 1979)
     Fiori G ., Antonio Gramsci. Life of Revolutionary, (London: New Left Books. 1970)
     Giddens A ., Central Problems in Social Theory -- Action, Structure. And Contradiction in Social Analysis, (Berkley and Los Angels: University of California Press. 1979)
     Gitlin T., Prime Time Ideology : The Hegemonic Process in Television Entertainment, (Social Problems, Vol.26. No.3, Feb. 1979)
     Golden M.A., Historical Memory and Ideological Orientations in the Italian Worker `s Movement, (Politics & Society. Vol. 16, No.l. March 1988 )
     Gorman R. A .. Neo-Marxism -- the Meaning of Modern Radicalism. (U.S.A.:Greenwood Press. 1982)
     Gottlieb R. S. (ed.). An Anthology of Western Marxism: From Lukacs and Gramsci to Socialist Peminism. (New York: Oxford University Press ,1989)
     Goran Therborn, What Does the Ruling Class Do, When It Rules – State Apparatuses and State Power under feadulism. Capitalism and Socialism,(London: Verso, 1980)
     Hall S., Popular-Democratic v.s. Anthoritarian Populism: Two Ways of Taking Democracy Seriously. in Marxism and Democracy, (U.S.A.: Lawrence and Wishart, 1980)
     Hibbin S ., Politics. Ideology and the State, (London: Lawrence and Wishart. 1978)
     Howard D., The Marxian Legacy. (New York: Urizen Books, 1977)
     Hunt A. (ed.), Marxism and Democracy, (London: Lawrence and Wishart,1980)
     Jacobitti E. E., Hegemony Before Gramsci: The Case of Benedetto Croce,(Journal of the History of Idea, Vol.52, No.2. 1980)
     Jacobitti E. E., Revolutionary Humanism and Historicism in Modern Italy,(New Heaven. Connecticut: Yale University Press , 1981)
     Jay M. , Marxism and Totality -- The Adventures of a Concept from Lukacs to Habermas. (Berkeley and Los Angels: University of California Press,1984)
     Jessop B., The Capitalist State: Marxist Theories and Methods, (Oxford:Basil Blackwell.1982)
     Johnston L., Marxism, Class Analysis. and Socialist Pluralism. (London:Allen & Unwin Publishers Ltd., 1986)
     Joll J., Gramsci, (Great Britan: Fontana Paper books, 1977)
     Karabel J., Revolutionary Contradictions Antonio Gramsci and the Problem of intellectuals. (Politics & Society, 6, 1976)
     Kearney R., Modern Movements in European Philosophy. (臺北:森大圖書有限公司,1987)
     Keane J. (ed.), Civil Society and the State. (London. New York: Verso,1988)
     Kiros T ., Toward the Construction of a theory of political action:Antonio Gramsci -- Consciousness. Participation, and Hegemony, (Lanham,New York. London: University Press of America. 1985)
     Laclau E. and Mouffe C ., Hegemony and Socialist Strategy. (London: Verso, 1985)
     Larrain J ., Marxism and Ideology, (Great Britan: MacMillan Press. 1983)
     Larrain J., The Concept of Ideology. (London: Hutshinson of London,1979)
     Lenin V. I ., What Is To Be Done? (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1967)
     Lukacs G ., History and Class Cociousness -- Studies in Marxist
     Dialectics. trans. Rodney Livingstone. (London: Merlin Press. 1971)
     Luxemburg R., The Russian Revolution and Leninism or Marxism? (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press. 1961)
     Martinelli R., Antonio Gramsci`s Internationalism. (World Marxist Review, 30. Apr. 1987)
     Martinelli R ., In Defense of the Dlalectic: Antonio Gramsci`s Theory of Revolution. (Berkeley Journal of Sociology. 13. 1968)
     Marx K ., Economic and Philosophy Manuscripts of 1844. (New York: International Publishers. 1975)
     Marx K. and Engels F .. The Communist Manifesto. (New York: International Publishers. 1988)
     Mathews B. (ed.). Marx: A Hundred Years on, (London: Lawrence and Wishart. 1983)
