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題名 性別.創造力.自我檢校與幽默感的關係 作者 劉佩雲 貢獻者 吳靜吉
劉佩雲日期 1990
1989上傳時間 3-May-2016 14:22:06 (UTC+8) 摘要 一、本研究的主要目的在探討下列的關係: 參考文獻 一、中文部分 李美枝、楊國樞(民61),中國大學生的價值觀。李亦園、楊國樞主編:中國人的性格。台北市,南港,中央研究院民族學研究所專刊乙種第四號。 李美枝(民61),女性心理學,大洋出版社。 李廉鳳譯(民74 十四版) ,裸猿,台北,純文學,頁六五~八二。 林以正(民74),自我檢校、人際關係、情境公開與酬賞分配,台大心理研究所碩士論文。 林邦傑(民68),因素分析及其應用,輯於陳定國,黃俊英編,企業家研究應用技術大全(第二冊) ,台北:大世紀,19-1~ 19-37。 林文寶(民74),笑話研究,台東師專學報,第十三期,頁五七~一二一。 林語堂等著(民63) ,幽默與東西方文學,台中市,光啟:先知,頁一~七五。 林語堂著(民64),無所不談合集,三版,台北:開明。 吳靜吉、高泉豐、王敬仁、丁興祥(民70),拓弄思語文創測驗指導及研究手冊(乙式) ,台北:遠流。 吳靜吉(民77,新十五版)。心理與人生,台北:遠流,頁二八~三二。 婁子匡、朱介凡編著(民59),五十年來中國的俗文學,正中,頁九十九~一一五。 張如鈞(民79),兒童幽默感的發展-對幽默漫畫的欣賞與理解,師範大學家政研究所碩士論文。 楊國樞(民70),中國人的性格與行為:形成與蛻變,中華心理學刊,23卷,一期,頁三九~五五。 曾燕萍(民72),談笑的心理,訓育研究,二二卷,二期,頁三○~三四。 劉君業譯(民76,四版),幽默定律,台北,遠流,頁一~二十。 鄭慧玲譯(民76,新二十五版),幽默就是力量,台北,遠流,買一○○~一一五。 聯合文學(民79),第六十三期,頁五一~八五。 二、英文部份 Askenasy, S.M. (1976). Humor: agression, defence, and conservatism:Group Charicteristics and Differential humorappreciation,Social Behavior and Personality. 4,1,75-80. Babad, E.Y.(1974). A multi-method approach to the assessment of humor: a critical look at humor test, Journal of Personality,Vol. 42(4), 618 - 631 Bell, N. J. etc. (1986). Interpersonalcompetence, social assertiveness and the development of humor, Jour. of developmental Psy.,4, 51-55. Berlyne, D.E. (1969). Laughter, humor, and play.ln:G.Lin dsey & E. Aronson(Eds.) ,Handbook of Social Psychology (2nd edition), Vol.3, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusettes. Berlyne, D.E. (1972). Humor and its kin. In : Joh. Golds tein & P. E. McGhee(Eds.), The Psychology of Humor. Academic Press. Bizi, S. & Keinan, G. & Beit-Hallahmi, B. (1988). Humor and coping with stress: a test under real life conditions. Persona, Individ Diff, Vol. 9, No.6, 951 -956. Bond, M.H. & Hwang, K.K. (1986). The social psychology of Chinese people. To apperae in M. H. Bond (Ed.) The psychology of Chinese people. Briggs, S. R. (1986). The role of factor analysis in the development and evaluation of personality scales, Journal of Personality,54,1,107-148. Briggs, S. R. etc. (1980). An analysis of the self-monitoring scale, Jour. of Personality and Social Psy.,38, 4, 679-686. Brodzinsky, D. M. & Rubien, J. (1976). Humor production as a function of sex of subject, creativity, andcartoon content, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 44, No.4, 597 - 600. Brodzinsky, D. M., Bernet, K. & Aiello, J. R. (1981). Sex of subjectand gender identity as factors in humor appreciation, Sex Roles,Vol. 7, No.5, 561 - 573. Bryant, J.; and others (1980). Relationship between college teachers`use humor in the classroom and students , evaluations of their teachers, Journal of Educational Psychology, Vol. 72, No.45, 11 - 519. Cantor, J. R. (1976). Laughing matter: A symposium: What is funny to whom? the role of gender, Journal of Communication, Vol. 26,No. 3, 164 - 172. Chapman, A. J. & Gadfield, N. J. (1976). 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Teaching and learing with humor: experiment andrepulication. Journal of Experimental Education . Vol. 57(1),5 - 15. Babad, E.Y.(1974). A multi-method approach to the assessment of humor: a critical look at humor test, Journal of Personality, Vol. 42(4), 618 - 631 Brodzinsky, D. M. & Rubien, J. (1976). Humor production as a function of sex of subject, creativity, andcart oon content, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 44, No.4, 597 - 600. Brodzinsky, D. M., Bernet, K. & Aiello, J. R. (1981). Sex of subjectand gender identity as factors in humor appreciation, Sex Roles,Vol. 7, No.5, 561 - 573. Chapman, A. J. & Gadfield, N. J. (1976). Laughing matter: Asymposium: Is sexual humor sexist? Journal of communication, Vol. 26, No.3, 141 - 153. Chapman, A. J. & Foot, H. C. (1977). It`s a Funney thing , Humor. Oxford:` applications, Chichester, England:Wiley. Couturier, L. C. et ale (1981). Relationships between humor, formal operational ability, and creativity in eight gades.The Journal of Phychology. 139, 221 -226. Fine, G. A. (1975). Components of received sense of humor ratings of self and other, Psy. Reports,36, 793-794 Frued, S. (1960). Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconcious. New York, London, W. W. Norton & Company. Hester, M. P. (1987). Humor assessment: from may to december, Western Psychological Association ( 67th, Long Beach ,April 1987). Koestler. A. (1964). The Act of Creation. The Macmillian Company, New York. Martin R. A. & Lefcourt H. M. (1983). Sense of humor as a moderator of the relation between tressor and moods.Journal of Personality & Social Psychology.Vol. 45, No. 6,1313 - 1324. Martin R. A. & Lefcourt H. M. (1984). Situational humor response requestionaire: quantitive measure of sense of humor. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology . Vol. 47, No. 1,145 - 155. Martin R. A. & Lefcourt H. M. (1986). Humor and Life stress. New York, pringer-Verlag Inc. McGhee, P.E. & Chapman, A.J. (1980). Children`s humor, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. McGhee, P. E. & Lloyd, S. A. (1981). A developmental tests of the disposition theory of humor, Child Development, Vol. 52,925 - 931. Nezu, A. M. & Nezu C. M. (1988). Sense of humor as a moderator of there lation between stressful events and psychological distress: a prospective analusis. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology. Vol. 54 ,No. 3,520 - 525 O`Connell, W.E. (1962). An item analysis of the wit and humor appreciation test, Journal of Social Psychology , Vol. 56, 271 - 276. Ruxton, J. P. & Hester M. P. (1987). Humor: Assesment and interventions. Clinical Gerontologist. Vol. 7(1), Fall. Schill, T. & O`Laughlin, S. (1984). Humor Preference and coping ?with stress, Psychological Reports, 55, 309-310. Shibles, W. (1979). How to teach creativity through humor and metaphor: a philosopher looks at creativity, Creative Child and Adult Quarterly, Vol. 4(4) , 243-251. Svebak, S. (1974a). Revised guestionaire on the sense of humor. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.15, 318 - 331. Svebak, S. (1974b). A theory sense of humor.Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.15, 99 - 107. Svebak, S. (1974c). Three attitude dimensions of sense of humor as predictors of laughter. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.15, 185 - 190. Ziv, A. (1983). The influence of humorous atmosphere on divergent thinking. Contemporary Educational PSychology.15,68 - 75. Ziv, A. (1984). Personality and Sense of Humor. New York, SpringerPublishing Company, Inc. Ziv, A. (1987). the effect of humor on aggression cathars is in the classroom, Journal of Psy., 121(4),359-364. Bell, N. J. etc. (1986). Interpersonalcompetence, social assertiveness and the development of humor, Jour. of developmental Psy.,4, 51-55. Briggs, S. R. (1986). The role of factor analysis in the development and evaluation of personality scales, Journal of Personality,54,1,107-148. Briggs, S. R. etc. (1980). An analysis of the self-monitoring scale, Jour. of Personality and Social Psy.,38, 4, 679-686. Fine, G. A. (1975). Components of received sense of humor ratings of self and other, Psy. Reports,36, 793-794 Johnson, M. A. (1989). Concern for appropriateness scale and behavioral confirmity, Jour. of Personality Assessment, 53(3), 567-574. Leary, M. R., and others, (1980). The multidimensionality of self-monitoring, National Inst. of Mental Health. Lennox, R. D. & Wolfe, R. N. (1984). Revision of the self monitoring scale, Jour of Pers. and social Psy.46,1349-1364. Lennox, R. (1988). The problem with self-monitoring: a two-sided scaleand a one-sided theory, Jour. of Peers. Assess., 52(1), 58-73. Montgomery, R. L. and others (1987). The revise selfmonitoring scale and social skills, Southern Psy.asson. (3rd New Orleans), 79. Snvder, M. (1974). Self-monitoring of expressive behavior , Jour. of Pers. and Soc. Psy., 30, 4, 