     McLellan D ., Marxism After Marx, (London: MacHillan. 1979)
     Herrington J ., Theory and Practice in Gramsci`s Marxism. (Socialist Register. 1969)
     Meszaros I.. Philosophy. Ideology and Social Science. (Great Britan:Wheatsheaf Books, 1986)
     Miller J., History and Human Existence: From Marx to Merlean-Ponty,(Berkley. Los Angels. London: University of California Press.1976)
     Molyneux J ., Marxism and the Party. (London: Pluto Press. 1978)
     Mouffe C ., Gramsci and Marxist Theory. (London. Boston And Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul. 1979)
     Mouffe C. and Sassoon A. S ., Gramsci. in France and Italy -- A Review, of the Literature. (Economy and Society, Vol.6. No.1. 1977)
     Nelson C. and Grossberg L. (ed.). Marxism and the Interpretation of Culture, (Urhana and Chicago: University of Illnois Press. 1988)
     Nemth T ., Gramsci`s Philosophy -- a Critical Study. (New Jersey:Humanities Press.1980)
     Paggi. Gramsci General Theory of Marxism. (TELOS. Ho.36, 1978)
     Patterson J., Notes on the Historical Application of Marxist Cultural Theory. (Science and Society, Vol.39, Ho.3, 1975)
     Pellicani L ., Gramsci: An Alternative Communism? (Hoover Institution,
     Piccone p ., Gramsci`s Hegelian Marxism. (Political Theory, Vol.12,No.1, 1974)
     Piccone P ., From Spaventa to Grnmsci, (TELOS. No.31. 1977)
     Pierson C., Marxist Theory and Democratic Politics. (Oxford: Polity Press, 1986)
     PouJantazas N., Fascism and Dictatorship. (London: Verso. 1970)
     Pozzolini A ., Antonio Gramsci: An Introduction to His Thought. (London:Pluto Press.1968)
     Resnick S. A. and Wolff R. D., Knowledge and the Class: A Marxism Critique of Political Economy. (Chicago. London: University of Chicago Press.1987)
     Robertson D., A Dictionary of Modern Politics, (London: Europa Publications Ltd ., 1985)
     Rutigliano E., The Ideology of Labour and Capitalist Rationality in Gramsci,(TELOS,No.31, 1977)
     Salmini L. The Sociology Of Political Praxis: An Introduction to Gramsci`s Theory. (London, Boston, Henley: Routledge & Kegan Paul,1981)
     Saldanha D., Antonio Gramsci and the Analysis of Class Consciousness --Some Methodlogical Considerations. (Economic and Political Weekley,Vol.23, No.5,1988)
     Sartori G ., The Theory of Democracy Revisited, (Chaham, New Jersey:Chaham House Publishers, 1987)
     Sarup S ., Marxism/Structualism/ Education. (London, New York: Falmer Press, 1983)
     Sassoon A. S. (ed.). Approaches to Gramsci, (London: Writers and Readers,1982)
     Sassoon A. S., Gramsci`s Politics. (New York: S.T. Martin`s Press,1980)
     Schmidt A. History and Structure. (Cambridge, Massachusetts, London,England: The MIT Press. 1982)
     Scruton R ., A Dictionary of Political Thought , (Great Britan:MacMillan Press. 1982)
     Simon R. Gramsci`s Political Thought -- An Introduction. (London:
     Lawrence and Wishart Press. 1982)
     Spriano P ., Antonio Gramsci and the Party: The Prison Years, (London:Lawrence and Wishart Press,1979)
     Tiersky R ., Ordinary Stalinism. (Boston: George Allen & Uwin. 1985)
     Todd N ., Ideological Superstructure in Gramsci and Mao Tse-Tung. (Journal of the History of Idea. Vol.35. No.1, 1975)
     Vincent A ., The Theories of the State. (Oxford: Basil Blackwell. 1987)
     Warren S ., the Emergence of Dialectical Theory: Philosophy and Political Inquiry, (Chicago. London: University of Chicago Press . 1984)
     Williams G. A., The Concept of `Egemonia` in the Thought of Antonio Gramsci: Some Notes on Interpretation. (Journal of the History of Idea ,21, 1960)
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