526-537. Snyder, M. & Gangestad, S. (1986). On the nature of selfmonitoring: Martters of assessment, matters of validity, Jour. of Pers. and Soc. Psy, 51 ,1, 125-139 Turner, R. G. (1978). Consistency, self-consciousness,and the predictive validity of typical and maximal personality measures,Jour. of Research in Personality , 12, 171-132. Turner, R. G. (1980). Self-monitoring and humor product tion, Jour. of Personality,48,2, 163-172. Wolfe, R etc. (1983). Self-monitoring and sex as moderator variables in the statistical explanation of self -reported marijauan andalcohol use, Jour. of Pers. and Soc. Psy.44,5, 1069-1074. 描述 碩士
教育學系資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 吳靜吉 zh_TW (Authors) 劉佩雲 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 劉佩雲 zh_TW (日期) 1990 en_US (日期) 1989 en_US 3-May-2016 14:22:06 (UTC+8) - 3-May-2016 14:22:06 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 3-May-2016 14:22:06 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002005360 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 教育學系 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 一、本研究的主要目的在探討下列的關係: zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論--------------------------1 第一節 研究動機與目的--------------------------1 第二節 研究問題與架構--------------------------7 第三節 研究範圍--------------------------9 第四節 重要名詞詮釋--------------------------9 第二章 文獻探討--------------------------13 第一節 幽默感的理論基礎--------------------------13 第二節 幽默感的測量--------------------------24 第三節 幽默感與性別之關係--------------------------33 第四節 性別、創造力與幽默感之關係--------------------------39 第五節 性別、自我檢校與幽默感之關係--------------------------46 第三章 研究方法--------------------------49 第一節 研究假設--------------------------49 第二節 研究樣本--------------------------50 第三節 研究工具--------------------------51 第四節 實施程序--------------------------57 第五節 統計處理--------------------------58 第四章 研究結果--------------------------62 第一節 大學生幽默感情形的描述--------------------------62 第二節 性別、創造力與幽默感-------------------------- 75 第三節 性別、自我檢校與幽默感--------------------------99 第四節 性別、創造力、自我檢校與不同幽默感之典型相關--------------------------163 第五章 討論、檢討與建議--------------------------170 第一節 討論--------------------------170 第二節 研究限制--------------------------177 第三節 檢討與建議--------------------------178 參考書目--------------------------184 附錄一 幽默量表的修訂--------------------------193 附錄二 自我檢校量表的修訂--------------------------214 附錄三 本研究所有變項的相關矩陣-------------------------- 228 附錄四 本研究的量表--------------------------229 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.title (題名) 性別.創造力.自我檢校與幽默感的關係 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部分 李美枝、楊國樞(民61),中國大學生的價值觀。李亦園、楊國樞主編:中國人的性格。台北市,南港,中央研究院民族學研究所專刊乙種第四號。 李美枝(民61),女性心理學,大洋出版社。 李廉鳳譯(民74 十四版) ,裸猿,台北,純文學,頁六五~八二。 林以正(民74),自我檢校、人際關係、情境公開與酬賞分配,台大心理研究所碩士論文。 林邦傑(民68),因素分析及其應用,輯於陳定國,黃俊英編,企業家研究應用技術大全(第二冊) ,台北:大世紀,19-1~ 19-37。 林文寶(民74),笑話研究,台東師專學報,第十三期,頁五七~一二一。 林語堂等著(民63) ,幽默與東西方文學,台中市,光啟:先知,頁一~七五。 林語堂著(民64),無所不談合集,三版,台北:開明。 吳靜吉、高泉豐、王敬仁、丁興祥(民70),拓弄思語文創測驗指導及研究手冊(乙式) ,台北:遠流。 吳靜吉(民77,新十五版)。心理與人生,台北:遠流,頁二八~三二。 婁子匡、朱介凡編著(民59),五十年來中國的俗文學,正中,頁九十九~一一五。 張如鈞(民79),兒童幽默感的發展-對幽默漫畫的欣賞與理解,師範大學家政研究所碩士論文。 楊國樞(民70),中國人的性格與行為:形成與蛻變,中華心理學刊,23卷,一期,頁三九~五五。 曾燕萍(民72),談笑的心理,訓育研究,二二卷,二期,頁三○~三四。 劉君業譯(民76,四版),幽默定律,台北,遠流,頁一~二十。 鄭慧玲譯(民76,新二十五版),幽默就是力量,台北,遠流,買一○○~一一五。 聯合文學(民79),第六十三期,頁五一~八五。 二、英文部份 Askenasy, S.M. 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Couturier, L. C. et ale (1981). Relationships between humor, formal operational ability, and creativity in eight gades.The Journal of Phychology. 139, 221 -226. Fine, G. A. (1975). Components of received sense of humor ratings of self and other, Psy. Reports,36, 793-794 Frued, S. (1960). Jokes and Their Relation to the Unconcious. New York, London, W. W. Norton & Company. Hester, M. P. (1987). Humor assessment: from may to december, Western Psychological Association ( 67th, Long Beach ,April 1987). Koestler. A. (1964). The Act of Creation. The Macmillian Company, New York. Martin R. A. & Lefcourt H. M. (1983). Sense of humor as a moderator of the relation between tressor and moods.Journal of Personality & Social Psychology.Vol. 45, No. 6,1313 - 1324. Martin R. A. & Lefcourt H. M. (1984). Situational humor response requestionaire: quantitive measure of sense of humor. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology . Vol. 47, No. 1,145 - 155. Martin R. A. & Lefcourt H. M. (1986). Humor and Life stress. New York, pringer-Verlag Inc. McGhee, P.E. & Chapman, A.J. (1980). Children`s humor, John Wiley & Sons Ltd. McGhee, P. E. & Lloyd, S. A. (1981). A developmental tests of the disposition theory of humor, Child Development, Vol. 52,925 - 931. Nezu, A. M. & Nezu C. M. (1988). Sense of humor as a moderator of there lation between stressful events and psychological distress: a prospective analusis. Journal of Personality & Social Psychology. Vol. 54 ,No. 3,520 - 525 O`Connell, W.E. (1962). An item analysis of the wit and humor appreciation test, Journal of Social Psychology , Vol. 56, 271 - 276. Ruxton, J. P. & Hester M. P. (1987). Humor: Assesment and interventions. Clinical Gerontologist. Vol. 7(1), Fall. Schill, T. & O`Laughlin, S. (1984). Humor Preference and coping ?with stress, Psychological Reports, 55, 309-310. Shibles, W. (1979). How to teach creativity through humor and metaphor: a philosopher looks at creativity, Creative Child and Adult Quarterly, Vol. 4(4) , 243-251. Svebak, S. (1974a). Revised guestionaire on the sense of humor. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.15, 318 - 331. Svebak, S. (1974b). A theory sense of humor.Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.15, 99 - 107. Svebak, S. (1974c). Three attitude dimensions of sense of humor as predictors of laughter. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.15, 185 - 190. Ziv, A. (1983). The influence of humorous atmosphere on divergent thinking. Contemporary Educational PSychology.15,68 - 75. Ziv, A. (1984). Personality and Sense of Humor. New York, SpringerPublishing Company, Inc. Ziv, A. (1987). the effect of humor on aggression cathars is in the classroom, Journal of Psy., 121(4),359-364. Bell, N. J. etc. (1986). Interpersonalcompetence, social assertiveness and the development of humor, Jour. of developmental Psy.,4, 51-55. Briggs, S. R. (1986). The role of factor analysis in the development and evaluation of personality scales, Journal of Personality,54,1,107-148. Briggs, S. R. etc. (1980). An analysis of the self-monitoring scale, Jour. of Personality and Social Psy.,38, 4, 679-686. Fine, G. A. (1975). Components of received sense of humor ratings of self and other, Psy. Reports,36, 793-794 Johnson, M. A. (1989). Concern for appropriateness scale and behavioral confirmity, Jour. of Personality Assessment, 53(3), 567-574. Leary, M. R., and others, (1980). The multidimensionality of self-monitoring, National Inst. of Mental Health. Lennox, R. D. & Wolfe, R. N. (1984). Revision of the self monitoring scale, Jour of Pers. and social Psy.46,1349-1364. Lennox, R. (1988). The problem with self-monitoring: a two-sided scaleand a one-sided theory, Jour. of Peers. Assess., 52(1), 58-73. Montgomery, R. L. and others (1987). The revise selfmonitoring scale and social skills, Southern Psy.asson. (3rd New Orleans), 79. Snvder, M. (1974). Self-monitoring of expressive behavior , Jour. of Pers. and Soc. Psy., 30, 4, 526-537. Snyder, M. & Gangestad, S. (1986). On the nature of selfmonitoring: Martters of assessment, matters of validity, Jour. of Pers. and Soc. Psy, 51 ,1, 125-139 Turner, R. G. (1978). Consistency, self-consciousness,and the predictive validity of typical and maximal personality measures,Jour. of Research in Personality , 12, 171-132. Turner, R. G. (1980). Self-monitoring and humor product tion, Jour. of Personality,48,2, 163-172. Wolfe, R etc. (1983). Self-monitoring and sex as moderator variables in the statistical explanation of self -reported marijauan andalcohol use, Jour. of Pers. and Soc. Psy.44,5, 1069-1074. zh_TW